Help with Second Cycle, Test/Dbol


I’ll try to keep this as short as possible

This is my second cycle. My first cycle was 400 mg test e for 12 weeks

My current cycle is 500 mg test e for 12 weeks

5 weeks of dbol 25 mg from week 2-6

I have nolvadex and arimidex on hand

I am currently on week 3 of test, 1 week into dbol, starting to feel very slight irritation around nipples. Could be paranoid but I don’t think so. I have read on some forums and sites to take arimidex from the beginning, other sites say that’s wrong and only take arimidex if signs of gyno start to appear. I have not taken any arimidex yet. Should I start? If so how much and how often? 0.25 every other day?

Also some other forums in seeing people suggest nolvadex is better on cycle to combat gyno instead of arimidex….and seeing others strongly disagree. It’s hard to do research when everything is so contradicting. Can someone with experience please chime in?

Some other notes, not sure if this helps, I had zero side effects on first cycle other then a little back acne. I have been lifting for 15 years, approximately 15% bodyfat, maybe a little less, can see visible abs and definition

Thank you!!!

With no bloodwork, no one can tell - its all guessing and pointless. Just do bloods and see for yourself what you need and what you dont.

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I highly doubt my doctor will do random blood work without me being sick. I can ask but I don’t think they will

I’ll offer you my 2 cents. Back in the 70’s, and '80’s we never knew enough to get a blood test or even if the doctors knew enough to interpret them, so here goes:

I believe you are probably getting gyno from what you said. Two questions: How successful was your first cycle? (strength and size) How long had you been off before starting the second cycle? Just curious. But regardless, I’d drop the test back to 400 mg/week for starters. And if that isn’t sufficient drop to 15 mg dbol. But that’s just guessing from experience. Those who could get it used Nolvadex during a cycle, but we were just guessing.

Thanks for response… first cycle I gained about 20 pounds, remained lean. Visible abs, gained lots of strength. Bench went up 40 pounds which I was pleased with.

Have been off about 5 months

It’s likely a combination of the higher test dosage which is aromatizing more than you can handle and then you added in dbol which highly aromatizes as well. As @hankthetank89 said you can only guess without labs but for me I get issues on anything above 4-500mg so the dbol would definitely throw me into needing an AI territory.

You have two options. If nips are the only issue you could just run tamoxifen but if you are having other high E2 symptoms Arimadex at the dosage you recommended should suffice.


Thanks man!

If I choose to go with arimidex. Just take it until the dbol is finished then stop the arimidex for remainder of cycle?

You could also pull the dbol, wait till you reach your new homeostasis so to speak, and then add back in the dbol. Your hormones are already all over the place on the way up to steady state levels. Plus doing the dbol at the end can add an extra kick towards the end when the drugs and training is taking a toll on you physically.


That is what I would do. Just cease the dbol, and see what that does. It clears quickly too, so you should know pretty soon if that will work.

You can order your own labs online, fairly cheap too, but it’ll likely show elevated e2. How much you should take depends on how high e2 is, but start small. Maybe .5mg day after your injections

You seem to have a decent cycle approach and some understanding of the steroids you’re taking. That’s a lot better than most.

I would just take 0.5mg+ Adex /week while on the dbol. Start low and add more if you’re tolerating it and feel you need more symptom relief. Wait at least 3 days between arimidex doses.

Ideally you would get some blood work done, but experimenting works ok if done correctly. Keep a journal and document so you have the info for future cycles.

Depends on where he’s located. Here in Germany, I couldn’t get a hormonal read (besides thyroids) without serious physical signs (gyno would suffice probably) that I have a problem and then if there’s something off (for example test over 10 times the range) I would have to explain that and stop. So if I’m cycling, I will not be able to get any labs here. I thought about driving to France or another country for that.

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If it were me I would, take the AI .25mg twice per week after ceasing the dbol. Once with each injection, it’s a small dose and on 500mg test likely won’t crash your E2.

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You don’t ask your doctor when you are cycling. You go online and buy a mini blood test. google discountedlabs. Nelson will get you the test you need.

This is why a member should post where he lives if outside of the US or the site should have it below their avatar. I see this so often here. We offer advice and the OP will be from bumfuck no where and you wonder how the hell did he even get injectable T in the first place.


His (and your) injectable T is likely produced in his hometown of bumfuck nowhere and he may very well have an easier time sourcing it than you.

I agree that those not from the US should post at least their general location. Otherwise it is assumed they are somewhere in N. America.

My script for T is compounded in Texas. I don’t use UGL’s for T
I do mess around with AAS’s from eastern europe. Wasted a lot of bitcoins on fake GH.
My SARM’s and peptides are also made in USA.
I do buy pain killers, and assorted drugs from India.
What does any of this have to do with the OP’s question?
Did my comment just fly up your nose, and piss you off? It’s true.

Nothing. Didn’t mean to derail.

Possibly. I’ve been getting lousy sleep, and overburdened with responsibilities have been snapping at people left and right. My apologies. However I didn’t appreciate the not so subtle notion that if you’re not from the US that you are automatically from “bumfuck no where”. I realize that this is likely not what you were implying and that my judgement of your comment was poor as I was reading and commenting your post at 4am.

I live in canada lol

Dbol is mostly redundant when using testosterone. The entire reason it exists is because it came around before testosterone was being used in medical settings. I can almost guarantee that you won’t see the difference between using dbol vs using test prop as the “kickstart” (which is a term I cannot stand) at the beginning of your cycle. If you’re using testosterone already and want an extra bit of push then why not just use more testosterone? It presents the exact same issues and sides as dbol while being the healthier of the two drugs.