So I used to be a high functiong stoner, ate better than i do now, could go on but dont wanna promote anything…Clean now, and i do wanna promote that! However…Im curretly staying in a neighborhood where i lift weights in a barn, and the social stuff all requires alcohol consumption, accept for the library. Any tips for high functioning alcoholic behavior would be highly appreciated!
No, it doesn’t. its just not fun to be the only person who is functioning as a normal individual in a group of inebriated half-retards.
A beer every now and then won’t hurt anything. But drinking just to make life seem less shitty is a great way to fuck your life up… it sounds like you are trying to fit in with a group of people who would rather fuck up their lives.
Just don’t drink, or keep it to a very minimal amount.
That is good imput. Not the be all end all though. I dont go out as much as i used to. Im really in the woods where the bar is the social zone though. A few tips on soothing my digestive tract as quick as poasible and reaching MAX hydration after a night on the town for all the training bebefits… Alcohol WILL F your life up, but im trying to get a D workout for valentines day and recover quick!
You’re asking how to make decisions that 100% negatively impact your progress in the gym, without impacting progress in the gym.
It’s like asking how to borrow money without having to pay it back. Just do it VERY sparingly, or not at all.
I’ve been in recovery for 22 years, and I’m convinced that “high functioning alcoholic” is the greatest oxymoron ever created.
Good luck with that.
Yeah, thats what young stoner me said and i dont thonk im gonna pull ot off.
If the choice is between the library or drinking, my real answer is the library.
One of the ways I made amends to myself was to go to a community college because of the way I misused the time in my life that would have otherwise been spent doing something like that.
There’s no harm in investing some time and effort in yourself and developing your mind as well as your strength.
The alternative in OP’s case, is to spend time with people who are going nowhere in life - for the sole purpose of being social.
The library cannot fuck up his life, and could only possibly improve it.
The “social” drinking cannot improve his life and could only possibly hurt it.
Justifying social drinking in this scenario makes no sense to me at all.
P.S I have a tremendous amount of respect for your 22 years of sobriety.
Addiction is in my opinion the strongest force a human can be challenged with. In my profession, I try to assist and provide these people with alternatives (“the library”). If you don’t take full responsibility for your choices and actions, making the right decisions, and stop lying to yourself and everone else - You’re not ready. Stop making excuses! Some need to fall (too) deep before change to happen. Relapse is part of the game, but it’s even more important how you rise again.
My suggestion to the OP is to shift alcohol for training. If your “friends” don’t understand they’re not your friends. Another choice to make.
You CAN’T negotiate with alcohol/addiction! Even in my empathic therapeutic attempts there is specific boundaries and demands to be respected, and consequences…
This movie represents high functioning alcoholism.
Straight from the horse’s mouth (I would consider myself a sober alcoholic): leave it alone. There are ZERO redeeming qualities including for health.
Like @SkyzykS said, “functioning” alcoholic IS an oxymoron.
Thanks man. There were a ton of great people that have helped along the way.
Get a club soda with lime - people will think you already have a drink. Or walk around with a snack in your hands. Even better, print a t-shirt that says “Designated Driver,” and wear that around.
I find most people aren’t even high functioning when they’re sober.
Is there some sort of a minimum alcohol consumption at these social gatherings? Maybe you could purchase some “alcohol credits” to present at the social gatherings to avoid the required minimum alcohol consumption. Or maybe buy a round for the group. They might better accept your zero alcohol consumption at the social gatherings.
This is stupid but if you tell people you’re a recovering alcoholic, they will respect your choice to not drink. If you tell people you just don’t drink they will not respect it and will cajole you. However, of course, the respect of these people is worthless one way or the other.
So you think getting stoned is worse than drinking…? Stop drinking. I say this as someone who has been drinking since 12 and switched over to weed recently instead. Booze is gonna kill you if you truly are an alcoholic. Weed won’t.
@Andrewgen_Receptors and @SkyzykS pretty much said it all… but that obviously won’t stop me from opining anyway:
Your question literally boils down to: “this is something I’m saying I don’t want to do and will hurt me, but I feel like others might quietly think I’m less cool if I don’t.” Is that what you want?
Naw. I just moved to a bar town. Not a lot else to do.
That’s what I do. Buying drinks for others also helps.
I started doing that when working in a country in which it seemed the vast majority of males were drunks. After watching people slowly get plastered, alcohol has even less appeal.