Hey I heard the cheap ass calipers are actually quite accurate esp for the money...
Anyone agree, disagree?
I think they are somewhat accurate to a point but i wouldn’t empasize direct measures from them. I worked with a nice spring loaded $300 caliper and I know for sure its given true results.
For the money a cheap caliper is not bad, but just realize it’s not an exact measurment because there are 3 factors affecting the accuracy of the caliper: 1.) Type of caliper, Compressibility of skinn, and the actuall skill of the user.
got ya serd, I'll get em on the cheap, and just watch for fluctuation over accuracy..thanks. TB
Go with the Slimguide calipers. They are spring loaded and give consistant readings unlike those shitty Accumeasure (wait for the click) calipers, or whatever they are called.
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall…that’s the cheapest of them all!
Most folks don’t need to know exact BF%, all that really matters is how you perform in the gym and how you look in the mirror. IMO…
[quote]koots wrote:
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall…that’s the cheapest of them all!
Most folks don’t need to know exact BF%, all that really matters is how you perform in the gym and how you look in the mirror. IMO…[/quote]
Yeah I know, good point. That's what I have been doing as I decided not to get the cheapies after thinking about it. I'll see how much those spring loaded suckas are. Probably too much, so I will probably keep using the mirror.
thanks for the info guys.
UPDATE: Well they seem to be 19.95 everywhere. That's not too bad, they're supposed to be pretty accurate so I think I'll pick em up.
I just want to get a numerical rating just to see where I stand give or take...
Hell they're only 5 bucks more than the cheap ass accuwhatever's are, yet are the most widely used across the globe, so wtf..lol.
see ya.