HOT-ROX vs HOT-ROX Extreme

So I was thinking about adding a fat burner to do a cut, and I came across this product. Then I came across the “extreme” version.

They have almost identical ingredients, except one uses Sclaremax while the other uses Carbolin 19 in the formula. And it has Piperine listed before Yohimbine.

Original HOT-ROX comes in a 72 cap bottle, with 475g per cap. Extreme comes in a larger 110 cap bottle, with 500g per cap. Even though the Extreme only has 60.8% more ingredients (55g > 34.2g), the price is 100% higher! ($40 > $20)

Does anyone have experience with either or both of these supplements? How about Carbolin 19 itself?

I’m sure the Extreme version has other ingredients too, such as raspberry extract.

I’ve used both versions (HRX Max strength and Extreme) and found that extreme had a lot more of an energy effect on me - I was buzzing all day long.

Never tried the “original” HOT-ROX, but I would’ve thought it even weaker.

Carbolin 19 gave me better pumps and vascularity, and has been shown to help you keep fat low on a bulk, or keep muslce on a cut - great ingredient in my opinion.

Yeah I’ve tried HOT-ROX Extreme and was impressed, but was looking at giving the older HOT-ROX a whirl to save come cash? Can anyone else report differences? How does the older HOT-ROX compare to MD6?

I got a response from Biotest. Basically they said the active ingredients are identical, but in different ratios. They said Carbolin 19 was more suitable for ‘physique athletes’.

It looks like for most people, sticking with regular HOT-ROX is the best. You’ll save quite a bit of money.

I just wish they would tell us how much caffeine is in there. I took too much caffeine today because of something else I took with HOT-ROX, and just got over a bout of caffeine intoxication. That was scary to say the least :frowning:

I’ over my caffeine intoxication, but the next day I am getting the odd heart palpitation. Since that can definitely be caused by too much T3 and T4, I decided to discontinue using HOT-ROX.

Of course, it can also be caused by other things I am doing, like diet and exercise. But I think it’s just too risky to be taking supplements where there is little to no information on what you are actually putting into your body.

[quote]lowlight wrote:
I’ over my caffeine intoxication, but the next day I am getting the odd heart palpitation. Since that can definitely be caused by too much T3 and T4, I decided to discontinue using HOT-ROX.

Of course, it can also be caused by other things I am doing, like diet and exercise. But I think it’s just too risky to be taking supplements where there is little to no information on what you are actually putting into your body.[/quote]

If you don’t feel “well” when taking a certain supplement, then you’ve done the right thing by discontinuing it.

I’m going to revive this dead thread since I am curious as well.

HOT-ROX - $20

HOT-ROX Extreme - $46