Help With Whey Protein

ok. i have recently bought some creatine and whey protien (all of which are GNC brand) i got the Monohydrate creatine so i wouldnt taste anything… but i got Vanilla flavored Whey Protien… i dont think it would taste great in much of anything… so i decided to mix it with milk <<< is that a bad thing b/c it is a dairy porduct an all…And i just drink apple juice with the Creatine. so no worries on that. If anyone has a suggestion on if they just mix it up with a smoothie, or something that tastes good. let me no

Dude what are you going?

Milk and apple juice? You do realize both the protein and creatine is best used post workout? Fructose and milk fats arent!

Anyway go out and buy some gatorade powder. Mix one and a half serving of gatorade which will give you near 60 grams of good carbs with one spoon of creatine and 1 1/2 scoop of protein (which will give you 30 grams of protein) with water(600 plus MLs) and consume immediatley after your workout.

Now as for your off days continue doing what you are. Milk will give you some benefits of slow digestion and extra calories, not to mention thick taste to your shakes, and fruit juices are a reasonably fine choice to consume creatine with. However warm water or warm juices are the best way.

Well we need MUCH more info. Goals stats etc… are you trying to gain . lose, etc. Why the Cheapo whey. LOL

Nothing wrong with milk. I dont drink it but if you are challanged at putting on weight it can be a big aid. If you want simply mix the creatine in it. Or yes you can mix the whey with apple or any juice.

Only worry is with things like OJ which are very acidic. Then the only worry is really looks and feel as the whey may curdle.

So in short yes take the whey, take the creatine, drink milk if you want and juice ( Though a REAL apple would be MUCH better).

If you want anything more I suggest you give us more to work with,

Hope that helps,

I used to hate vanilla shakes. One thing I have started doing recently though that is pretty good is experimenting more with flavoring similar to what Shugs talked about with his wife on the velocity diet with those concentrated flavorings you get in the baking aisle at the store. A recent one I have been using is 2 or 3 scoops of protein powder, about 16-20 ounces of water, some maple flavoring, a little splenda, some cinnamon, and some molly mcbutter. I put it in my shaker bottle and shake for 45-60 seconds and it tastes like I am drinking a cinnamon roll…YUMMY!!! I also use the same recipe in my oatmeal and it is great!

[quote]Phill wrote:
Well we need MUCH more info. Goals stats etc… are you trying to gain . lose, etc. Why the Cheapo whey. LOL [/quote]

And the thing is, GNC whey isn’t that cheap. It’s cheap quality, but it’s expensive for what you get. If you’re going to stick with whey concentrate, I dunno, go with Higher Power brand or something. 5 lbs of cheap whey for way less than you’d pay for 3 lbs of cheap GNC whey.

Still, better to go with Low-Carb Grow! It’s barely more expensive per pound than GNC whey, and a heck of a lot better quality.

Did you keep the receipt?

GNC will usually refund your money if it is within 30 days of yourpurchase date.

Take it back and use your money on Grow!

[quote]fedorov91 wrote:
Did you keep the receipt?

GNC will usually refund your money if it is within 30 days of yourpurchase date.

Take it back and use your money on Grow![/quote]

Uh, you don’t want to take Grow! post-workout with creatine. If you can’t afford/don’t want to buy Surge for whatever reason, you are better off with gatorade powder, the whey you have and your creatine as PWO shake. Grow! would be good to boost your protein intake throughout the day (not post-workout) if you need to.

Milk makes shakes gooder!
Actualy, the whey is usualy derived from milk.
Whats up with the lunatic fringe anti-milk campaign? Bunch of fruitcakes.

[quote]mindeffer01 wrote:
Milk makes shakes gooder!
Actualy, the whey is usualy derived from milk.
Whats up with the lunatic fringe anti-milk campaign? Bunch of fruitcakes.


Milk is for babies!!!

It just isn’t what it used to be. It’s packed with hormones (notice how 12-14 year old girls have such big tits nowadays??? - not that there’s anything wrong with that). hehehehe

umm… post workout?? in one of the threads on creatine use. it says NOT!!! to take before working out… i talked to one of the GNC workers (you no those guys who can barley stand up they r so big) and they do not carry Surge :frowning: well as far as PWO same answer…also i do not want to take the Whey protien with Water, b/c it tastes like Sh**.

i am 15, 6’1, 156 - 160… i havent weighed myself in a bit but i wreslte and was at 152 ish all the way through Febuary so im guessing on what i look like now compared to then… not much difference sept i have packed alittle more muscle on since then. On the panel of the Whey Protein it says to take 5 grams PER pound of body weight. i said forget that its way to much. i just take half that and eat alot of fish and chicken.

