This is either stupid or genius but probably stupid. Back when I lived at my old place I had the chance of working out at a really nice golds gym. I took the hardcore spinning classes along with my lifting.
Looking back the cardio we did there was more like a HIIT and I was taking cytogainer before and after going to the gym. I was very happy with my body then since I was very lean and I had put a decent amount of muscle. I think it was some sort of sweetspot as far as amount of calories being used while leaving enough to build lean muscle.
So now that my life is a lot busier and the gym available is super crap I don’t get the same cardio workouts that I did before.
So I was wondering if me taking HOT-ROX, cytogainer and doing my regular workout would actually be benefitial to controlling the amount of fat I put on while putting on weight?
If this makes no sense either then let me know why.
thanks guys