I like having some Heinz 57 or A.1. steak sauce with my beef. But it really annoys me that one of the ingredients is high fructose corn syrup. I know it is a small quantity, a couple of grams per tbsp, but still.
Should I be concerned? Does anyone know a brand that tastes just as good but does not have corn syrup as an ingredient?
I don’t think I use more than a bottle per month which means only a few grams per steak. I have tried organic brands without HFCS and while they were OK, 57 and A.1. taste much better. I think I’ll stick with them. Thanks for the replies!
[quote]robo1 wrote:
It’s amazing how they sneak that syrup into almost everything. I bought a can of peas a few weeks ago and the label listed high fructose corn syrup.[/quote]
I don’t know about the US, but here in canada, they started labeling it as glucose-fructose, which has pissed me off to no end.
[quote]SteelyD wrote:
Marinate it with herbs, oil, vinegar, and worcester sauce, then grill it.[/quote]
I also marinate all my meat. My marinade for beef is exactly like yours, sometimes I also add some soy sauce to it. The marinades protect all meat being grilled from forming oxidized cholesterol.
Still most of the time I want to put some steak souce on it.
I see your in California. Do you have a Trader Joe’s near you? I just picked up their “Organic Steak Sauce” the other day. Tastes great, no corn syrup.