Woops, missed the top post, sorry guys and thanks.
[quote]cueball wrote:
actionjeff wrote:
atypicaluser wrote:
CT says any less than 30 grams peri-workout, don’t bother. I’d link to a quote, but check the Thib Zone, it’s in there about 100 times.
that sounds ridiculous to me
I’m pretty sure the bio-availability of bcaas is far under 30g, I think it’s around 4-5g per hour, and I speculate there is diminishing effectiveness after the first 2-3 grams.
they ARE trying to sell a product here. When I did a sheiko variation I tried taking a ton of bcaas and imo it didn’t make any difference. With the difference in opinion being between scientific research and the suggestions of an employee of a site recommending mega-dosing one of it’s products, I’m gonna have to go with the scientists. Could be wrong though, but I don’t think so and I don’t think it’s worth 25 extra bcaa per workout to find out
Do you really think Thibs is ONLY taking Biotest BCAA tabs? At 60-70g doses, I doubt it. Possible, but unlikely. That’s enough tabs in an hour to choke on (about 48-50 tabs) and a bottle would only last 5 days. I would bet he’s using a powder as well as tabs. Powder is MUCH cheaper.
I’ve seen the post by Thib and he didn’t even mention it was Biotest BCAA’s. He only cited doses, timing, and results. Besides, the statement was about peri-workout only. There are many other ways to dose BCAA’s. Like 5x5 per day, only at night before bed, middle of the night, etc.
I would like to see this “scientific evidence” that says more than 30g is above bioavailability. If you’ve really seen this info your “I’m pretty sure” statement should have been a link to the study. You also would’t have to “speculate” that 2-3 grams is the upper limit. So if these studies you’ve seen from scientists exist, let’s see them. Hopefully it was run better than the “6 eggs a week is ok but 7 aweek increasses mortality in men by 20% study”.
Just cause a scientist says so, doesn’t make it so.
I’ve read a few times the max bioavailability of bcaas is 5g per hour. I’ll have to research it more to find the articles again. I’m not saying it would be bad to take a lot, but just shoving 20+ into your mouth in an hour and a half workout session doesn’t make much sense, especially when most people’s PWO drinks already have BCAA’s.
Now there could certainly be benefit to spreading a larger amount throughout the day and PWO, and I am no expert on this, but the whole mega dosing peri-workout seems kind of useless. I hope someone else better informed can respond, I’ll take a look for those studies I saw. this thread has some info for now http://www.T-Nation.com/tmagnum/readTopic.do?id=1880442
[quote]actionjeff wrote:
I’ve read a few times the max bioavailability of bcaas is 5g per hour. I’ll have to research it more to find the articles again. I’m not saying it would be bad to take a lot, but just shoving 20+ into your mouth in an hour and a half workout session doesn’t make much sense, especially when most people’s PWO drinks already have BCAA’s.
Now there could certainly be benefit to spreading a larger amount throughout the day and PWO, and I am no expert on this, but the whole mega dosing peri-workout seems kind of useless. I hope someone else better informed can respond, I’ll take a look for those studies I saw. this thread has some info for now http://www.T-Nation.com/tmagnum/readTopic.do?id=1880442
You need to try it for yourself - the strength gains and overall good feeling I’ve experienced from using 20-30g peri-workout are great.
[quote]actionjeff wrote:
I’ve read a few times the max bioavailability of bcaas is 5g per hour. I’ll have to research it more to find the articles again. I’m not saying it would be bad to take a lot, but just shoving 20+ into your mouth in an hour and a half workout session doesn’t make much sense, especially when most people’s PWO drinks already have BCAA’s.
Now there could certainly be benefit to spreading a larger amount throughout the day and PWO, and I am no expert on this, but the whole mega dosing peri-workout seems kind of useless. I hope someone else better informed can respond, I’ll take a look for those studies I saw. this thread has some info for now http://www.T-Nation.com/tmagnum/readTopic.do?id=1880442
If you can find any literature that relates to the bioavailability of BCAAs being only 5g/hour, I’d love to see it. After seeing your post I scoured the internet and PubMed for hours and could find nothing relating to any maximum amount of amino acid bioavailability.
The only time I saw “5g/hour” was in a paper which stated that, during physical activity, the body may oxidize as much as 5g in an hour. This, of course, is referring to the catabolic breakdown of BCAAs from the amino acid pool and skeletal muscle, which is what we’re trying to avoid by supplementation with more BCAAs. Furthermore, this is referring to the oxidation of BCAAs into citric acid cycle intermediates, but neglects the other roles of BCAAs, such as anabolic signaling an decreasing levels of fatigue markers. The effects of BCAAs go beyond their use as energy substrates.
Leucine, one of the BCAA, triggers an insulin response, especially when combined with carbohydrates; an insulin response that is significantly greater than carbohydrates alone. The sources for the article by Berardi that I posted above talk about this in some detail. I have not found information that puts a limit on the bioavailability of BCAAs. Most of the research that I have read on BCAAs hasn’t talked about doses or bioabailability, so I am going to keep doing what I am doing and try to make an objective decision.
[quote]NewDamage wrote:
actionjeff wrote:
I’ve read a few times the max bioavailability of bcaas is 5g per hour. I’ll have to research it more to find the articles again. I’m not saying it would be bad to take a lot, but just shoving 20+ into your mouth in an hour and a half workout session doesn’t make much sense, especially when most people’s PWO drinks already have BCAA’s.
Now there could certainly be benefit to spreading a larger amount throughout the day and PWO, and I am no expert on this, but the whole mega dosing peri-workout seems kind of useless. I hope someone else better informed can respond, I’ll take a look for those studies I saw. this thread has some info for now http://www.T-Nation.com/tmagnum/readTopic.do?id=1880442
man I definitely read a study linked on here recently about this! I can’t find it either though
I’ll give 20+ g a try again since some of you guys seem to really love this stuff. Maybe I’m missing out afterall!
If you can find any literature that relates to the bioavailability of BCAAs being only 5g/hour, I’d love to see it. After seeing your post I scoured the internet and PubMed for hours and could find nothing relating to any maximum amount of amino acid bioavailability.
The only time I saw “5g/hour” was in a paper which stated that, during physical activity, the body may oxidize as much as 5g in an hour. This, of course, is referring to the catabolic breakdown of BCAAs from the amino acid pool and skeletal muscle, which is what we’re trying to avoid by supplementation with more BCAAs. Furthermore, this is referring to the oxidation of BCAAs into citric acid cycle intermediates, but neglects the other roles of BCAAs, such as anabolic signaling an decreasing levels of fatigue markers. The effects of BCAAs go beyond their use as energy substrates.[/quote]
If you google “bulk bcaa powder” you can find a website selling a 25 kg drum of bcaa powder. 55 pounds of freaking bcaas.