I finally hit the big 35 a couple months ago. Ive been training about fifteen years on and off. I dont compete. I got released from prison about six months ago after doing 18 months. sucked at the time but turned out to be the best thing. I decided to focus on training since being released.
I just started reading the forum here awhile ago and this is where I need to be. the no b.s. mentality that alot of people have here is great. hope to start contributing alot here. stay strong guys and gals . gambit10
[quote]gambit10 wrote:
I finally hit the big 35 a couple months ago. Ive been training about fifteen years on and off. I dont compete. I got released from prison about six months ago after doing 18 months. sucked at the time but turned out to be the best thing. I decided to focus on training since being released.
I just started reading the forum here awhile ago and this is where I need to be. the no b.s. mentality that alot of people have here is great. hope to start contributing alot here. stay strong guys and gals . gambit10[/quote]
If you can, keep up the burpees and the chins, which I know you guys do a lot of to pass the time. Now that you can get some good quality food, you should be making some gains.
Cardio isn’t emphasized enough here. Its good to be strong but that won’t help a guy at all if his heart goes. Burpees are pure gold. Love burpees.
Now that you’re finally over the hill. It’s time to start climbing the mountain. What you thought were accomplishments in the past. Will be dwarfed by the accomplishments of the future. Your life is about to start, will it be with the turkeys or soaring with the eagles. Personally I enjoy the view!
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
gambit10 wrote:
I finally hit the big 35 a couple months ago. Ive been training about fifteen years on and off. I dont compete. I got released from prison about six months ago after doing 18 months. sucked at the time but turned out to be the best thing. I decided to focus on training since being released.
I just started reading the forum here awhile ago and this is where I need to be. the no b.s. mentality that alot of people have here is great. hope to start contributing alot here. stay strong guys and gals . gambit10
If you can, keep up the burpees and the chins, which I know you guys do a lot of to pass the time. Now that you can get some good quality food, you should be making some gains.
Cardio isn’t emphasized enough here. Its good to be strong but that won’t help a guy at all if his heart goes. Burpees are pure gold. Love burpees.
I believe he is referring to manmakers or hillclimbers. you stand straight then jump down in pushup position and do 1 push up then jump back up to standing postion. very good for conditioning.
[quote]gambit10 wrote:
I believe he is referring to manmakers or hillclimbers. you stand straight then jump down in pushup position and do 1 push up then jump back up to standing postion. very good for conditioning.[/quote]
Aaah yes, I remember those from football practice. Thanks
Fill us in on your goals and plans for the next couple months. Are you looking to add muscle, lose fat, hit new PRs, or even just stay healthly? We have a lot of different guys doing different things on the board. That is what makes this such a great group. You can always take something from everyone’s training.
sorry about the lack of info Im new to the whole posting thing. I weigh about 230 now 6 feet tall im guessing about 10-15% bf .I can almost see some abs. My main goal was to get big and strong before the new year.
Ive accomplished that. My focus has shifted to eating healthy while tring to reach new pr’s. Deadlifts seem to be my big problem. Anything above 405 and my lower back gets severe shooting pains when Im done. Bad enough that I dont go above 365 anymore.
Ive started doing good mornings hoping this will help any imbalance. Any input would be appreciated. thanx guys
[quote]gambit10 wrote:
Ive accomplished that. My focus has shifted to eating healthy while tring to reach new pr’s. Deadlifts seem to be my big problem. Anything above 405 and my lower back gets severe shooting pains when Im done. Bad enough that I dont go above 365 anymore.
Ive started doing good mornings hoping this will help any imbalance. Any input would be appreciated. thanx guys[/quote]
Good mornings should help your posterior chain get stronger and maybe help with some of the pain. Make sure you have had your back checked and nothing is structurally wrong. I think more than any other lift, the key to improving your deadlift is to focus on getting stronger with your accessory lifts. Make sure to work on the posterior chain with exercises such as good mornings, reverse hyper work, and glute-ham raises. Also, focus on your mid and upper back with rows, pull-ups, and the other money back exercises. If you strengthen your back and your posterior chain, your deadlift will improve.
[quote]gambit10 wrote:
I believe he is referring to manmakers or hillclimbers. you stand straight then jump down in pushup position and do 1 push up then jump back up to standing postion. very good for conditioning.[/quote]
Yup. Make sure to jump up, not just stand up.
I’ve done ladders with burpees and the conditioning is parallel to none.
Note: Ladder → do 20, rest for 30 seconds, do 19, rest for 30 seconds, and so on. Sounds easy but its 210 of the damnned things!
Long time lurker, first time poster. Once again, welcome to the site Gambit. You will not be disappointed with the support you’ll get here. I am in my early 30s, and this site has given me the tools not only to improve my physique and athletic performance, but also to navigate through personal issues in my life, inluding a divorce and the historical contraction of the professional workforce on wall street. Keep up the good work, stay strong.
Belated welcome. Make sure you’re using good form on your deadlift. Use to have a bad habit of having my legs starighten to early and use all middle back.
I’m certainly not an expert, but I cant say enough good things about good mornings. make sure you stay tight with a strong arch all the way. My lower back pain has decreased 90% since I started these.