Hey guys first off wanted to say great site and heaps of info to be found. I’ll be doing a cycle at the start of next year, give myself some more time to grow naturally, in the meanwhile I wanted to gather as much info as possible. Knowledge is power, and we can never know too much.
Was thinking something along the lines of this:
12 weeks of Test Enanthate 500mg per week (Mon, Thur)
6 weeks of Dianabol 50mg every day (25ml twice a day)
12 weeks of Equipoise 600mg per week
12 weeks of Arimidex 1mg every day
Not too sure as to how to go about with the PCT. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Have plenty of time to sort this out and get it right the first time round.
how long are you planning on running this?
Unless you have had problems with gyno in the past, I would drop the a-dex. 1mg/day is a pretty large dose. If you really want to use it, start at something small like .25mg EOD. Keep the adex and nolva on hand in case gyno does flair up.
I would look into the test tapering as opposed to traditional PCT methods.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Aside from the good advice Firestanggt has given you, I would add that you should split the dbol dosage in line with its 4-5 hour half-life.
Also, you know not to take it for more than 6-8 weeks continuously, right?
Precisely as Bushy said. The idea is to use Dbol to achieve an even and constant level of elevated Test in the body. With this in mind, remember to keep yourself well hydrated. Basic knowledge, yes. But you’d be amazed how many people overlook the basics.
I knew I forgot something. I’ve edited the first post with the length of the cycle.
I don’t know how my body is going to react to it, as this will be my first cycle, that’s why I thought to throw in the adex in there.
I’ll read up on test tapering
So the Dbol should be broken into an equal dose throughout the day about 4-5hrs in between doses?
I feel personally EQ needs to be ran longer. It takes me upwards of 2 months to notice outward effects from it. I run EQ minimum of 16 weeks.
But forget that, why are you taking 3 compounds on a first cycle? I can see possibly 1 injectable and an oral, but why did you throw EQ in there? I personally love Boldenone, and yes it is mild, but aside from that, more is not better… especially on a first…
So EQ would be a waste of time and money?No need for it in a beginner cycle?
OK, been reading up on the test taper, and want to clean up a few things.
Week 12-18 100mg Test Enanthate pw
Week 19 75mg Test Enan
Week 20 50mg Test Enan
Week 21 50mg Test Enan
Week 22 25mg Test Enan
So week 19-22 aren’t included in the cycle, so they are counted as the “off” time.
Should I be taking anything else, or will the Dianabol, Test and some Arimidex and Nolvadex just incase gyno flares up. Also with the adex and nolva, how much needs to be taken in case of gyno.
[quote]ZZZ747 wrote:
So EQ would be a waste of time and money?No need for it in a beginner cycle?
OK, been reading up on the test taper, and want to clean up a few things.
Week 12-18 100mg Test Enanthate pw
Week 19 75mg Test Enan
Week 20 50mg Test Enan
Week 20 50mg Test Enan
Week 21 25mg Test Enan
So week 19-21 aren’t included in the cycle, so they are counted as the “off” time.
Should I be taking anything else, or will the Dianabol, Test and some Arimidex and Nolvadex just incase gyno flares up. Also with the adex and nolva, how much needs to be taken in case of gyno.
Thanks heaps guys[/quote]
Jimminy, fuckin’ christmas. Dianabol is AAS. And it’s not something you take throughout your cycle. It’s a kick starter that you take until your test e kicks in ~ roughly six weeks. Hold on to the Adex until you feel itchy or puffy nips, and then take 0.5mg.
Go here are read up on the stuff you’re about to place into your body.
On the left side of the screen, there’s a long list of compounds. Read up.
I agree, 1mg of arimidex is way too much, most I would recommend is .5mg like everyone said, unless you are prone to gyno then you might want to start it from the beginning of your cycle. As far as the d-bol, like any oral it’s extremely liver toxic so no longer than 6 weeks, my first cycle I only used test and dbol and had great results, you probably dont need the eq yet.
