what suppliments and recovery tactics works best for u guys , i am a serious ipf lifter and am looking for everything drug free that can help, i am useing bcaa amino, and i am also takeing ice baths. any more advice would be great for more strength ;recovery
Epsom salt baths are also great. Aside from that, currcumin, rhodiola rosea, and fish oil are all great supps that can help you recover.
I used to try epsom salt baths, and they never helped until an article here a week ago. I had one every day for a week and than I felt like it was helping.
I think I picked this up from Dan John as well, but take a shower and every minute go from extreme hot, to extreme cold. It sucks, but it seemed to help with soreness back in my highschool days when I thought soreness = gains. Do that for 5minutes or so at least (and you don’t have to use burn yourself hot hot haha)
Anaconda was also great for soreness, I miss it. Using Surge Workout Fuel and it doesn’t really do much for me outside of workout energy. I’d say the MAG-10 helps big time as well.
wtf do ice baths do?
[quote]paulieserafini wrote:
wtf do ice baths do?[/quote]
Make the soreness feel like a joke compared to freezing in water haha? I wonder myself though, most stuff relates to runners I saw.
[quote]KcThrows wrote:
I, but take a shower and every minute go from extreme hot, to extreme hot. . [/quote]
Massage perhaps? I know that whenever my shoulder is especially achy, my brother’s advice is to always swing by the office and get some ‘work’ done on it.
[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
Massage perhaps? I know that whenever my shoulder is especially achy, my brother’s advice is to always swing by the office and get some ‘work’ done on it.
wow Stu with your shoulder the way it is that must HURT
Recovery is something that requires a lot of work if you intend on training often…
I powerlift 3x a week and play rugby 3x a week, each session completely taxing. For a while I was just sore all the time and my performance in both PL and rugby suffered tremendously… something had to change
I find that peri-nutrition is critical, if your not fueling before/during/after with the correct protein/aminos/carbs then your setting yourself up for failure… MAG-10 and Plazma have been amazing. I am no longer sore at all! Its a big trade-off of cash though, but for me the cost is well worth it. Now I kick ass in the gym and the field and feel great.
I have the luxury of having 2 bathrooms in my place, so I take a hot shower for 3 minutes, hop in an ice bath for 1 minute and repeat for 10-15 minutes… I am a puss puss with cold water, so i blare music, yell at the dog, name the lineup of my favorite teams. But in the ice bath I have 3 cups of epsom salt as well. I heat the cups up first separately so they have melted, then add the bath… I only do this after PL workouts…
Foam roll and do tons of mobility (visit mobilitywod.com, have an anatomy book handy) 10 min when I wake, 10 min during lunch (my office mates call me that weird guy who rolls around on the floor), before and after workout and before bed…
Sounds like a lot? But it works… all lifts are up, bodyweight down, no soreness
[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
Epson salt baths are also great. [/quote]
I love epsom salt baths. Not only do I think that they help with muscle soreness, but they make me sleep MUCH better, they improve my digestion, and they relax my mind - all of those things crucial to recovery.
I soak for about 20-30 minutes, take a cold shower, and go to sleep. Sometimes I’ll eat a little bit afterwards too, but most of the time I just hit the sack.
[quote]howie424 wrote:
[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
Epson salt baths are also great. [/quote]
I love epsom salt baths. Not only do I think that they help with muscle soreness, but they make me sleep MUCH better, they improve my digestion, and they relax my mind - all of those things crucial to recovery.
I soak for about 20-30 minutes, take a cold shower, and go to sleep. Sometimes I’ll eat a little bit afterwards too, but most of the time I just hit the sack.
In my experience with Epson salt baths they are great for temporary relief from muscle soreness. As Howie said they relax the body and I feel sleepy after I get out. If however, you take one mid-day followed by a shower you will hop out feeling great for about 2-3 hours. After that the soreness will start to creep back in.
I prefer 10 minutes of sauna followed by 5 minutes of cold shower, repeat as many time as you have time for. The drastic changes in temperature is very therapeutic.
