I’m interested to read experiences with Tren at higher dosages. How high have you ran it? What other compounds were stacked? How did the sides compare to lower doses and/or other stacks?
I finished a series of three 2-week cycles, all of which included Tren at 100/125/150 mg/day respectively. When stacked with Dianabol, the negative sides are hardly noticeable if at all. I thought I was crazy going over 100mg/day, especially when I decided to do 150mg/day, but so far so good and the only time I’ve tasted the awful sides people report when running even much lower dosages have only occurred when I included Testosterone.
Given the reputation for side effects carried by Tren, I’m curious what strategies can be used to lessen or eliminate those sides. So far my speculation for why my sides have been so minor while running high dosages are these:
Dianabol, for some reason, can be very effective in neutralizing those harsh sides even in low-doses.
The presence of Test in the stack higher than “replacement doses” of 100-250mg/week, for some reason increases these harsh sides (maybe a fair trade-off for significantly increased mass gains?).
My short cycle duration thus far has allowed me to get in and out before the side effects come about.
The presence of Test in the stack higher than “replacement doses” of 100-250mg/week, for some reason increases these harsh sides (maybe a fair trade-off for significantly increased mass gains?).
I have just started a test/tren/mast cycle running dosages at 300mg/week of Test E, 350mg/week of Mast P, and 525mg/week of Tren Ace. I have spoken with several people that have ran similar cycles with a higher tren-to-test ratio and they have confirmed that the sides seem to be enhanced when test dosages are above TRT recommended doses
Indeed. My tren sides were worse when I used 1G of test a week alongside 400mg of tren than when I ran only 200mg a week of test alongside 600mg tren a week. There is something about having lower doses test that ‘prevents’ most of the crippling tren sides. In the past I’d have blood pressure reading of like 150/95 when on high dose test and mid dose tren. I’ve been on 200-250mg test a week and 400-600mg of tren [also mast] since about Christmas time my BP readings are around 110/75. I don’t know all the science behind why it is but I will confirm that it is.
[quote]saps wrote:
Indeed. My tren sides were worse when I used 1G of test a week alongside 400mg of tren than when I ran only 200mg a week of test alongside 600mg tren a week. There is something about having lower doses test that ‘prevents’ most of the crippling tren sides. In the past I’d have blood pressure reading of like 150/95 when on high dose test and mid dose tren. I’ve been on 200-250mg test a week and 400-600mg of tren [also mast] since about Christmas time my BP readings are around 110/75. I don’t know all the science behind why it is but I will confirm that it is.[/quote]
Saps … What you’re running is almost identical to what I will be running next cycle.
Ty for you post and experience with it. Helps me gauge a little of what I am in for as this will be my first time using Tren (although I know everyone is diff and your results/experience could vary greatly from my own).
My question to you Saps is … besides the above mentioned t/t/m … i’m sure you are probably running an AI … but are you running T3, Caber or caber like product? Worried about prolactin sides at all from the Tren ?
[quote]BenceJones wrote:
Fake Tren is also great for reducing sides.[/quote]
lol +1
I now always run a high test dose with tren.
I now find I can start off high with tren and gradually increase the test dose over time (once every two weeks).
My body gets used to it without nasty sides. As long as I keep water down and estrogen, it is ok for me.
I started my tra/test p cycle at 490/210mg of each per week. Two weeks in, I upped the test dose from 210 to 350, and I feel much better. No increase in tren sides.
The only real effects I saw from tren was decrease in appetite and crazy thirst.
You must have had fake gear. If you take 75 mg ml tren even alone you will fell it in a day at the most. If you add 100 mg/ml of test to it it will be even more pronounced. I like many got fake powders and bad premade stuff from underground labs and crooks in China. I actally got 100 grams of test P that was 100 % inert. I was taking upwards of 600 mg daily and nothing from it. Ziltch!
Now I make my own and enjoy knowing what i have and the sterilty of it. There is a lot of satisfaction from making you own gear. Sort of like catching a fish and cleaning it and cooking it. the fish tastes better than if you got it at a restaurant.
[quote]2. The presence of Test in the stack higher than “replacement doses” of 100-250mg/week, for some reason increases these harsh sides (maybe a fair trade-off for significantly increased mass gains?).