If you need more stats let me no.

Oh yea? Well I’m starting my own campaign. It’s an environmental stance against volcanos. Do you realize how bad they are for the environment?
And Joints! Bad joints affect millions of people. They hurt, swell and are prone to arthritis. They must be removed!

Realy though-Even if there are so many antibiotics and growth hormones in milk, wouldn’t there be a problem with uptake? The first pass syndrome? Timing as it passes through the gut? Why doesnt the doctor prescribe milk for bacterial infections? Wouldn’t the antibiotics kill the enzymes that turn milk into yogurt?

I swear between my milk consumption and un rinsed phytic acid ladden diet I am either dead right now and don’t know it yet, or some sort of superhuman that evolved a resistance to chemical attack.
I’m not even going to question the big teen boobies. Those are a phenomenon I’ll just have to learn to live with. :wink:

[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
mindeffer01 wrote:
Milk makes shakes gooder!
Actualy, the whey is usualy derived from milk.
Whats up with the lunatic fringe anti-milk campaign? Bunch of fruitcakes.

Milk is for babies!!!

It just isn’t what it used to be. It’s packed with hormones (notice how 12-14 year old girls have such big tits nowadays??? - not that there’s anything wrong with that). hehehehe


That’s great. Milk is now “packed with hormones”? They don’t pasteurize milk where you come from? How did you come to that conclusion. I understand you wrote that lightly, but there are teenagers reading these boards basing their every action on many of the words written. I don’t understand this sudden fear of milk or much of the bullshit that now sounds worse than urban legend…only geared towards athletes.

What antibiotics are found in milk? They are loaded with Penicillin? Clindamycin? There is a large push to decrease the amounts of antibiotics doled out to patients. This is because many of these bacteria are building up a resistance. I just really want to know where you all are getting this from. What lab tests showed milk to be full of hormones? Which hormones? How much? What antibiotics are they supposedly “loaded” with?

Hey Prof X, you would have some insight into this. What would happen if someone drank milk that was loaded with an antibiotic that they are allergic to? My guess is that they would have a strong allergic reaction.Possibly fatal.

What do you think?

Would the dairy industry take that risk?

[quote]mindeffer01 wrote:
Hey Prof X, you would have some insight into this. What would happen if someone drank milk that was loaded with an antibiotic that they are allergic to? My guess is that they would have a strong allergic reaction.Possibly fatal.

What do you think?

Would the dairy industry take that risk?[/quote]

Of course. The entire company would be sued. Beyond that, the industry would probably fall apart especially if this wasn’t CLEARLY labeled. That is why most of this sounds like bullshit. The same trouble I would be in for precribing a patient Pen-V K without checking their chart for allergies against it is the same trouble a milk company would be in…only the publicity would make it much worse.

I have been pm’d about whether I think drinking milk is ok. That is one reason that I wish many of you would quit spreading crap that you heard from someone else with no research to back it up. Some are acting as if milk is interchangeable with cyanide.

There is no such drug as “antibiotic”. They are antibioticS and they have many different names and activities. Some are broad spectrum killing off many different bugs, and some are more specific towards a certain group of bacteria. Considering the push to decrease the use of antibiotics for minor infections due to resistance is why this shouldn’t make sense to anyone.

Bottom line, I drink milk. Milk (along with everything else I ate…and needless to say, weight lifting) helped me initially go from 150lbs to over 200lbs in less than two years. I don’t understand why suddenly it is being avoided to this degree. If you don’t like milk, fine, but stop acting as if it is poison.

[quote]mindeffer01 wrote:
Milk makes shakes gooder!
Actualy, the whey is usualy derived from milk.
Whats up with the lunatic fringe anti-milk campaign? Bunch of fruitcakes.


You do realize this person is trying to use milk in his post workout shake along with creatine?

The fats in the milk slow the digestion down, a big fat NO during the PWO anabolic window for anyone.

Creatine and milk? You do know calcium decreases the uptake of most other nutrients? There is reason ZMA isnt supposed to be taken within 30-50 minutes of meals containing calcium. Creatine is already insoluble in plain water (becomes soluble when heated), yet you think warning the guy about not using milk with his creatine is some sort of a “fruitcake” propaganda?

I do agree milk should be a good part of your diet and i use it in both my last and first meals of the day and dont mind drinking some during lunch hours, but during the postworkout anabolic window? Nope. With creatine? Not at all.

iTry: I do not know which whey protein you got at GNC but I doubt it says to take 5 grams per pound. At the 160 lbs. you think you weigh that would be 800 grams. Even the half amount that you say you take is 400 grams a day.

