I am going to start my cut now, And i want/need to do it with pharmas
Im planning on using T3 combined with CLEN.
Why am i doing this with two powerful substances instead of clean,
Well im currently on a Schedule, and i need to lose as much fat as possible in a short time
I am competing in powerlifting and i need to drop my weight before Nationals.
But i cant risk losing to much muscle mass or Having to restrict my calories too much.
I am currently bulking and i got 8 more pins of 300 Tren 500 Test. before my Cycle is over
I am not going of test completely and will instead be pinning 250 test every 7 days.
To spare muscleloss. while cutting.
I got a question on dosages and stuff
Currently 6’6 293lbs Bodyfat around 18% bf (got 2 Erectus showing and Transversus is very visible)
I have done a Cycle of Clen before and know i can handle around 120mcg/day while surviving the sides. High potassium diet, and enough taurine to prevent heart surges.
normally 8 1g tabs a day.
And i need help with the setup + things to take to prevent sides from T3
12.5mcg for 5-7 days (optional but recommended)
37.5mcg for 5 days
75mcg for 15 days Clen 60-120mcg ED ramping u
50mcg for 5 days
37.5mcg for 5 days
25mcg for 5 days 120mcg ED for 14 days
12.5 mcg for 5 days
6.25mcg for 5-7 days
My question is now,
For clen ill be eating High potassium and Taurine
For T3 ill be taking 250Test E e7d(or e5d) Should i be taking Arimidex aswell?
If i can handle 500Test E without it aromatazing shouldnt i be able to handle 250 with t3.
What else should i be taking to prevent complete shutdown of thyroid production.
And what should i take for PCT?