Personally I try to stay away from orals and haven’t used them since that cycle but I only used 30mg a day and had good results. Just make sure if your gonna use 50 that you do not drink alcohol and drink plenty of water
Jimminy, fuckin’ christmas. Dianabol is AAS. And it’s not something you take throughout your cycle. It’s a kick starter that you take until your test e kicks in ~ roughly six weeks.
Judging from the original post, I’m pretty sure he is aware of that.
Thanks guys, yeh I’m well aware that Dianabol is very toxic on the liver, and only used as a jump start until the Test E kicks in.
Been to steroid.com, and have read about the stuff I’ll be putting into my body, not one of those that just does without thinking/reading up on some info first, hence this thread.
one thing that i’d add is that, chemically speaking, Dianobol and Equipoise are pretty smiliar. i would think that stacking them together might increase the sides of both…it looks like you’ve pulled the EQ anyway, but just thought i’d bring that up for further reference…
otherwise, i think the cycle looks good. i don’t know about the taper, so i’ll let one of the other guys handle that…
[quote]ZZZ747 wrote:
So EQ would be a waste of time and money?No need for it in a beginner cycle?
OK, been reading up on the test taper, and want to clean up a few things.
Week 12-18 100mg Test Enanthate pw
Week 19 75mg Test Enan
Week 20 50mg Test Enan
Week 21 50mg Test Enan
Week 22 25mg Test Enan
So week 19-22 aren’t included in the cycle, so they are counted as the “off” time.
Should I be taking anything else, or will the Dianabol, Test and some Arimidex and Nolvadex just incase gyno flares up. Also with the adex and nolva, how much needs to be taken in case of gyno.
Thanks heaps guys[/quote]
Your turning a 12 week cycle in a 22 week cycle by tapering, this is your first cycle keep it simple, run the 12 weeks enan, and d-bol, drop the EQ. and run a proper PCT. ( why keep your natural test shut down for 22 weeks on your first cycle ) PCT done right will get your natural test back, and hopefuly keep most of your gains. This is my opnion. Good luck.
From what I’ve read and understood, by doing the taper, you are only extending the cycle by 6 weeks (100mg test).
From the P-22 Test Tapering thread:
“Best of all you can count the entire taper period as being ‘off steroids’ as technically you are in the normal physiological range of blood testosterone levels for the entire time you are doing the six week taper.”
Why keep it going any longer than 12 weeks, you could taper, bridge, whatever it’s your body, my sugustion is to stop after 12 weeks, in your profile it says you a student, im guessing your in your early twenty’s ( hopefuly not you teens ) Tapering for how ever long or what ever dosage is still keeping you shut down, and still have to do PCT.
Everyone believes in different ways of running cycles, like i said keep it simple you have plenty of time to run all kinds of different cycles. Plus you dont even know yet what side effects you might have if any. There can also be sides from PCT…
What is a amart thing you said is that your gonna do research. You might change your mind or you might go with the cycle you gonna run now. RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH, The 10 to 12 weeker is your basic first cycle. Again this is my opnion.
The taper is simple and only involves one compound.
Under 100mg a week your body should begin its own production of Test as it is unable to differentiate between the endogenous and exogenous hormone.
Z,if you want to keep it short use Prop and run the taper with that. Otherwise 12 weeks is a decent length. After the waiting period you may consider yourself off.
Keep it simple by just using Test. Have clomid, nolva, trib, etc. on hand, but you might not even need it.
One more thing, jump startin with d-bol can cause massive back pumps, in my case 10 mg’s every six hours, ( yes that means waking up and taking it , and carring it everywhere you go !! LOL ) i had to stop after 2 1/2 weeks, but everone is different .
i agree with ubiquitous and inkedadrop, if this is ur first cycle, you dont really need the EQ. Also, EQ takes a looong time to really benefit you, and you dont want your first cycle to be a monster.
Also, a mistake ive been seeing more and more… dont go apeshit with the dex or nolva. too little estrogen can actually mess with ur joints and just anabolism in general.