I love it! 44-3 right now. GO EAGELS!! Gods team…HA!!
What a great Christmas present this is.
Although, as a Giants fan, I have to admit the idea of playing Philly potentially again in the playoffs worries me a little. They are dangerous when they have their heads on right.
T.O probably bitchn and moaning for the ball during halftime in the locker room, as usual…
I thought it would have been a good game, not a one sided one though…
I was logging on to make this thread right now!! Fucker beat me to it!
Where you at RJ?
“The piss ants will be lucky to make the playoffs. The only road for them is the out of town. They won’t win the East. They won’t finish 2nd. if they make the playoffs, it will be as the lowest seeded team.”
Where the Giants at? #1 seed.
Where the Cowboys at? Goin back to golfing
[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
I was logging on to make this thread right now!! Fucker beat me to it!
Where you at RJ?
“The piss ants will be lucky to make the playoffs. The only road for them is the out of town. They won’t win the East. They won’t finish 2nd. if they make the playoffs, it will be as the lowest seeded team.”
Where the Giants at? #1 seed.
Where the Cowboys at? Goin back to golfing[/quote]
High Fives Fighting Irish
The Cowgirls can suck a long hard one. So who is going to be caught on camera crying? I got five on Romo.
[quote]Pootie Tang wrote:
The Cowgirls can suck a long hard one. So who is going to be caught on camera crying? I got five on Romo.[/quote]
The Cowboys and the Pats miss the playoffs…could this NFL season have ended any better?
Well - Dallas imploded. I said at the first of the season that if this happens , corky is gone. Look for the ax to come down pretty soon.
The Giants are the weakest team in the playoffs - even with their record. They are indeed lucky to have made it. They peaked WAY too early.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
The Giants are the weakest team in the playoffs - even with their record. They are indeed lucky to have made it.
I know you’re a cowgirls fan but come on now, give credit where credit is due.
Even my friends who are Patriots fans have admitted the Giants are one of the best teams in the league and deserved to win the Super Bowl.
[quote]Sonny S wrote:
rainjack wrote:
The Giants are the weakest team in the playoffs - even with their record. They are indeed lucky to have made it.
I know you’re a cowgirls fan but come on now, give credit where credit is due.
Even my friends who are Patriots fans have admitted the Giants are one of the best teams in the league and deserved to win the Super Bowl.
I don’t give a shit about last year’s Super Bowl. no one “deserves” to win dick. You either win or you lose.
At 12-4, it is an embarrassment to the NFC, for them to have home field advantage throughout the playoffs.
The puss-ants are what? A 500 ballclub over the last 6 weeks, including a loss to the hapless Cowboys?
The Eagles are gonna beat the Giants…the giants have looked weak the last three weeks…
Sorry ass Cowboys…they got ass raped.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
Well - Dallas imploded. I said at the first of the season that if this happens , corky is gone. Look for the ax to come down pretty soon.
The Giants are the weakest team in the playoffs - even with their record. They are indeed lucky to have made it. They peaked WAY too early.
You do know Arizona has a football team right? The Cards are by far the worst team in the play offs
[quote]rainjack wrote:
Well - Dallas imploded. I said at the first of the season that if this happens , corky is gone. Look for the ax to come down pretty soon.
The Giants are the weakest team in the playoffs - even with their record. They are indeed lucky to have made it. They peaked WAY too early.
There’s no chance in hell they are the weakest team in the playoffs. Get real. Luck? If you say so.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
Sonny S wrote:
rainjack wrote:
The Giants are the weakest team in the playoffs - even with their record. They are indeed lucky to have made it.
I know you’re a cowgirls fan but come on now, give credit where credit is due.
Even my friends who are Patriots fans have admitted the Giants are one of the best teams in the league and deserved to win the Super Bowl.
I don’t give a shit about last year’s Super Bowl. no one “deserves” to win dick. You either win or you lose.
At 12-4, it is an embarrassment to the NFC, for them to have home field advantage throughout the playoffs.
The puss-ants are what? A 500 ballclub over the last 6 weeks, including a loss to the hapless Cowboys?
You said it yourself. You either win or you lose. And the “pussants” (haha nice one there RJ) won 12 games, tying for the NFC’s best record while the choke artists some retards call “America’s team” won 9. That’s what, 9 straight years that they’ve lost the season finale? There’s always next year.
lol@ people thinking the cowboys stood a chance of shit.
New york still sucks balls… Eagles will beat them at home…Romo is a better QB than Elisha
As I die hard giant fan I will admit that the giants have been softer of late. But let’s get fucking real here for a minute. Firstly, today’s loss shouldn’t count for shit. I do believe that they had players sit out, and had backups and a fourth string running back play the entire second half.
Even sitting their best they still managed to only lose by 1 point to a fucking playoff team. Second, did you not see the game against Carolina? Any other team loses that game, and that includes any of the AFC teams as well. So until someone takes the Giants out when it counts, nobody has any thing to say. Period.
Oh and to the numbnuts above who thinks Romo is better that Eli I only have one thing to say . … . when’s Romo getting his Super MVP? Oh yeah, you would have to win a playoff game first? Just saying . . . .
[quote]luigisacs wrote:
As I die hard giant fan I will admit that the giants have been softer of late. But let’s get fucking real here for a minute. Firstly, today’s loss shouldn’t count for shit. I do believe that they had players sit out, and had backups and a fourth string running back play the entire second half.
Even sitting their best they still managed to only lose by 1 point to a fucking playoff team. Second, did you not see the game against Carolina? Any other team loses that game, and that includes any of the AFC teams as well. So until someone takes the Giants out when it counts, nobody has any thing to say. Period.
Oh and to the numbnuts above who thinks Romo is better that Eli I only have one thing to say . … . when’s Romo getting his Super MVP? Oh yeah, you would have to win a playoff game first? Just saying . . . .[/quote]
RJ’s delusional at this point because of the beating his team took.
The Giants lost today because there was nothing to play for, and you can’t get guys hurt in what amounts to, more or less, a preseason game.
They hit a rough spot against the Cowboys and Eagles because they’re division rivals that they had to play right after the whole Plax incident, but they came back and beat the other best team in the NFC, the Panthers.
You’re an accountant RJ- don’t that mean you believe numbers can’t lie?
12-4. Believe that.
The down syndrome quarterback brothers in the super bowl against each other.
Eli is just better coached…a sorry ass horse face looking Qb, who may I add all New York hated…remember…