Hey ppl, this is my first post, i made this account so i could get some help with this. When i was 17 i tore my labrum playing football and didnt have surgery until the end of the season. my surgery went well but doc said alot of cartilage is gone and i pretty much just have to deal with it.
I’m 21 now and have tried a few times getting back into lifting. It prevents me from doing certain exercises, i can normally bench ok with some pain and rubbing but mainly I cannot squat at all because of position of the shoulder. Any weight that actually works my legs hurts my shoulder too much, i feel like im just making my problem worse. I dont want be a couch potato but I dont want to be top heavy with chicken legs either. I used to powerlift a bit in highschool before my injury, and my best and favorite lift was squatting, im not as much into bodybuilding as I am into lifting for strength. So if I can’t squat i find it really hard to be motivated to even work out at all…
So to get to my question, would HGH injections be helpful for my shoulder? The main issue is with cartilage. I have researched this a lot and guys say that it has helped them but they are usually running multiple things, I wanted to know more specifically for me what kind of HGH and what dosage would be good for me? im 5’8’’ 165 lbs ,21 years old.
From what read I should do it for at least 6 months to 1 year. Should I do it everyday instead of 5 on 2 off? Also i know there are some wild side effects but if im not taking as large doses as prof bb then do i really have to worry about my organs growing (intestines)???
I have already tried a shit ton of stuff like rehab exercises, yoga, I take vitamins, glucosamine and some shit called joint fuel capsules. It helps but i still can’t squat.
I have looked into Prolotherapy but unfortunately in MS there arent any physicians doing that yet.
So guys please help me out, preferably some guys with experience taking HGH, is there anything i should be taking with it? Insulin? I’m a total noob and never injected anything into my body, The way im looking at it is if 6 months wont hurt me and i have the money for it atm then why not. It’s mainly for the injury but i wouldnt mind gaining some muscle losing fat, and possibly growing an inch or two lol.
Why or why shouldn’t I? anything else i should take? how should i go about it?
sorry for the long post and grammar, thanks so much for suggestions guys!