[quote]Aprentice wrote:
oh shit just realized I have two conflicting opiniong
Goodfellow or Grinder hmmm?
I will do some research and try different things out.[/quote]
No dude, you don’t need to research, you just need to go and train.
When you are looking for advice you need to read between the lines.
Mine and grinders advice is essentially the same thing. You just need a program that leaves you fresh each time you go in to train a bodypart/exercise.
But you must remember one very important thing:
As long as you are progressively adding weight/reps/improving your form on key exercises every time you train, you will get bigger and stronger.
Also, with bench press/squats/deadlift, form plays a big role in their progression. So make sure you practice that.
A problem with new squatters is that they don’t keep their upper body upright enough (due to tight hamstrings/hip flexors), and don’t sit back with their hips. So watch out for that.
Here is a quick basic routine that I’m sure will give you some solid gains, not a lot different than yours, but spaces things out better.
day1 - squats (Back squats:5x5, Leg press:4x8, Calf raises:3x12 & Abs)
day2 - off
day3 - chest/triceps (Bench press:5x5, Inc bench press:5x5, Skullcrushers:4x6, Tri Pushdown:4x6-8)
day4 - deadlifts (Deadlift:5x5, Stiffleg Deads:3x8, Lyin leg curl:4x10 & abs )
day5 - off
day6 - upper back/biceps (lat pulldown:5x10, DB or BB row:4x6-8, Seated cable row:4x6-8, DB curl 3x8, Preacher curl 3x10)
day7 - shoulders/traps (Overhead BB press:5x5, DB press:3x8, lat raise:3x10, BB shrug:4x8-10)
Ramp up weight GRADUALLY each set until you get to the heaviest weight you can do for prescribed reps (practice form/speed on earlier sets)
Each week either try to add another rep with the weight you used before, or add slightly more weight (5-10lbs)
Make sure you use good form and feel the correct muscles working.
The only thing that goes against what grinder is saying here, is that I’m giving you two overhead pressing exercises. I think two overhead exercises are necassery when you aren’t using that much weight. When you get stronger, stick to just one.