Hi guys so about abs how to include abs into workout

Hi guys I’m back! I’m having amazing results from listing to you guys and ty everyone. Now my only problem now is implementing a good ab workout in my workouts and how to include them before or after workouts. I’m doing conjugate alot sets low reps and accessorie workouts after compound. How many reps and what’s best ab exercises in your opinion. How many days out the week and ty guys!! My split is. Push pull legs off (Thursday) upper lower and Sunday off

Do you workout in a commercial gym? At home? I do not know, but if I did not have this umbilical hernia, I would be more confident using my ab wheel. Though much maligned, the sit up worked well for Frank Zane I believe.

I do 3x10 standing ab wheels at the end of all workouts


I freaking love that idea!!! It’s gonna be killer! What ab week do you guys like. I’m gonna order one

I got one from a garage sale. They are simple tools


I like ab wheels, hanging leg raises, and GHD sit ups. With these “harder” movements, I incorporate the same way any other movement might be incorporated in a workout. Something like 3x10.

I will also sometimes do a short ab workout later in the day rather than as part of my training. For this, I like tabata-style or a ascending/descending ladder of a few movements. Quick and painful.

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I think the standard sit up(or crunch), a decline leg raise and the ab wheel are my 3 favorite ab exercises. My strategy is to just do anywhere from 1-4 sets to failure a few times a week with one of those movements.

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2 to 3 sets of 5 to 7 reps with a Hammer Strength crunch machine. Abs are like every other muscle… train them heavy and with low volume


I ordered the $13.99 one from Amazon. (ab wheel)

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Ty everyone!!! Best site ever!

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