Help me, please?

There are times when I don’t know what to do. There are times, when I am sad, when I am mad. This is that time.

I have an ex. I cared about her, but I ended up getting tired of her, and breaking up with her. My new girl friend, well I care about her. She broke up with me. Two or three ngihts ago. I cried, on the phone, when she was doing it. Yah Yah, I am testicle less. I went to bed. The next morning, I woke up, and put a smile on. Today, (she broke up with me monday), I asked my ex back out, and we have a breakfast date tommorrow morning. The one that broke up with me showed up at my house, after she saw me with my first ex tonight. My second ex, cora, was wearing my class ring. Two of my friends were there. Jared, one of the friends, had to ask for cora cause she couldn’t. After i said that my first ex and I were going back out, she ripped my ring off, and handed it to me. She decided she made a mistake, I guess. But she made the decision to break up with me. What do I do?

Rub one out and whoever you picture in your mind is the right girl for you.

Dude you need a piece of “strange” forget the Ex’s you have already had enough of them…

ex’s suck ass. Get a new girl.

You dont tell your significant other you dont to be with them anymore and change your mind. Once you do it it’s done.

There’s no going back.

Don’t take her. If she wanted to be with you she wouldnt have serious doubts to the point she broke up with you.

Instead, relish in the fact she - not you - will be living with the mistake of a lifetime.

I agree get a new girl. Dont be one of those guys who keep crying about there ex’s. Thats not cool. Be a man, and make those women feel like shit. Dump em, and dont talk to them anymore. Let them come crawling back to you and then laugh at them and walk away. Let them cry. It has never happened to me, but I know a lot of guys who go nuts because they miss their ex and their ex broke their heart. Screw them. Get them back. Be a man.

You have just learned an important lesson (I hope): Being a wuss is not attractive. When she saw you going back out with this other chick, you suddenly took on all the dimensions of a ‘man in demand’ in her mind, and became, therefore, more attractive. I guarantee you, if you go back out with this girl, and if you continue to act in the same way that lead up to you crying on the phone, she will drop you again.

Just a thought.