Say for the next 2 months you’re free and all you have to do is focus on training. Nutrition is in order and so is sleep. Would u stick to your 3-4-5day a week split or do something radical, train twice a day etc?
I’m asking because i’m in this situation at the moment too much free-time (a luxery problem iknow) and would like to give my training a boost for the coming months.
I know there’s no magical formula to size/strenght but would there be positive benifits into training alot more often?
I would think you would be better off sticking to a “starting strength” type of program to get your base strength up in the basic heavy compound lifts. Once you get stronger, I think you can then focus on more intermediate strategies. Or 5/3/1 or a Westside program.
[quote]Brett620 wrote:
I would think you would be better off sticking to a “starting strength” type of program to get your base strength up in the basic heavy compound lifts. Once you get stronger, I think you can then focus on more intermediate strategies. Or 5/3/1 or a Westside program.
[quote]Brett620 wrote:
I would think you would be better off sticking to a “starting strength” type of program to get your base strength up in the basic heavy compound lifts. Once you get stronger, I think you can then focus on more intermediate strategies. Or 5/3/1 or a Westside program.
Focus on nutrition and progression.[/quote]
Like walkaway said those numbers are in kg’s not in pounds, not good numbers but not beginners either.
But that wasen’t my question, if u had the time would it be benificial to train alot more than the regular 4day split. Say an am - pm session 4-5x a week? Just an example.
If I was in the same situation I would use the time to achieve a specific goal. In October I have a powerlifting competition where I’m competing in 83kg class, currently standing at 84.5kg. My diet is not on track at this moment due to income and living issues but after October for 2 months I am focusing on hypertrophy as I would rather compete in 93kg class. Do something now rather than later as you may regret it.
Close grip pull-downs 4-5x10-20
Row variation 4-5x10-20
Shrugs 4-5x10-20
Face pulls 4x10-20
Maximum of about 90seconds rest between these
Maybe some kb swings to finish.
You could just simplify your current work-out & switch to training 2 days on 1 day off OR 3 days 1 day off etc.
Many slightly different options really, just make sure if you do go with a more high frequency approach start REALLY, REALLY basic & gradually build it up over time.
[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
It is not as easy as just working out twice a day, but if it is structured correctly and properly fueled, it can be effective for a period of time. [/quote]
Op, if you can wrap your head around the full meaning of this then you will know what to do.
I’m doing something like this right now, hitting every bodypart every other day. Feel free to check out my training log for ideas. I’m about 2 1/2 weeks in and can say it’s really a lot of fun.
Ive been training with more frequency thanks to my new gym and late opening hours, ive made faster progress with the higher frequency. I do a 4 day split like this:
Day 1 - Delts biceps and triceps.
Day 2 - Quads hams calves and abs.
Day 3 - Chest and back.
Day 4 - rest
Day 5 - repeat
So every bodypart gets hit every 4 days and i train 5-6 days a week.
[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
It is not as easy as just working out twice a day, but if it is structured correctly and properly fueled, it can be effective for a period of time. [/quote]
I never like lifting twice a day 2nt workout is usually crappy quality
For a short period of time (4 or 5 weeks) I tried doing this with a basic format of heavy in the morning, volume in the afternoon. I experienced gains, and they did seem to be more rapid than before.
However, the increase in caloric intake was huge – I was expecting a change, but not quite as much as it took. Also, I very quickly burnt out, and I think it took a toll on my general health. Between the psychological toll and the health toll, it knocked me out of lifting for a number of months. You may have more discipline than I did, and ymmv, but that was my experience.
[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
It is not as easy as just working out twice a day, but if it is structured correctly and properly fueled, it can be effective for a period of time. [/quote]
Op, if you can wrap your head around the full meaning of this then you will know what to do.[/quote]