At 20 grams by 20 scoops you would finish a 6lb. container of the 100% Whey in 5 days. My container of 100% Whey says to take 1-3 servings(scoops) a day. Also, unlike what someone stated, it is not necessarily expensive. Last month I bought two 6lb. containers with the 20% Gold card discount and 50% off sale for roughly the $41.99 sticker price for one container. Came out to $3.50 per pound.

I usually have two scoops at Breakfast as if helps to control my sweet tooth for the rest of the day. The whey protein can be a decent way to increase protein intake when on a budget especially when consumed with food.

[quote]samsmarts wrote:
You do realize this person is trying to use milk in his post workout shake along with creatine?

The fats in the milk slow the digestion down, a big fat NO during the PWO anabolic window for anyone.

Creatine and milk? You do know calcium decreases the uptake of most other nutrients? There is reason ZMA isnt supposed to be taken within 30-50 minutes of meals containing calcium. Creatine is already insoluble in plain water (becomes soluble when heated), yet you think warning the guy about not using milk with his creatine is some sort of a “fruitcake” propaganda?

I do agree milk should be a good part of your diet and i use it in both my last and first meals of the day and dont mind drinking some during lunch hours, but during the postworkout anabolic window? Nope. With creatine? Not at all.[/quote]

I hate to throw a big 'ole monkey wrench into your approach, but what if someone is using fat free milk?

I have drunk milk in the past post-workout. The primary fuel your body needs after a workout is carbohydrates. Anything else is additive. This is easily fixed if the guy would simply drink some gatorade and then gets on with his milk drinking. I apologize for not making that extremely complicated. Milk has carbs too.

That isn’t to say anything against Surge or any other product you wish to endorse. However, people were making gains long before the products on this site were created and knowledge of post workout nutrition isn’t exactly “new info”.

[quote]cowpaddi wrote:
At 20 grams by 20 scoops you would finish a 6lb. container of the 100% Whey in 5 days. My container of 100% Whey says to take 1-3 servings(scoops) a day. Also, unlike what someone stated, it is not necessarily expensive. Last month I bought two 6lb. containers with the 20% Gold card discount and 50% off sale for roughly the $41.99 sticker price for one container. Came out to $3.50 per pound.

Also, someone mentioned that GNC’s brand is poor quality. I am not sure who came up with that but I disagree. I used to work for them when I was in college and while their protein is more expensive than what I can buy on the internet, it isn’t cheaply made. I wouldn’t listen to half of the people who work for that company unless they clearly look like they lift seriously and aren’t just stearing you towards whatever they get a promotions bonus for.

Considering the better prices on the net, I doubt many serious trainers buy much at all at GNC unless they need some “emergency” supplies.

To chime in on the milk debate, most factory-farm cows (and other animals) are fed some amount of antibiotics in their feed to stop them from getting sick in the first place. With the conditions at those farms, they almost have to.

They are also given different hormones, to increase their milk production.

You can buy milk that is from hormone- and anti-biotic free cows. Thats all whole foods market sells for example. If and when you do, you will notice printed on the bottle, as required by the FDA, “THERE IS NO CURRENT TEST OR STUDY THAT CAN SHOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MILK FROM COWS TREATED WITH GROWTH HORMONE AND THOSE THAT ARE NOT”

So is it really that big a deal? Like one of the authors would say (i forget which one/which article) if you can buy the hormone free milk, fine. if not, DRINK THE FUCKING MILK.

Yeah, I have to chime in on this as well… for those with “food issues” reading this.

First, if you happen to consume some fats post workout, it’s not the end of the goddamned world. There is a huge difference between trying to optimize the absorption of certain nutrients and whether or not something will still achieve fantastic results.

People got huge in the world before the discovery of the “perfect” post workout nutrition.

As for milk, meat or any other regularly consumed dietary product these days, unless you have FOOD ISSUES they are perfectly fine.

Food issues include things such as allergies, digestive intolerance and so on. For most of the human race, we simply eat whatever shit we want and the body takes care of it for us.

All that being said, if you are looking for PWO nutrition, just buy Surge and stop wasting your time playing chemistry professor in your kitchen while obsessing about ridiculous bullshit.

Oh yes, by the way, when we eat steak, we get creatine – and you know what, steak doesn’t contain the optimal amount of carbohydrate for absorption of this nutrient. And hey, if you have a glass of milk with your steak, the world isn’t going to stop spinning either.


Lift weights. Eat food. Relax.