Hello, long time lurker, first time poster.
I’m a 19 year old college student with a little over a year of serious training experience, and am currently on my college’s powerlifting team. During January and February, I was attempting the Smolov Squat Program.
After a couple of weeks, I noticed my hip flexors, especially the left one, were beginning to become very sore and stiff from training, but I just assumed that the symptoms were simply due to underrecovery, and the fact that recently I’ve had to make the switch from a very narrow stance Olympic squat where at the bottom of the rep my ass would rest on my calves, to a wide stance Powerlifting squat where I have to stabilize myself in the parallel position and change direction.
(Also I have mostly done box squats for the past six months, so I was embarassingly deconditioned to actual squatting.) Out of my desire to properly complete the program, I kept pushing myself until I reached a day where I couldn’t make it through my warm-up sets because the pain in my left hip was just too much.
I’ve done virtually no squatting for a month. I find that deadlifts, sled pushes, and other movements involving hip extension are not painful. I’m beginning to think that it was the eccentric and isometric phases of the lift that really did me in, especially considering I was using a much wider stance than usual, and had to stabilize more.
My hip has been making slight improvement, and I have been taking NSAID (2 ibuprofens) and around 10 fish oil caps (30% concentrated) daily. I foam roll my hip for a few minutes around 4 times a week. I also try some static stretching as well (although I understand that with certain hip conditions this is a bad idea).
Squats with even just the bar or 135 pounds are still painful, especially with a closer stance. With a wider stance, the pain is less severe.
Does anyone have any advice? Thanks.