Herdfan Phase 2 Log

Phase 1 [started on 10/31/07, ending on Friday - 4/2/08]

Starting stats
37 years old
no lifting experience
236 lbs.
Could not do a pull-up, 12 push-up max

Began with the Myoplex Diet / EAS Dumbell Workout plan for November through January and lost some weight. Changed to Thib’s Fat Destroyer program [thanks Thibs!] in February and have stayed with it through March while going to the velocity diet in March.

Current Workout Program
5 Cycles Weight Reps
Incline DB Press 60 4 - 6
Decline DB Flyes 35 6 - 8
DB Rows 60 4 - 6
Reverse DB Flyes 25 6 - 8
Rest 2 Minutes

Jumprope (du) 10 sets 60 on/off
3 Cycles [no rest] Weight Reps
Decline DB Press 45 12 - 15
Back Squat 185 12 - 15
Barbell Row 65 12 - 15
Leg Curl 60 12 - 15
Decline Crunch 0 12 - 15

    Rest 2 Minutes
3 Cycles [no rest]   Weight	Reps
DB Shoulder Press	25	15 - 20
Leg Press	       180	15 - 20
Lat Pulldown	         8	15 - 20
Lunge	                20	15 - 20
Serratus Crunch	        30	15 - 20

Steady State Bicycle 20 minutes


5 Cycles Weight Reps
Back Squat 225 4 - 6
Lunge 30 6 - 8
Good Mornings 145 4 - 6
Leg Curl 80 6 - 8
Rest 2 Minutes


3 Cycles [no rest] Weight Reps
Flat DB Press 45 12 - 15
Hack Squat Mach 135 12 - 15
Single Arm Row 45 12 - 15
Deadlift 185 12 - 15
Ball Crunches 0 12 - 15

    Rest 2 Minutes

    3 Cycles [no rest]    Weight	Reps
    Barbell Shoulder Press	20	15 - 20
    Leg Extensions	         8	15 - 20
    Cable Row	        11	15 - 20
    Stiff Leg Deadlift     135	15 - 20
    Serratus Crunch	        30	15 - 20


Current Stats
37 years old
1/2 year lifting experience
190 lbs.
Max of 8 pull-ups, did 50 push-ups goofing off last night with my son . . . he no longer wants to do push-ups with me

Here I am now . . .

Now I will need to start on a different workout plan . . . I want to do something to continue to help my make my abs actually show, so I don’t want to add body fat, but I would also like to gain a little size in my chest . . . these may be mutually exclusive goals and I may need to prioritize them, but if there is advice on where to go next, I am open to suggestion . . .