Hi. I am 37 years old. 6’0 160lbs. I work construction. My current trt: 1 shot every 7 days. .75ml of 2oomg/ml test cyp. Some will think I am crazy. These are my supplements. I take B-12, CoQ10, low dose asprin, ginseng, ginko,L-Arginine,and saw palmetto in the morning. I take daily amino, fish oil, Vitamin C&E, Vatamin D, low dose asprin, ginseng, ginko,L-Arginine,zinc, and saw palmetto in the evening. I have had Stage 1 Hypertension since I was in 7th grade.
About 5yrs ago my doc put me on Zoloft or Lexapro. He said BP was little high. He believed it was stress and me being OCD. It brought my numbers down from 148/92 down to 136/ 89. I have been off it for about 2 years. A few months after quiting. I was diagnosed with low T (320). My last T test was 997. My endo is concerned because my BP is back to 148-152/90-98 on all 5 visits with him. I have read high E2 can cause high BP. Should I look into a pill to lower my E2 before he puts me on an BP med?
I mentioned Arimidex and Hcg in the beginning of trt. He didn’t seem receptive and asked me why and what they did. I told him I didn’t want shrinkage and high E2. He said my balls didnt work so what use were they. Personally I think he was scared of more variables. But now before I go on BP meds I want to do everything correctly as trt goes. Any suggestions appreciated.
Cholesterol is way to low . Taking meds to do this? Cholesterol levels of 160 and lower are associated with increased all-cause mortality. Low cholesterol undermines your steroid hormone production, including Vit-D25 that is also a steroid hormone.
How much vit-D3 do you take, probably needs to be 5000iu or more.
E2 is very high and will be affecting how your T works, mood, strength, initiative, emotions and arteries. Suggest 1.0 mg per week in EOD divided doses. Suggest that you inject T twice a week for steadier levels. You can also inject SC and avoid IM muscle damage.
Self injecting?
You can get anastrozole on your own and self medicate.
You need the testes working to support pregnenolone levels, the fist stage in steroid hormone synthesis. You have any interest in fertility at this point in your life?
Read these stickies:
advice for new guys
thyroid basics
Come back with history of iodine intake from iodized salt and vitamins.
Come back with oral body temps as per sticky.
You need a high potency B-complex [may improve HDL] vitamin with trace elements and iodine. You should not take one B vitamin in isolation.
Thanks. I will reread the stickies. I read them when I was starting trt about 11 months ago. Thats why I asked the endo about hcg and arimidex. I do self inject in quads. I was taking a DHEA until the high E2 test. Thought it may be the cause. I take 1000iu Vitamin D daily. I take one complex b-12. I take Saw Palmetto, L-Arginine,ginseng, ginko, and zinc to help with prostate and sexual function. I do not take any cholesterol meds. I had blood and PSA done a year ago.
Have not been taking temps or iodine intake. Will read stickies and do this. And I am moody as hell and my wife says it is getting old. My blood pressure is always around 150/94. But I should kick vitamin D to 500iu? And what do I take for vitamin B? Should I be taking a DHEA? Thanks. Docs are not much help. They laugh about the supplements and do not discuss the hcg or arimidex. I appreciate the help.
Moody, E2 is WAY too high. 1.0 mg anastrozole in divided doses as per protocol.
Describe exactly what you TRT is, how often you inject what. Use mg’s not ml’s.
Iodine replenishment: May not take you TSH back to a magic number, your ‘set point’ can be altered. My TSH set point shifted with a massive surgical infection; probably had high rT3.
I am caucasian. 6’1"tall weight 158lbs. Skinny legs larger upper body. My hair is thinner on my head. But by no means bald. Just not thick. Before I started TRT about a year ago, body hair on chest. Not much on face but thick on neck. Always had decent amout of body hair. But it has gotten thicker over the year. Before TRT belly and muscles were getting flabby. Now it has toned up. I have worked for a family business for the past 12 years. At times stressfull. Have three children ages 9, 10, 13. E
ight years ago had vasectomy. Three years ago had left side inguenial hernia surgery. I felt soon after things were off. Doctors said all was fine. After being diagnoised with prostatitis three times in 5 years doctor told me to see urologist. The urologist found my low T. He said I didn’t have prostatitis it was seminal glands were abcessed from vasectomy.
