Hope for Small Amounts of BCAA's

Hey guys, I recently started working out again and the first two supplements that I am invested in are whey protein, and recently BCAAs. I was wondering when do I take BCAAs, and how much do I take. Just on lifting days, or also on cardio days? or how about off days? Thing is, I dont have too much money to keep taking like 30 grams every day, so hopefully the little I have will suffice. I payed like $30 for 500 grams. Thank you.


I pop a handful midway into my workout. I’m currently dieting, so I’m trying to preserve as much LBM as possible. I find this helps my recovery a bit, and hopefully slows the rise of cortisol levels from training.


Im taking a powder form, how much do I take and when?

Well, I’m certainly no authority on the subject (and certainly not well off financially either), but I take about 2-3g each session. I view it as more of a safety measure than as a growth assistance.


[quote]Big_Pappa wrote:
Hey guys, I recently started working out again and the first two supplements that I am invested in are whey protein, and recently BCAAs. I was wondering when do I take BCAAs, and how much do I take. Just on lifting days, or also on cardio days? or how about off days? Thing is, I dont have too much money to keep taking like 30 grams every day, so hopefully the little I have will suffice. I payed like $30 for 500 grams. Thank you. [/quote]

If you are on a budget, I would recommend Surge over BCAA on their own. Surge has BCAA in it, and proper PWO nutrition will get you farther than BCAA alone.

You only need 12-1500 milligrams post workout to boost hormone levels(cortisol) and immune function aiding in recovery. That’s the only dose that’s EVER been proven to do anything. Grams a day is a money flush and can probably throw off your bodies natural balance.

[quote]–X-- wrote:
You only need 12-1500 milligrams post workout to boost hormone levels(cortisol) and immune function aiding in recovery. That’s the only dose that’s EVER been proven to do anything. Grams a day is a money flush and can probably throw off your bodies natural balance.[/quote]

Natural balance of amino acids?

Better not eat too much protein then cause you’ll throw of your natural amino acid balance.

Many thing haven’t been scientifically proven, but are known to work in real life. BCAA supplementation is one of them.

I recently bought a big tub(1 kg) of BCAAs.
I am adding 20g to my 1.5 scoop Surge which has about 10g.
Thibs and some of the other coaches have been talking about how large doses has led to some impressive improvements in lbm. And even if the gains are small, $50 for like 3.5 months, worth a shot, even if it only helps preserve lean mass on my dieting. I will evaluate the experience when I am done. Hell, I think Thibs was talking about experimenting with up to like 80g.

And I don’t think you can throw of your bodies natural balance of amino acids. When taken in from the diet or cannibalized from proteins in the body the AAs are put into the amino acid pool, used to build body tissues, used in gluconeogenisis, have their CC bonds broken for energy, or turned into fat to be stored like all excess energy.

CT says any less than 30 grams peri-workout, don’t bother. I’d link to a quote, but check the Thib Zone, it’s in there about 100 times.

peri means around or near, so it includes pre, during, and post.

[quote]atypicaluser wrote:
CT says any less than 30 grams peri-workout, don’t bother. I’d link to a quote, but check the Thib Zone, it’s in there about 100 times. [/quote]

that sounds ridiculous to me

I’m pretty sure the bio-availability of bcaas is far under 30g, I think it’s around 4-5g per hour, and I speculate there is diminishing effectiveness after the first 2-3 grams.

they ARE trying to sell a product here. When I did a sheiko variation I tried taking a ton of bcaas and imo it didn’t make any difference. With the difference in opinion being between scientific research and the suggestions of an employee of a site recommending mega-dosing one of it’s products, I’m gonna have to go with the scientists. Could be wrong though, but I don’t think so and I don’t think it’s worth 25 extra bcaa per workout to find out


[quote]actionjeff wrote:
atypicaluser wrote:
CT says any less than 30 grams peri-workout, don’t bother. I’d link to a quote, but check the Thib Zone, it’s in there about 100 times.

that sounds ridiculous to me

I’m pretty sure the bio-availability of bcaas is far under 30g, I think it’s around 4-5g per hour, and I speculate there is diminishing effectiveness after the first 2-3 grams.

they ARE trying to sell a product here. When I did a sheiko variation I tried taking a ton of bcaas and imo it didn’t make any difference. With the difference in opinion being between scientific research and the suggestions of an employee of a site recommending mega-dosing one of it’s products, I’m gonna have to go with the scientists. Could be wrong though, but I don’t think so and I don’t think it’s worth 25 extra bcaa per workout to find out


Not to mention the affect of 30grams on a 250 lb weight lifter will have a different affect of 30 grams on a 150 lb lifter.

