Hepburn Layering for Strength and Size Program Feedback

Hey Coach,

Just wanted to let you know how great your Hepburn Layering system from your blog worked for me.
I technically did 6 weeks instead of 4. Week 2 I failed a bench set. So I recalibrated my bench numbers and restarted all the lifts.
Last week I finished up. Today I test my back squat. I added 20 freakin KGs to my squat! I was expecting some gains because of how difficult the work was for 6 weeks but damn, 20KGs is a huge bump!

Ill report back here with the numbers during the week

My 1A tendencies are overriding my 2A need for variation. Those results have me pumped. I’ll test, deload and jump on that hell hole of a train for another cycle.

Thanks Coach!


I can’t make this shit up. I also added 20kg to my fk’in bench! I even hit it twice to make sure my spotter didn’t touch it the second time. I couldn’t believe it.
I tested my bench the week before I started. Was sitting at around 125, feel like I could have gotten a touch more, but not much so wasn’t worth it. I plugged in my percentages and went to work. On week 2 during the 3x6-8 layer I failed a set. Coach recommended to adjust down and restart. I left my top sets at 87% the same but lowered the last 3 layers by 10%.
I tested my max today and hit 145! It was grindy af but form held tight.
To top all of it off. The entire block has been in a 3500 cal per week deficit!
Man, I don’t know what hell it is about this approach. But it WORKS damn good for ME.

Thanks Coach!

I’ll post on my OHP Friday.

Layering (either my traditional layer approach or a variation like the Hepburn layers) seem to be the fastest way to build size and strength on a lift. I always got great results from it too (got back to it this week). It likely has to do with very rapid and important neurological adaptation from the high amount of work on a single lift while minimize other volume thus allowing the body to recover

I’m still kind of in disbelief. I really want to deload and give it another block. In your experience does a second block continue to produce results? Of course I don’t expect to add another 20kg. Or in your experience after one block do the gains slow way down? In my thinking those neuro adaptations having already been made so any further progress would slow way down

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It will still work, but to a lesser extent. A better approach would be to use a similar but slightly different lift.

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Thanks Coach. Sound like a plan. Close grip, front squat, Push Press it is.
I do gotta say I was cussing you out during those brutal squat sessions. No way it’s gonna get better with front squats
Love/hate relationship we got going on :laughing: