Help Setting Up My Strongman Routine

I have the summer off to focus on training and want to improve my overall strength. I want to base my training around two scheduled strongman workouts a week. Does anyone have any advice for my schedule setup?

Tuesday:Military Press 5/3/1
Wednesday:Squat 5/3/1(maybe a deadlift variation as assistance.
Sunday: off

I have no deadlift 5/3/1 day because we do alot of deadlifts during strongman training. (more then I would do with 5/3/1/ anyways.)

Any help would be appreciated as I am new to strongman type training.

You might want to look for an article titled “Creating an Effective Strongman Training Routine” by Tom Mutaffis. A quick internet search should pull it up.

I don’t understand your theory on the deadlift.

My breakdown looks like this:

Day 1 Axe Press 5/3/1
Day 2 Squat 5/3/1 with either stones or tire
Day 3 Bench Press 5/3/1 with jerks (log, DB, or axe)
Day 4 Deadlift 5/3/1 with walking events

To me the deadlift is a strongman event. So I train it every week like any other event.