I am going to be starting two-a-days on Monday. Does anyone have any advice on recovery besides rest and good nutrition? Such as alternating hot and cold water while taking a shower. thanks for the help.
That’s about all you can do to get thourgh it. Just make sure to take in plenty of carbs and protein. It’s best to take in a good bit of carbs after each practice. It may be a good idea to take some glutamine as well.
drink water, take motrin, walk it off.
(well, maybe that is not the best advice, but we hear it a lot in the army.)Serously though, make sure you are hydrated. Motrin
helps you deal with the pain and can keep inflammation down. Walk, or stretch and it can go a long way towards passive recovery.
[quote]combatmedic wrote:
drink water, take motrin, walk it off.
(well, maybe that is not the best advice, but we hear it a lot in the army.)Serously though, make sure you are hydrated. Motrin
helps you deal with the pain and can keep inflammation down. Walk, or stretch and it can go a long way towards passive recovery.
I certainly concur with the hydration. As for the inflammation, try tons, yes tons, perhaps 6-9 grams, of Salmon Oil per day. I know some guys take way more than this, but this dose should help, it worked for me. Be sure to get the “wild” Salmon variety and not that lame “farmed” salmon crap.
Painkillers should be relegated for true times of injury. Your soreness is due to the microtrauma of the stress. Growth and your body’s adaptation (hypertrophic and neurological) are recovery. Painkillers inhibit these functions and while you lessen the pain- you lessen the pain.
Essentially, the painkillers end up being inhibitors.
Work your body hard and reap the benefits and consequences.
Milk helps kill the lactic acid buildup so drink lots of it…A few years back the Miami Hurricanes started jumping in tubs of ice and water to shock their bodies “out of soreness”. I dont know why but it works…we did it where I played before my injury. The fish oils are a good idea as well and I would recommened constant stretching as well.