Home Shed Gym 5/3/1 - Focusing on the Iron

Managed to find 10 mins and did an easy WOD
10 KB swings 24kg
10 press-ups
10 sit-ups
10 air squats
X10 rounds in 9 mins odd


Full body 1000% awesome, week six, workout one, start of 1’s week

Bought forward a day to reap benefits of cheat meal last night

Zercher Squat
83kg x5
94kg x5
105kg x5

Swiss Bar Bench 80kg 7x5

Weighted pull-ups 2.5kg 1x8, 4x9
Swiss Bar Glute Bridge 85kg - 11, 2x12
Banded press-ups black and red - 3x15

Daily work
Pullaparts x50
Calves x45
Neck x45
Curls x40
Pushdowns x40

Added reps to all the accessory work bar glute bridge which was a weight increase. Bought 2 12kg chains which arrived yesterday and tried to use those in place of bands but couldn’t position properly on my own, they’re also very noisy just jostling them into position which given I train between 5 and 6 could be an issue so might have just wasted my money there


Hard conditioning
X8 BW hill sprints followed by 1 mile recovery walk
Planned for more given it was sans weighted vest but kids had other ideas. Pretty happy with the speed of these (for me)


Full body 1000% awesome, week six, workout two

BB Deadlifts:
113kg x5
128kg x5
143kg x5

Incline Bench 76kg 5x5

DB Chest Supported Row 35kg - 5x10
Pallof Press Thick Green Band - 2x10,2x12
1 arm DB Press x0

Daily Work
Face Pull x40
Neck x60
Pushdowns x10
Curls x0

Daughter was up so this was done in under 40 hence lack of work. Her sleeps been awful recently, her magnesium ran out a couple of weeks ago and we didn’t order anymore as we didn’t think it was doing anything, would appear it was! Got some more on Saturday so hopefully things will go back to normal soon enough.


Full body 1000% awesome, week six, workout three

SSB Squats 106kg 5x5
Did a set with 60kg plus the x2 12kg chains, was noisy as fuck, could probably do with seeing if the volume is amplified as I’m in a smaller space or if it’s something audible to others.

Swiss Bar Bench
71kg x5
80kg x5
89kg x5

Weighted Chins 12.5kg - 11,10,10,11
1 arm DB Flat Bench 35kg - 7,8,8,8 (each side)
Back Extensions 15kg - 12,14,14

Daily Work:
Pullaparts x70
Core x10
Curls x15
Pushdowns x25
Neck x45

End of 1’s week and the second cycle.
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, going for a 3rd cycle on this leader before heading into the anchor. Adding reps on accessory and the weights on main work feel fine so upping TM’s for next cycle. Will get a weigh in done tomorrow to see where I am


Hard Conditioning
x9 hill sprints, bodyweight. Again, pace was pretty quick (for me anyway).
Weigh in this morning at 210lbs, down another couple of lbs so averaging out just under 1lb per week. Doubtless my metabolism will be reduced a bit despite the weekly cheat meal as I’ve been dieting a while now. Holiday in a couple of weeks though but planning to diet for the rest of this template which will take me up to the start of September.


Easy Conditioning
2.5 mile weighted vest walk first thing before breakfast

Followed 3.5 hours later by:
AMRAP in 20 mins
x2 20kg KB double front squats
x2 24kg KB Swing
x2 situps
x2 20kg KB double cleans
+2 reps each round until it hits 10 reps then move to:
x2 burpees
x2 20kg KB double bent over row
x2 pressups
x2 24kg KB High Pull

  • 2 reps each round until it hits 10 reps then move to
    x2 Pullups
    x2 banded crunch
    x2 banded GM’s
    x2 20kg KB Snatch each arm
    Got to round 6 on this one

Bit of inspiration from Wodwell, ended up adapting and growing it


Full body 1000% awesome, week seven, workout one, start of 3rd leader cycle and 3s week. TM’s all increased

Zercher Squat:
81kg x5
92kg x5
104kg x5

Swiss Bar Bench 82kg 7x5

DB SLDL 35kg - 3x15
Weighted chins 15kg - 10, 9, 9, 9
Elevated press-ups red band - 12, 16, 20

Daily work
Pullaparts x65
Core x40
Neck x50
Curls x30
Pushdowns x35


I don’t know if I said this before but every time I read your log, it makes me remember that I forgot to do pullaparts. I can go weeks doing 50+ reps most sessions and then suddenly completely forget. Maybe I need to set an alarm on my phone for the time I’m usually getting towards the end of my workout. “DO PULLAPARTS”.

