Saturday - AM: 45 mins walk 1st thing
PM: 60 mins rugby, played ok, got a few carries and tackles in, gave a couple of penalties away though, one of which was for a high tackle that thanks to the RFU is now illegal yet last time I played perfectly acceptable and safe, quite a few pens going in for these kind of shots. Nothing like tinkering with a sport to avoid an litigious action.
There’s no substitute for the rugby conditioning though, you can do as many hill sprint sessions, WOD’s etc but nothing can replicate the intensity of running around for 60 mins whacking and being whacked by other large men.
Today - Full body 1000% awesome, week eleven, workout one, 5s week
Zercher Squat:
78kg x5
90kg x5
102kg x12
Swiss Bar Bench FSL 62kg 5x5
Weighted Chins 10kg - 8,9,9,8
BW - 12,11
DB SLDL 40kg - 3x10
Elevated Banded Pressups - 14,14,15,14
Banded Crunches - 2x15
Daily Work
Pullaparts x65
Neck x60
Pushdowns x30
Curls x35
Calves x50
This was the first workout of the template where I’ve had a bad workout however, everything hurts from Saturday. And I mean everything, traps, neck, head, shoulders, forearms, biceps, chest, hamstrings, quads and ankles are all still sore. Really lacked the energy and motivation to get this done today but it’s down. Given all of that I’ll still take the numbers on that session.