Already feeled an extreme apetite in the 24 first hours. Added almost 1000kcal just from being hungry. But no extra fat. I even noticed a loss of 4lbs in the first days, and gained it back with a little lbs everydays. Agression is at the top since day two, at a unbelievable and sometimes problematic point, but I love it. Recovered almost 20 to 30 pounds on my lifts lost from my previous cycl’ in only a few days just because of that, whereas I am lighter.
Don’t notice extra fat at all from the added kcals. Noticed veins coming and skin being leaner than usual in arms and tighs, and muscle being harder.
From the sides. Noticing little acne, very very shitty cardio ! After 10 lunges of one side had to stop because I felt like I was passing out. Put almost 3minutes just to stop breathing like somebody who run a 2000 meter sprint !
Don’t feel any problem to sleep at all, I even have a heavier and better sleep. Just noticed that my sleep cycles seems to have changed, because I wake up everydays almost exactly 45mns sooner than usually.
Don’t hesitate to share your experiences or opinions guys ![/quote]
Sides may very well change, remember your only experiencing the first effects of the sust, as the test kicks in sides may be amplified. I have found that very stable blood levels effect my tren sides the least, stay on top of BP especially if you start experiences sleep sides, atleast that has helped me. Its very common for me to wake an hour early on cycle and feel refreshed, but if it is a problem look at BP for a possible answer.
I’m sorry, I didn’t updated the topic, with guys’ answers I decided to run a high tren/trt test cycle with test cyp and tri tren. I’ve just updated it now.
I’m taking your advices seriously. Am I right you meant Blood Pressure by BP?
Yes, I wake up a little before, but that’s not a bad thing because I have way more energy during the day and still sleep around 8hours a night like a baby. I’ve just said this to help if somebody knowed something/needed informations in relation with tren affecting sleep (this way of cycling tren is quite a new trend, as I read on the boards). It’s far from what I read: guys who can’t sleep more than 4 hours a night, sweating, having heavy nightmares…
But yeah, the best has to come, the long esters are building up slowly but surely.
I’m sorry, I didn’t updated the topic, with guys’ answers I decided to run a high tren/trt test cycle with test cyp and tri tren. I’ve just updated it now.
I’m taking your advices seriously. Am I right you meant Blood Pressure by BP?
Yes, I wake up a little before, but that’s not a bad thing because I have way more energy during the day and still sleep around 8hours a night like a baby. I’ve just said this to help if somebody knowed something/needed informations in relation with tren affecting sleep (this way of cycling tren is quite a new trend, as I read on the boards). It’s far from what I read: guys who can’t sleep more than 4 hours a night, sweating, having heavy nightmares…
But yeah, the best has to come, the long esters are building up slowly but surely.[/quote]
Yeah referring to Blood Pressure, but I read your cycle wrong, I guess I got it mixed up with some of the other cycles I was reading on another forum. Anyways IMO you should be good with the low dose test, my bad. BP can still be a problem with tren but I would imagine your sides would stay relatively the same.
[quote]PassT wrote:
Yes, gonna test BP the next or two next weeks when it will have “fully” kicked in. Have you ever run this kind of cycle? How were your gains?[/quote]
depends on your diet and training! diet controls weight gain. ive gained 10 pounds in 2 weeks on tren and ive lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks on tren, strength gains I wont mention cause I dont even believe them, I get this placebo effect on tren allows me to shatter through other cycles lifts. the gains are clean, lean muscle, very tight when I wake up, like I need to grab a couple weights in each hand and pull my shoulders back down from my ears. I have a love hate relationship with tren.
Yes, I’ve just seen that about strength. I believe it’s due to the neural activation, because I gained all back from my previous only the next day after taking it. All was still here in fact.