To be honest it’s just something I don’t even think about doing anymore. I normally at least a set in as a warmup and then between any pressing as standard


Easy conditioning
4 miles jog in just over 35 mins, was planning for 5 miles but had stuff to do. Achilles and calves were starting to ache a bit too


Full body 1000% awesome, week seven, workout two

BB Deadlift:
109kg x5
124kg x5
140kg x5

Incline Bench 77kg 5x5

1 arm DB row 45kg - 4x10
Suitcase Deadlift - 20kg x10, 24kg - 12,14
Flat 1 arm DB Bench 35kg - 8,9,10

Daily Work:
Pullaparts x60
Neck x60
Calves x40
Pushdowns x30
Core x35
Curls x20

Good session today, all deads done double overhand. More or less resetting with deadlifts is giving me the opportunity to improve my grip strength and do a lot of work double overhand. I’d like to go to that grip 100% of the time but I’m still using mixed grip on 1’s week. Incline bench continues to move well and was really happy on bar speed, the unilateral bench work is also going relatively well as I feel like there’s only 2 maybe 3 reps difference between sides.

I also took the opportunity on Friday afternoon to plan out the next few months of training. Once I’ve completed the anchor I’ve got a holiday and will then go into BBS challenge where I’ll start a gradual increase on calories then an anchor and then into BBB, not sure if I’ll go challenge weights on that or not yet. @SvenG - I believe you’ve run both of these, from my perspective it looks like the right order to do them in?


Thanks for the tag, @aholding88. I think a few of the templates I’ve run used the BBS set/rep scheme for a lift or two, but I’ve not actually run BBS as a standalone template before.

That said, BBS into BBB makes sense to me: Build some base strength with BBS while ramping up calories, then exploit that strength in BBB to really grow with high calorie intake.


Hard Conditioning
x8 hill sprints, followed by 1 mile recovery walk. All done bodyweight.
Felt quite tired after the warmup jog and legs definitely like jelly, last nights dinner wasn’t as substantial as usual so putting it down to that plus I think the high reps on suitcase deadlifts have left me with some soreness


You going to do any pre season at all?

Nah, to be honest I have zero time in the evening. By the time I get home from work it’s straight into dinner and then 3 different medications for my daughter staggered out over an hour then getting the kids ready for bed.

I was thinking about playing monthly but the new tackle laws are really putting me off. I’ll only be trying to play in the 2s and conditioning wise I know I’ll be in better shape then most of them. You having a knock next season?


I’ll be back playing for the vests/ 3rd team which suits me. I can happily be much fitter than all the other forwards but just don’t really want to commit to the 2nds or 1st as I can only play once a month without my back falling apart.

I was thinking of going pre season training though as I quite enjoy pre season is a sick kind of way.

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Full body 1000% awesome, week seven, workout three

SSB Squats 106kg 7x5

Swiss Bar Bench:
67kg x5
77kg x5
86kg x5

Viking Press landmine attachment 50kg - 3x10
Swiss Bar Row 65kg - 12,14,15
Back Extensions - BWx10, 20kg 2x10

Daily Work:
Pullaparts x70
Neck x50
Unbroken empty BB curls x64
Pushdown x0
Core x0

Legs felt a bit tired again and was a bit shaky on squats but actually was good speed, felt like stopping after 5th set but I talked myself into the 2 more planned quite quickly, I did forget to stick another 2kg on the bar after the TM increased from last cycle. Got to work and had my breakfast and was still ravenous, the diet is starting to wear a little bit now.


AM - 45mins static steady pace
PM - aimed for a Kalsu WOD, failed. Starting with 60kg on for thrusters and hit 13 reps in 2 round. Realised I’d been too ambitious and dropped down to 42.5kgt, hit another 40 reps in 5 more rounds and bailed, couldn’t manage the burpees at the top of the minute. I should have thought this through and started off with some progression given I don’t think I’ve ever done a BB thruster and not done DB ones for a while. Probably going to have a go at doing 40kg and 3 burpees top of each minute for 75 reps next go round.


x1 hill sprint, my daughter woke up so had to run back home and then got her up to get medication and breakfast
Followed by between meetings once kids went to school some recumbent bike sprints between 30-40 secs and then 1 min rest periods.