Recently I’ve been home from college, and thus being able to eat healthier than I would be from their cafeteria. I’ve been sticking to a high protein, high fat, low carb diet plan in an attempt to lean out.
My diet consists mostly of red meat, eggs, turkey, chicken, assorted fish, bacon, assorted greens and a buttload of water.
I’ve also noticed, since I started this diet, I’ve been breaking out much more than usual. Can a high fat diet lead to increased amounts of acne?
For the most part, everything else has stayed the same. Shaving habits, general hygene, sleep levels, water intake, soaps, etc.
I don’t have almost any breakouts since I’m on a low carb, high fat diet. It actually improved my skin, but everybody’s different and it might be bad for your skin.
Arn’t you by any chance overusing spices?
Funny, I was gonna start a post on this…
I just finished a High fat, High protein, Low carb diet and whilst on it for a year I was breaking outlike crazy, got proper acne when all I ever had before was a spot here or there. Well I recently started Thibs Carb cycling method and guess what? The skins cleared up and the face is pristine much to my delight.
Different folks, different strokes, some peoples skin will excel on the opposite diet whilst some (you & mine) will go to shit…Viva la Carbs
I got this bad breakout on my arm which I actually counted the bumps and it was around 30. A few are quite large for bumps. Been there for a while now.