Needless to say he wrote me a perscription for something that I was allergic to. I quit the med and went back. He said I was ok and told me to see endo. At that time I was swithing insurance so I researched here. When I went to see endo I mentioned the protocol found here. He said I didn’t need it all because he was putting me on Androgel.
Four months later I went to injections. I brought up the protocol to no avail. I November I noticed I was moody and mean. I asked him to run a E2. He did and it was high. I was taking DHEA at the time so I quit. I though it was high from DHEA. Here I am with same issues. Had labs done today and see endo Monday.
Took morning temps last two mornings. 98.0 and 97.9
Sorry I still need to chart Iodine intake. And forgot others writing this long post.
I feel like crap. Lower back hurt above buttocks. Back of knees and ankles ache. Balls are sore as hell. Tired, ever so slight headache, and seem zoned at times like over tired.
I will reread KSman post and get what I missed. Thanks KSman
2 weeks ago I tried taking the vitamins you are taking and it raised my blood pressure from 110/70 to 160/100. I quit using them for a week and my blood pressure is back down to 115/70 (last night). Quit the libido drugs for a while i.e 3 pills 1000mg L-Arginine, 2 pill 320mg Saw Palmetto,1 pill 50mg Zinc,2 pill 200mg Ginseng,2 pill Ginkgo 120mg. and see what happens. It’s up to you, but it is what caused my HB, I thought it was the TRT or E, but it was really just the prostate/libido pills.
Now I am a little embarrassed. But had labs yesterday morning. And by 2:00 yesterday afternoon I got a fever and all the symtoms I had for the past five days peaked. And I got the E2 result last night. It was 27. Not the optimal 22 but it is under 30. So I guess all these aches for the last 5 days was the start of the flu. So now I have a harder case to present to the endo about AI and hcg. I would like to get the boys back. And I always have occassional nut soreness.
My question is it was last Thursday I had the crying/emotional fits. If I do the same protocol every week will my levels cycle the same every week? Or could have the E2 spiked last week and stabilized this week? I get this emotional crap like every 4 weeks. I know the labs are done right before my injection to give the lowest T values. Does this mean the E2 will be at its high? But if it followed T closely it might be at it’s low too.
I still think my E2 spikes but the lab did not show it. What to do about making sure my E2 is not spiking? Should I have the endo put an open E2 lab in for me. So when I feel this emotional crap I can get the lab ran as it is going on? Very frustrating dealing with this emotional rollercoaster every 4 weeks. My wife is sick of it too. Any insight? Thanks
So two weekly injections would be better. So instead of 150mg per week I would do 75mg twice a week. Since there are 7 week days can I do 75mg every 3 days? Or every 4? My last injection was Friday morning. So can I start biweekly on Monday or Tuesday? Next question is needle size. Currently I use 21 gauge x 1". From what I read it is a little large but I make do.
Currently I alternate quads week to week. What recommendation would you make on needle and injection site? I am sure some of the answers are in the stickies. So I will give them a look again. Thanks for all your help KSman.
Found one answer: #29 0.5ml 0.5" [50iu] insulin syringes.
I last injected Friday with 150mg. So can I start Monday with 75mg or wait until Tuesday? And should I inject every 3 days or go with 4 days? Thanks again.
Wait for Mon or Tues ,then try EOD starting two days after that, or pick 3 days for injections. No need for 4 days, the half life of T esters will not require that frequency.
I must have confused you. Or maybe I am confused. I was doing one 150 mg injection of test cyp every 7 days. I want to do two injections of 75mg. Should I do them every three days or every four? And reading your last post I should wait until Wednesday to start. Assume that way my test will be declining from last 150mg shot on Friday. I perfer to stay in quads with 29gauge x .5" needle. Is that okay?