How big can your abs get?

I think there are two points to be made here.

  1. Posture
    Dave Tate recomends arching your back and pushing out your stomach.
    This could cause a stretching of the Rectus Abdominus and a shortening of the erector spinae. So, the buldging some might be experiencing may be a result of an anterior pelvic tilt. The idea being that the pelvis is pulled in the back by the tight erectors and the loose Abdominal muscles can’t countact them. This will give you that “sway back” look that some powerlifters have. To fix this, stregthen your retcus abdominus with low rep, load ab exercises. Also, stretch your hip flexor muscles because they also pull your pelvis down. Your abs will never be as strong as you erectors, but if you stretch you low back, it’ll help decrease the problem as well. Now I realize this doesn’t translate into powerlifting, but I get the feeling that Chris isn’t a powerlifter. If you have an excessive curve in your lower back, then try the steps above.

  2. The “belly of air debate” is tough because I don’t ever disagree with Dave Tate but I find that filling my belly with air and then contracting my abs provides a much more solid base for a lift than simply sticking it out. Your abs are able to contract aginst resistance (air in gut) and maintain spinal integrity a lot better (again, not powerlifting). Peace

You asses, do you actually think that holding air in your belly will stretch your musculature, muscle don’t really stretch, it’s only the degree of contraction or relaxation in the muscle, you just get big muscles from squatting, not loose stretchy ones.

Phil, I know you think you know what you’re talking about, but you probably don’t understand what I/we are talking about. No offence, just no need for the guns a blazin’.