My deadlift is horseshit someone please help me!!
I am willing to answer any questions, post extra videos, alter technique, change anything, shit, I’ll even grow a beard and live in the wild for a month if that’s gonna help me pull something respectable!
So I’m 23 been lifting for 6 years, I’m 5foot6 188lbs and currently my best ever pull is 160kg but that was on a relatively good day and sometimes I struggle to hit 150kg.
For comparison I can squat 150kg, bench 135kg and over head press 85kg
I had a goal of conventionally pulling 180kg this year, however the possibility of achieving that ambition has long since vanished.
I followed 5/3/1 for 12 months in the hope that the programming would fix my pulls. However I stalled several times, reset several times and couldn’t make any progress, so after 12 months I’ve been playing around with trying to hit multiple sets of anything from 5,4,3,2,1 reps.
I generally warm up with 60kg, then work from 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 and by that time my low back is fried!
I’ve tried working up to a higher end weight in less sets but to the same results, fatigued low back and an embarrassment of a pull.
I’ve tried adjusting my set up, but being slightly shorter than the average joe it’s hard for me to compare. Might be worth noting that I don’t generally feel a lot of tension in my hamstrings…
Would really appreciate some advice, criticism, hard truths? Apart from give up I have no idea how to make this work.
I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a deadlift session, every week without fail I get wound up and depressed because my measly pull is showing no signs of improving.
That being said I have deadlifted every week without fail, as I was of the impression that repetition would sort my issues. I’ve even deadlifted multiple times per week, on consecutive days… I tried taking 2 weeks off from deadlifting, trained today and no difference.
Please someone show me the error of my ways, I would love to try a powerlift meet one day, but until I can post some respectable numbers I don’t think I will embarrass myself.
I’ve uploaded a few videos of me deadlifting to my YouTube channel, hopefully you can see them through this link, I only have a few deadlift and squat videos. Please any advice or help to get me out of this rut would be hugely appreciated, it’s really getting to me!