I’m 30 y/o, been on TRT for about 8 years. I’ve had a bilateral orchiectomy for medical reasons (not cancer) so I make no testosterone or other things that come from testicles. I’m 5’ 11" and weight 202 lb. I work out 4 times a week and can do 15 pull-up, 44 push-ups, and am generally pretty athletic. I carry around too much body fat and have always had prominent love handles.
I can still see my abs but my scale says I’m about 20% BF (not sure how accurate that is). I used to be pretty good at running (4 minute mile at my peak) but it hurts me to much now (probably my weight).
Anyway, the reason I’m posting is because I feel pretty lousy. My chief complaint is libido. I can get erections to have sex pretty easy but having an orgasm takes forever (it always has for me) and I rarely get morning wood unless I haven’t had sex for about a week. As it is, it’s almost impossible for me to have an orgasm more than about every other day. Through sex or masturbation. Other complaints include, difficulty losing weight, brain fog sometimes, possible visual reduction, fatigue, sleepy a lot, and slow healing/scaring.
I’ve been on testosterone propionate 50 mg inj EOD for about a year and arimidex 1/2 mg EOD. Prior to that I’ve been on cyp up to 200mg/wk. I switched to prop from cyp to see if it made any difference and it hasn’t. I’m from Southwestern Pennsylvania USA. I have an appointment with my wonderful Dr in less than 2 weeks and I would like some input from you guys to see your thoughts.
My Dr is awesome and has been really good to me and will consider just about anything I talk to him about. I also take a GNC multi vitamin, fish oil, flax seed oil, 100 mg pregnenolone, and 1000 mg of MSM daily. I’m going to quit the preg and msm unless someone can give me a good reason not to because I’ve noticed no improvement. Also, I’ve been using about 50 grams of soy protein isolate from non gmo sources for about a month now to help with recovery from exercise. My diet has been pretty good with not much junk food and miminal sugar leading up to my test for about a month.
Most recent labs 10/5/10 from Quest Diagnostics (12 hr fast and 8 am test):
Cholesterol 283 mg/dl 125-200
HDL 46 mg/dl >40
Ratio 6.2 <5
LDL 191 mg/dl <130
Triglycerides 232 mg/dl <150
WBC 4.0 thous/mcl 3.8-10.8
rbc 5.43 mil/mc. 4.2-5.8
hemoglobin 16.1 g/dl 13.2-17.1
hematocrit 46.6% 18.5-50
platelet count 217 thous/mcl 140-400
other things in cbc all in range
t4 total 6.1 ug/dl 4.5-12.5
tsh 3rd gen 3.49 miu/l .4-4.5
t4 free 1.1 ng/dl .8-1.8
t3 free 3.6 pg/ml 2.3-4.2
prolactin 7.7 ng/ml 2.0-18.0
estradiol 33 pg/ml 13-54
t3 total 99 ng/dl 76-181
t3 reverse 19 ng/dl 11-32
testosterone total 435 ng/dl 250-1100
testosterone free % 3.27% 1.5-2.2
testosterone free 142.2 pg/ml 35.0-155.0
I took this test just before my next shot of prop so my T levels are usually higher. I thought for sure my prolactin would come back high because when I squeeze a nipple I get a clear/yellowish fluid out pretty easliy. Now I’m scratching my head a little about what would make me feel better.
My current thinking is thyroid. I know my estradiol was a little high but I’ve had it below 14 before and did not feel much better. My WBC has been as low as 3.6 before. Should I be concerned about that?
Tests from more than a year ago:
Cortisol Total 18.6 mcg/dl 4.0-22.0
DHEA Sulfate 481 ug/dl 110 - 510
Dihydrotestosterone 32 ng/dl 25-75
pregnenolone 16 ng/dl 13-208
IGF -I 305 ng/ml 126-382
Any thoughts you guys have would be much appreciated.