Hey Buddy

Now that the protocol has been released, let me just say I feel sorry for your inbox! hahahaha


Hah, I think it is kinda funny that the first thing that came up after I searched “Jason Pegg EFS” in google was this: http://www.izzostrengthtraining.com/Jason_Pegg_Part1.html

whats so funny? im being serious btw i honestly didnt find anything humorous about that link lol except the fact that he already had access to Anaconda

[quote]JohnConnor wrote:
whats so funny? im being serious btw i honestly didnt find anything humorous about that link lol except the fact that he already had access to anaconda[/quote]

Usually people say “I find it funny that…” when they are speaking of an ironic situation. He probably didn’t expect to find that picture of the guy he was looking for with a product that just came out.

You think too much.

^thanks for the insight :smiley:

HAHAHAHA That is pretty funny. Exceptionally ironic as well. Its the old pre-flavored stuff too. Tastes like absolute ass the first two times, and is then awesome. I feel really fortunate that Dave and Biotest hooked me up with it a while back. you guys will like the liquid flavors a ton. They are a touch messy, but do a great job masking the taste of the stuff.

The reason I said that to Thibs is that he and I had a fairly long conversation about the dosing and things of that nature, and i had received some fairly explicit instructions prior to receiving it.


have you ever had peptopro? is the taste anything similar to that? cos DAM that stuff tastes like puke in a jar :confused:

[quote]JohnConnor wrote:
have you ever had peptopro? is the taste anything similar to that? cos DAM that stuff tastes like puke in a jar :/[/quote]

Surprisingly, one (or at least me) can get used even to that. First time I had PeptoPro it was 20g with 4.5g of Leucine and 1.5g of berry flavouring powder, all dissolved in about 700ml of water. Tasted awful. Now, after just a couple of weeks, I can drink 12g of PeptoPro in 700 ml of water without any problems. Although I dare not try 20g+leucine without the flavouring yet :slight_smile:


[quote]JohnConnor wrote:
have you ever had peptopro? is the taste anything similar to that? cos DAM that stuff tastes like puke in a jar :/[/quote]

As I mentionned it earlier, because of the liquid flavoring system it actually taste like kool-aid or Gatorade

[quote]JPeggEFS wrote:
HAHAHAHA That is pretty funny. Exceptionally ironic as well. Its the old pre-flavored stuff too. Tastes like absolute ass the first two times, and is then awesome. I feel really fortunate that Dave and Biotest hooked me up with it a while back. you guys will like the liquid flavors a ton. They are a touch messy, but do a great job masking the taste of the stuff.

The reason I said that to Thibs is that he and I had a fairly long conversation about the dosing and things of that nature, and i had received some fairly explicit instructions prior to receiving it.


And in return I got a ton of lifting advice! Good deal.

oh sorry thibs you misunderstood what i was saying, i meant Anaconda on its own without the liquid flavoring :slight_smile:

[quote]forbes wrote:
JohnConnor wrote:
whats so funny? im being serious btw i honestly didnt find anything humorous about that link lol except the fact that he already had access to anaconda

Usually people say “I find it funny that…” when they are speaking of an ironic situation. He probably didn’t expect to find that picture of the guy he was looking for with a product that just came out.

You think too much.[/quote]

Thank you, lol.

[quote]JohnConnor wrote:
oh sorry thibs you misunderstood what i was saying, i meant Anaconda on its own without the liquid flavoring :)[/quote]

That’s suicidal!!!

Although the first version didn’t use liquid flavoring. It had a built-in flavor like protein products. But no powder flavor was strong enough to make it drinkable.

hahaha okay ill take your word for it, kool-aid it is!

[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
JPeggEFS wrote:
HAHAHAHA That is pretty funny. Exceptionally ironic as well. Its the old pre-flavored stuff too. Tastes like absolute ass the first two times, and is then awesome. I feel really fortunate that Dave and Biotest hooked me up with it a while back. you guys will like the liquid flavors a ton. They are a touch messy, but do a great job masking the taste of the stuff.

The reason I said that to Thibs is that he and I had a fairly long conversation about the dosing and things of that nature, and i had received some fairly explicit instructions prior to receiving it.


And in return I got a ton of lifting advice! Good deal.


Thanks Christian. That statement coming from you means a lot to me.


Off topic…nice sleeve Jason ( polynesian or samoan?)

[quote]Charles3264 wrote:
Off topic…nice sleeve Jason ( polynesian or samoan?)[/quote]

It’s probably just dirt… you know, those powerlifters are hicky

[quote]Charles3264 wrote:
Off topic…nice sleeve Jason ( polynesian or samoan?)[/quote]

Samoa is part of Polynesia. :wink:

[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
Charles3264 wrote:
Off topic…nice sleeve Jason ( polynesian or samoan?)

It’s probably just dirt… you know, those powerlifters are hicky[/quote]

I can appreciate your Freudian slip here. Im pretty good looking! hahahahah
