Home Shed Gym 5/3/1 - Focusing on the Iron

Full body 1000% awesome, week eight, workout one, start of 5s week

Zercher Squat:
75kg x5
86kg x5
98kg x5

Swiss Bar bench 82kg 7x5

Weighted Chins 16kg - 5x8
DB SLDL 40kg - 4x10
Elevated banded press-ups black band - 3x15

Daily work
Pullaparts x60
Neck x50
Pushdowns x35
Curls x25
Core x40
Calves x30


5 mile run in 44:14 which was nearly 3 mins quicker than the last time I did it.

Full body 1000% awesome, week eight, workout two

BB Deadlift:
101kg x5
116kg x5
132kg x5

Incline BB Bench 77kg 5x5

DB 1 arm Row 45kg - 5x10 (each arm)
Suitcase Deadlift 28kg - 2x10 (each leg)
HLR 1x10
DB 1 arm Press 35kg - 2x9 (each arm)

Daily Work
Pullaparts x60
Neck x60
Calves x55
Pushdowns x0
Curls x0

Ran a bit short of time, would have liked to have knocked another couple of sets of accessory work out. Incline bench continues to feel strong, not planning to cycle any kind of overhead press back in as main work for a while.


x11 sprints followed by 20 mins recovery walk.
Need to stick the vest back on to make this a bit harder, wasn’t particularly fatigued.


Full body 1000% awesome, week eight, workout Three

SSB Squats 108kg 5x5

Swiss Bar Bench:
62kg x5
72kg x5
82kg x5


BW pull-ups - 12, 12, 10, 11
Weighted Back ext 20kg - 3x10
Overhead plate raises 20kg - 15, 18, 17

Daily work
Pullaparts x75
Neck x45
Pushdowns x35
Curls x0
Core x0

Bit off plan today, daughter was up after 4th set of squats so quickly got the last set in and went in to sort her meds out and get her dressed. Managed to squeeze the bench in plus some off plan accessory work just to get reps in which worked out reasonable well. Would have like to some more squats in as they felt really good, the Zerchers have been great in that regard as I’m forward tilting more when squatting which is working well for me. Will be looking at including both Zercher and SSB squats in the BBS cycle after this template is done


x7 hill sprints followed by 1 mile walk. All done with 8kg weighted vest.


Got some conditioning in yesterday morning

95kg trap bar dead’s
20kg KB cleans
22.5kg Flat DB Bench

Epic fail
Did first 4 rounds (so completed reps 20-17 across exercises) and took about 23 mins to get that far, bit off stupidly more than I could chew and realised I wouldn’t have anywhere near the time for it as we had a early hospital appointment for my daughter. Then drove up to hotel in the Lake District and then up to Scotland today. Plan for this holiday week is running and bodyweight stuff at least 3 days


3.5 mile run this morning around a loch, certainly beats trudging round the canals of Walsall where if you’re lucky you won’t see some kind of burnt out motor vehicle

This is the view upon stepping outside our accommodation


Full body 1000% awesome, week nine, workout one
Start of 1s week and last week of the anchor
Zercher Squat:
86kg x5
98kg x5
109kg x5

Swiss Bar Bench 82kg 7x5

DB SLDL 40kg - 10, 12, 12, 12
Weighted chins 16kg - 7, 6 12.5kg - 8, 8, BW x12
Feet elevated banded press-ups black and red band - 10, 11, 11

Daily work
Pullaparts x80
Neck x50
Core x50
Pushdowns x35
Curls x20
Calves x50

Went better than expected apart from the chins, can only assume it’s as I’m having to lift up extra weight after being a fatty for a week. Having said that I did get some workouts in, mainly running but did get some sea swimming done.


Yesterday x7 hill sprints followed by recovery walk in 8kg weighted vest

Full body 1000% awesome, week nine, workout two

BB Deadlift:
116kg x5
132kg x5
147kg x5

Incline bench 77kg 5x5

1 arm DB row 40kg - 4x10
Suitcase deadlift 28kg - 10, 12, 12
1 arm DB bench 35kg - 8, 8, 10, dropset 19kg x20
Reps are each side

Daily work
Pullaparts x60
Neck x75
Pushdowns x45
Curls x30
Core x30
Calves x45


Yesterday x8 hill sprints followed by short recovery walk done in 8kg weighted vest

Full body 1000% awesome, week nine, workout three

SSB squats 108kg 7x5

Swiss Bar Bench:
72kg x5
82kg x5
92kg x5

Swiss bar bent over row 70kg -10, 12, 12, 12
Seated BB OHP 40kg x12, 50kg - 3x8
Weighted back extensions 20kg - 3x10
HLR 2x10

Daily work
Pullaparts x80
Unbroken empty BB curls x57
Pushdowns x35
Neck x50

That’s the end of the anchor, leader starts on Sunday. Added in some seated BB OHP on accessory work to build up some practise and volume as I’ll be using it as my press for the next template. Will keep the incline bench as an accessory using SST principles going forward.


Conditioning - WOD
X4 rounds for time
12 KB goblet Squats 32kg
6 pull-ups
16 bike calories
Done in 08:34
Followed by:
X7 KB snatches 20kg each arm
1 mine steady pace on bike
X5 rounds


Yesterday - 5 mile run in 44:35, bit slower than last time, first mile sucks the worst then I kind of get into a groove so not actually minding doing these.