[quote]actionjeff wrote:
atypicaluser wrote:
CT says any less than 30 grams peri-workout, don’t bother. I’d link to a quote, but check the Thib Zone, it’s in there about 100 times.

that sounds ridiculous to me

I’m pretty sure the bio-availability of bcaas is far under 30g, I think it’s around 4-5g per hour, and I speculate there is diminishing effectiveness after the first 2-3 grams.

they ARE trying to sell a product here. When I did a sheiko variation I tried taking a ton of bcaas and imo it didn’t make any difference. With the difference in opinion being between scientific research and the suggestions of an employee of a site recommending mega-dosing one of it’s products, I’m gonna have to go with the scientists. Could be wrong though, but I don’t think so and I don’t think it’s worth 25 extra bcaa per workout to find out


Ridiculous it might be. But there are guys injecting themselves with 10-50times a man’s normal physiological level of testosterone and that’s ridiculous too but what can we say other than the proof is in the pudding.

While I don’t directly take isolated BCAA’s I have a protein shake before during and after my workout. Each shake is about 50g protein, about 10g of that is the 3 BCAA’s. So I’m getting 30g around my workout. I notice a big difference.

Sometimes ridiculous works

[quote]actionjeff wrote:
atypicaluser wrote:
CT says any less than 30 grams peri-workout, don’t bother. I’d link to a quote, but check the Thib Zone, it’s in there about 100 times.

that sounds ridiculous to me

I’m pretty sure the bio-availability of bcaas is far under 30g, I think it’s around 4-5g per hour, and I speculate there is diminishing effectiveness after the first 2-3 grams.

they ARE trying to sell a product here. When I did a sheiko variation I tried taking a ton of bcaas and imo it didn’t make any difference. With the difference in opinion being between scientific research and the suggestions of an employee of a site recommending mega-dosing one of it’s products, I’m gonna have to go with the scientists. Could be wrong though, but I don’t think so and I don’t think it’s worth 25 extra bcaa per workout to find out


Do you really think Thibs is ONLY taking Biotest BCAA tabs? At 60-70g doses, I doubt it. Possible, but unlikely. That’s enough tabs in an hour to choke on (about 48-50 tabs) and a bottle would only last 5 days. I would bet he’s using a powder as well as tabs. Powder is MUCH cheaper.

I’ve seen the post by Thib and he didn’t even mention it was Biotest BCAA’s. He only cited doses, timing, and results. Besides, the statement was about peri-workout only. There are many other ways to dose BCAA’s. Like 5x5 per day, only at night before bed, middle of the night, etc.

I would like to see this “scientific evidence” that says more than 30g is above bioavailability. If you’ve really seen this info your “I’m pretty sure” statement should have been a link to the study. You also would’t have to “speculate” that 2-3 grams is the upper limit. So if these studies you’ve seen from scientists exist, let’s see them. Hopefully it was run better than the “6 eggs a week is ok but 7 aweek increasses mortality in men by 20% study”.

Just cause a scientist says so, doesn’t make it so.



Here is an article by Berardi, it covers the advantages of BCAA quite well, though he doesn’t go into dosing during it. I haven’t had time to read the cited research yet, but it is on my todo list.

i guess we didnt reach a consensus on how much I should take and when?
Btw, is peri-workout pre-workout? I see this world an often amount.

[quote]Big_Pappa wrote:
i guess we didnt reach a consensus on how much I should take and when?
Btw, is peri-workout pre-workout? I see this world an often amount. [/quote]

Peri-workout is before, during and after workouts.

[quote]Big_Pappa wrote:
i guess we didnt reach a consensus on how much I should take and when?
Btw, is peri-workout pre-workout? I see this world an often amount. [/quote]

peri = around. This would include just before, during, and just after.


Oh, and as far as how much you should take, I would suggest taking as much as is affordable for you to take. However, I would suggest taking 30-40g for a longer period of time than 60-70g for a shorter period. Does this help?
