Started my first mag-10 cycle on monday with 2 doses and it is now wed. night and i have only gained .5 lb. I am training with GSP II once per day. Eating 350 pro and 400 carb and taking in about 3500 calories each day. I have read through the old mag-10 support groups and don’t seem to be experiencing the same effects that most have had. Am i doing something wrong. Bill or Chris, got any suggestions or comments.
C’mon guys i really need some advice here. I really want to make the most out of this product.
You should weigh twice during a MAG-10 cycle - once at the end of the first week, and again at the end of the cycle. You’ll drive yourself nuts weighing daily. And, to be honest, you’ll drive me nuts with these “I’ve been on MAG-10 for 4 minutes and I’m not huge yet” posts.
Yo Bro I don’t post on here often but this type of question just irks me!! You’ve been using Mag10 since Monday and have gained 5 pounds!! Are you kidding me?? That’s a great accomplishment if you ask me and I’m sure others on the board will agree…I mean I’ve done cycles of roids before and I didn’t gain 5lbs in even a week–maybe within 2-3 weeks. So for an OTC supplement I would have to say that Mag10 is a very effective supplement. Anyway , enough of my venting…you’re probably new to the game I assume so what I would do is go back through previous issues on the T-mag website and learn as much as you can about bodybuilding the right way…T-mag writers are regular guys like us not a bunch of juiceheads…so they know what’s realistic for a natural trainee and what isn’t. Good luck with your goals !!
Actually it was 0.5 lb not 5 pounds. If it had been 5 i would be ecstatic. And i have been lifting for about 2 years now. THis is my first mag-10 cycle and most people seem to have gains of 3 or 4 lb in the first few days. That is why i asked this question.
How much do you weigh? Maybe you should be eating more.
If you are not gaining weight then you are not eating enough. With or without mag-10, if your weight does not increase your food needs to. During my first cycle of mag-10 I ate as much as possable: 350 protien, 750 carbs, 75 fat. This was my aprox. breakdown of food. This brought me from 218lbs. to 230lbs. in three weeks @ 1.5 doses per day. Just make sure that you eat big when you get up, after you workout, before you go to bed, and at least five times inbetween.
I started at 140. In another thread bill told me to start at 3500, and i have been having a difficult time getting even that many. Not sure if i could stuff my face with more food.
Did you write down everything you are eating and add up the macros. A while back I thought I was getting enough cals, but when I added it up I was about 350 cals to low.
I started at 140. In another thread bill told me to start at 3500, and i have been having a difficult time getting even that many. Not sure if i could stuff my face with more food.
I have been keeping a strict food log. I know i am getting 350 pro every day. Maybe i need to bump up the carbs.
i know it seems hard, but you really need to bump up the calories. if you haven’t gained weight, that is probably why. you definately don’t need to be worried about fat gain if you have only gained that much weight allready. if you only weigh 140 try reading the skinny bastard diet if you haven’t allready and use some of the foods mentioned in there to bump up your calories.
Oh woops…sorry about that I thought you wrote 5 pounds…I guess I’m going blind here LOL Anyway sounds like you’re getting plenty of protein but like the other guys have said I think you may need to try bumping up the calories and you should start to see satisfying results