[quote]paulieserafini wrote:
wtf do ice baths do?[/quote]
Cold can constrict the blood flow and blunt the nerve receptors in a local or general way depending on how much of yourself you can submerge. In all of the reading I have done on the issue Ice/Cold is preferred within the first 48 hours to stop swelling and reduce muscle damage due to trauma. After 48 hours heating pads are recommended for trauma to aid in blood flow and help the body heal itself.
In athletes that have mechanical injuries it is easy to see why ice/cold is recommended. Bodybuilders on the other hand cause trauma to their muscles by design so I do not see ice/cold as advantages unless a muscle tear of mechanical injury is present. (In My Opinion)
I do one hard high rep pump set on muscles 2 days after I train them.
[quote]alin wrote:
[quote]KcThrows wrote:
I, but take a shower and every minute go from extreme hot, to extreme hot. . [/quote]
Sorry, edited! Hot to cold
also, I think this is the old source
[quote]lilvikin wrote:
what suppliments and recovery tactics works best for u guys , i am a serious ipf lifter and am looking for everything drug free that can help, i am useing bcaa amino, and i am also takeing ice baths. any more advice would be great for more strength ;recovery[/quote]
Look at ways to tweak your training, nutrition, supplementation, and other recovery methods.
Training - Streamline your program to improve weaknesses, incorporate prehab/mobility, and address conditioning if necessary. Consider following a well-designed program with a track record of success rather than creating your own plan.
Nutrition - Even though you’re a powerlifter, eat for performance not leisure. (I say that with love, 'ya bunch of big strong lugs, 'ya.) Double-check that you’re getting ample high-quality protein and healthy fats.
Supplementation - If the only thing you’re currently taking is a BCAA supplement, you’re training like it’s 1989. Peri-workout nutrition like Anaconda, a daily protein like MAG-10 or Metabolic Drive, and performance supps like creatine and Surge Workout Fuel are huge difference-makers. Determine your budget and then make the most cost-effective, bang-for-buck choices you can.
Other Recovery - In addition to what’s been mentioned (contrast showers, epsom baths, etc.), improve your quality of sleep. It’s insane how much more refreshing sleep is when you black out the room as much as possible (blankets over the windows, cover alarm clock display, etc.) and make it slightly cooler than “room temperature”.
That’s an article I wrote a while ago. The workout nutrition advice is out-dated since we have more powerful products now (more on that later) but the rest of the advice is sound, many of the techniques have been talked about already.
When it comes to supplements, as a powerlifter you need to take care of both muscular and neural recovery. PLAZMA is the best product to use to increase muscle recovery and it will also give you better gains. I recommend 1 scoop about 20 minutes pre-workout and 2 scoops during the workout.
For neural recovery I still feel like 1 serving of POWER DRIVE taken AFTER your workout will help facilitate the recovery of the nervous system after a draining session.
[quote]howie424 wrote:
[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:
Epson salt baths are also great. [/quote]
I love epsom salt baths. Not only do I think that they help with muscle soreness, but they make me sleep MUCH better, they improve my digestion, and they relax my mind - all of those things crucial to recovery.
I soak for about 20-30 minutes, take a cold shower, and go to sleep. Sometimes I’ll eat a little bit afterwards too, but most of the time I just hit the sack.
I sleep like a rock after a cold shower.
im gonna try these baths out. i dont take in any whey protein i eat big instead thats my why but im open to try any suppliment that will boost my recovery allot not just take in somthing that my help lil for 100dollers month
[quote]lilvikin wrote:
im open to try any suppliment that will boost my recovery allot not just take in somthing that my help lil for 100dollers month[/quote]
If that’s your budget, it’s workable, but it’s it’s obviously not ideal.
Stick to the bang-for-your-buck basics: Surge Recovery, creatine, whey protein, and a fish oil like Flameout. Should be manageable within the budget, since there’s really no room to get fancy.