I said that because on a 5000+kcal diet I didn’t gained any single pound and was thinking something got wrong. But since tuesday I felt something happenned, because started to have new stretchmarks, veins on inner quads and felt overall better. Weighted myself and take my Bf… 2%bf lost and 2 pounds added, so roughtly 8lbs of muscle gained in these two weeks.
I can notice almost the same thing about waking up. Aches of past workouts are even worse !
Three more pounds up. Strenght going crazy. Libido is incredible, so is agression.
Almost no sides. No sweats, no tren dick, no shitty sleep… The only one is the cardio. I think it’s due to the new muscle mass.
Interesting. Would you be posting before and after pics?
Any depression? Emotional fits?
I am leaning more towards these type of cycles especially after saps and westclock recommended them and also seeing zraw’s results.
No depression at all. Feeling almost the same as on test, but maybe 10 times better… Just have to deal with VERY increased agression, that I find positive in my case. Libido and self confidence are out of comparison too.
Can you post the topic of these results or infos? I’ll be interrested to read it too. Thanks. If you have any question feel free to ask !
Noticing some nightmares, awakenings and little sweats at the end of the night. I’m SURE its due to dehydratation from sweats caused by the tren. Even “off” I find a correlation between dehydratation and this kind of nightmares. It could also explain why it just happens at the end of night and was thirsty as fuck.
I had no problems to sleep back.
At beginning, 5’8 178lbs 12%bf, now 182lbs 10%bf after 2 weeks. I posted my lifts on the first page, they should be 10lbs heavier now, if not more. I don’t train specifically for strenght, but I see it as an important part of training.
[quote]PassT wrote:
Hi guys, I’ve read a lots of posts on different topics about the subject and I want to hear your experiences about the next cycle I plan to do. I’m 25 years old, 3 years of dedicaded training, for a lean 180lbs 5’8. Some stats (all RAW): Bench press: 300lbs / Ass to ground squat: 400lbs / Deadlift: 460lbs. I don’t train specifically for strenght.
EDIT: Cycle, shooted EOD.
Tren blend (ace/en/hex: 1/3 each): 540 /week 1-10
Test cyp: 150 /week 1-10
Test cyp: 500 /week 11-16[/quote]
This is a bad cycle. You’re upping test with peak tren blood levels from week 10, good luck with that in terms of sides. No mention of PCT or estrogen control. If you want to up test at the end, run prop or acetate for the last six weeks, that way you wont be adding another 5 weeks of supression for nothing when you come off.
I wanted to up the test in order to keep gaining then keep the gains at the end while tren is cleaning (so I’ll start pct at week 14, 4 weeks after tren). The ace will be gone fast, so the levels won’t be as high when I’ll add the test, and then I’ll let roughly 4 half lives to the 360mg of long esters of tren to clear before pct.
I wanted to add prop at the end instead of e in order to run higher dose and still recover faster (and better control sides from the changing ratio of test/tren), but it was no longer available. I’m fully aware that you underligned an important point, I could still be making gains from week 12 to 14 and I won’t with test E…
I choosed to not run an AI for this cycle, as tren doesn’t aromatize and just running 150mg test e/week and don’t want to push oestrogen lower. After the extra 4 weeks I planned to run the traditionnal nolva/clomid PCT (as tren won’t be a problem), and I am already running 2x250 IU hcg every week.
That’s my reasonning. I am fully open-minded of any suggestion, do you think the two extra weeks of test cyp are going to pose way more problems? It’s going to be a 500 test cyp/360 tren E the first week, then 500 cyp/180tren E the second (with esters cleaning instead of accumulating).
4 weeks in. 8lbs more and 3%bf dropped since the beginning. I think I already added more muscle mass (nitrogen retention) than with any other “traditional” bulk cycle, while decreasing bodyfat and no bloat at all. People say I look 10lbs heavier.
Strenght is up another 30lbs on every lifts. I felt somewhat lethargic these two last weeks, but just realised I was sweating all the night… Solved problem, and now everything is fine. Just have to take care of having a good and deep sleep.