History of powerlifting

Feeling nostalgic, I was digging around for a “history of powerlifting”, summary, blog, website, whatever…

there used to be a forum that covered history but it got killed off by spamming a few years ago…

what I wound up at was the IPF site, and their version of history.

reminded me why Napoleon said, … history goes to the winner, and I cannot evaluate everything on the IPF history page, but from my own reading, discussions etc. it lacks “rigor”, at best and is scewed and inaccurate at worst…

is there any other PL history blog out there

I have asked Mike Lambert and Rickey Dale Crain, about writing something, but they may be waiting until more of histories more colourful, PLers have passed on, shame if this stuff gets lost, or is left to the IPF to write up

if you ever want to get into Baseball, football, Track & Field, and a close sport relative, Bodybuilding there are statistic nuts aplenty… our sport is nothing but numbers, yet stats, and history, is left in the past

[quote]Terry Gibbs wrote:

is there any other PL history blog out there

He tends to ramble, and with 70+ installments it’s definitely a blog, but this has some interesting stuff from a personal perspective: ** looks like my link was parsed, so just google Ken Leistner History of Powerlifting **

Thanks, Love Dr. Ken’s work, he trained at both Zuvers and Westside in the late 60’s.

and from what I have read so far and already know from other sources he is factual not fanciful

look forward to reading,