Full body 1000% awesome, week ten, workout one, 3s week and start of anchor

Zercher Squat:
84kg x3
96kg x3
108kg x11
120kg x3
130kg x3

Swiss Bar Bench FSL 67kg 5x5

Weighted Chins 10kg - 11, 10, 11, 10, 10
DB SLDL 40kg - 3x12
Elevated band press-ups red - 16, 16, 17, 20
BW sit ups - 17, 20

Daily work
Pullaparts x80
Neck x65
Pushdowns x45
Curls x30

Zercher topset was good but some way short of a new PR when I hit 132kg for 9 reps a couple of years ago. I was somewhat heavier and more versed in the Zercher at the time. Also, reflecting on the chins when I ran Krypteia about 12 months ago I was struggling with 5kg for 5 sets of 10 so that’s progressed nicely, about the same body weight I was then too



WaLRUS Challenge 2:
25 chins
50 press-ups
125 squats
Done with 8kg weighted vest in 13 odd mins, interspersed with some daily work which I couldn’t be arsed recording.
Then followed with said weighted vest on 30 mins on the bike at a steady pace.

Woke up feeling a bit sore and with deadlifts tomorrow decided to opt for some easy conditioning hence why I went with the 8kg vest and opted against sticking anymore weight on it


Full body 1000% awesome, week ten, workout two, 3s week (anchor)

BB Deadlift:
112kg x3
128kg x3
144kg x9
160kg x3

Incline BB Bench FSL 64kg 5x5

KB Suitcase Deadlift 28kg - 1x10, 3x12
HLR - 2x10
Flat Bench DB 1 arm press 30kg - 3x12
EZ bar Skullcrusher 27.5kg - 14,15
Kroc Row 40kg x23
1 arm DB row 40kg - 10,12,12

Daily Work
Neck x60
Pullaparts x60
Calves x35
Curls x30
Pushdowns x0

This one took a while, about 70 mins including warmup. Wanted to get into double digits with the deadlift but 9 reps is still an improvement on when I did my last PR set during fat loss and prep template, could have probably ground out another rep but wouldn’t have been a good one.


Conditioning today, did 8 hill sprints followed by 20 mins walk in 8kg vest


Full body 1000% awesome, week ten, workout three, 3s week (anchor)

SSB Squats FSL 98kg 5x5

Swiss Bar Bench:
67kg x3
77kg x3
86kg x10
95kg x3
100kg x3

Swiss Bar Row 70kg - 5x12
Weighted Back Extensions 20kg - 10,12,12,12
Pallof Press - 2x10
Seated BB OHP 55kg - 6,8,7,6
DB Lateral Raise 14kg - 12,14

Daily Work
Pullaparts x85

That’s a wrap on 3’s week, been reasonably good so far, todays PR set on bench comes out to an estimated 1rm of 115kg which is 1kg less than my all time PR which I set when I was about 15lbs heavier so I’d call that progress. Diet this week’s been focused on performance so more carbs prior to and post workouts and eating a little bit more throughout the day, conditioning days I’ve been eating less than lifting days. Will check my bodyweight out at the end of this week. Workouts have been exceeding an hour but not surprising given an increase in accessory work and also throwing in some joker sets on the main lift for the day.
Will try and get some unbroken BB curls and pushdowns in later if I get 5.


Easy conditioning - 40 mins steady pace whilst watching episode of the Lincoln Lawyer, definitely makes it lot less boring. Been roped into rugby tomorrow hence taking it easy. Weighed in at 214lbs this morning, prior to holiday was 210lbs. Given the increase in volume this week plus extra calories and had a fair amount of bbq last night it’s unsurprising. Will keep a closer eye on bodyweight next few weeks as goal for the anchor is performance but don’t particularly want to put much bodyweight on, yet.


Saturday - AM: 45 mins walk 1st thing
PM: 60 mins rugby, played ok, got a few carries and tackles in, gave a couple of penalties away though, one of which was for a high tackle that thanks to the RFU is now illegal yet last time I played perfectly acceptable and safe, quite a few pens going in for these kind of shots. Nothing like tinkering with a sport to avoid an litigious action.

There’s no substitute for the rugby conditioning though, you can do as many hill sprint sessions, WOD’s etc but nothing can replicate the intensity of running around for 60 mins whacking and being whacked by other large men.

Today - Full body 1000% awesome, week eleven, workout one, 5s week

Zercher Squat:
78kg x5
90kg x5
102kg x12

Swiss Bar Bench FSL 62kg 5x5

Weighted Chins 10kg - 8,9,9,8
BW - 12,11
DB SLDL 40kg - 3x10
Elevated Banded Pressups - 14,14,15,14
Banded Crunches - 2x15

Daily Work
Pullaparts x65
Neck x60
Pushdowns x30
Curls x35
Calves x50

This was the first workout of the template where I’ve had a bad workout however, everything hurts from Saturday. And I mean everything, traps, neck, head, shoulders, forearms, biceps, chest, hamstrings, quads and ankles are all still sore. Really lacked the energy and motivation to get this done today but it’s down. Given all of that I’ll still take the numbers on that session.


Conditioning x7 hill sprints followed by 20 mins walk all in 8kg vest. Sans coffee after I spilt all the pot 1st thing, that and some heavy legs made for a challenging session


This is always impressive work…

But that’s just crazy.

Keep it up, brother!

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