Anyone regularly use high rep goblets at the end of a leg workout to really “burn-out”?
I think it could be really useful in this fashion since form in Goblets is pretty close to ideal and would keep the tension on the legs, and doing 20 reps for 2-3 sets of a full body movement will likely cause most people to be breathing and sweating pretty hard. Could also be useful to increasing mobility as well.
just my thoughts. wondering if anyone here has done anything like this?
I mean, if you were stuck training in your garage with just a rack, BBs, plates, and DBs this would be a creative way to burn out the legs to end a session. But if you’re at a gym with a leg press, hack squat, etc. you can take those until your legs give out and nothing like grip strength or core strength will be your limiting factor…just your legs!
As you mention, they’ll get you breathing and sweating pretty hard. So they’d probably be good to throw into a conditioning circuit. But if we’re talking about fatiguing the legs, target the leg!
I use goblet squats a lot, mainly for highland games training.
There was a good thread here a while back with some valid criticisms over the exercise, but personally I think it’s an awesome finisher, for a couple of reasons:
-Your form doesn’t deteriorate, even into the high rep range (for some reason, doing a “cheat” goblet squat above parallel is somehow harder than doing it to proper depth)
-You can really go balls out in those last few reps, without fear of getting pinned by the weight
Progression can be a challenge. I can do 30 reps with my gym’s heaviest dumbbells. What you can do is strap a few kettlebells to it (I use the neck extension strap) - crude method but effective
Yeah, I’ll use them. For bodybuilding purposes, they’re probably not ideal. For powerlifting/general training, they can be ideal. I say that because while they may not be ideal for hypertrophy, they work the core overall, as well as grooving squat depth; both are good for PL purposes, towards the end of a workout typically.
I have decided to use leg-press and hack squats at the end as a finisher instead on 2 of my 3 leg training days in my split. I will how ever still use high-rep (3/20) on one of my 3 lower-body focused days for variety and to help improve mobility
Maybe even do them at home like before bed or when you wake up. Start with a low frequency and light weight and work the frequency up to progress. I mention it because it’s something you could do in your bedroom with a fairly inexpensive db set. It’ll groove your squat, improve work capacity, and may even pack on a little size to your legs.
I did that to fix some seriously bad apt during bb squats and it worked like a charm.