[quote]gaeveric wrote:
im 138 and 5’8. being around 3-4%BF im as puny as it sounds. ive got relatively decent muscle tone and i love training as hard as possible. i do between 1 and 3 sessions of cardio a week varying in duration but usually around 30-40 minutes each.
my diet is, by others standards, strcit. im vegetarian, eat very little fat and mostly low gylcemic carbs, execpt directly following a lifting session.
im currently losing muscle and enegery. now i have been vegetarina for a long time so the lack of meat isnt doing it. but i need to eat to gain here and it is much harder than staying clean. i never cheat.
the problem is, i love being cut up, the attention and validity i get in the gym is awesome. so the idea of giving up some decent looking striations intentionally is a hard pill to swallow.
give me advice, please!
OK, a seeming newbie asks a serious question and he gets flamed by some of you. And from some of his earlier posts, he looks OK to me.
To answer your question, it seems as if you first need to ask yourself why. In effect, why have you (all of a sudden, it seems) started losing muscle mass? Is it, as other posts have asserted, burning the candle at both ends? It sounds as if you think it is being stuck on a strict diet. OK, but why? Is it because you have conflicting goals? It is tough, if not impossible, to add mass without giving up (for a short time, at least) that dry, ripped look you have.
My suggestion would be to change one thing (and only one thing) for two weeks while monitoring your progress. If, for example, you think it is your diet, add Surge or perhaps a serving of Grow! with your post-workout meal. If it is too much cardio, cut back to once a week or so. If there is positive change after two weeks, keep it up; if the change is negative stop.