I’ll monitor my food intake over the next week and then post the results.
My goal is to be 180-185 with 8% bodyfat. Should I bulk now or get cut? In the past I haven’t been as successful as I’d like at cutting. This is surprising if I’m undereating.
Right now I take Optimin Nutrition protein shakes. Should I take Cell Tech and Nitro Tech? What about Alpha Male or 4 AD-EC?
BRO! listen to yourself, you are talking about cell-tech nitro this and that, 4AD-EC and Alpha Male…
people have gained muscle without any of these things… none of this will do anything for you if you eat cheetos/mcdonalds/pop tarts etc…
why is it suprising that you havn’t been able to cut well if you are undereating (with that type of diet)? think about it, you are eating crap…
forget pro hormones, cell tech or anything… you need ESSENTIAL FATS, a good protein powder (LOW CARB GROW) and alot of good nutritoious food (veggies/chicken/flax eggs/steak etc)…
i would bulk if i were you, for the simple fact that you have been neglecting your body.
read Berardi’s articles etc, and all of the ones people have posted to you.
ANYWAY, go 100% or dont go at all…GO 100% OR DONT GO AT ALL… sorry but if you just half-ass it you are just wasting your time
read T-mag, sorry if i sounded ‘angry or something’
[quote]glock wrote:
I know I need to get a book that says how many nutrients are in certain foods. I thought I’d post what I ate yesterday and today. I’ve been sleeping in lately, so instead of having breakfast and lunch I usually eat something light and then go to work.
Yesterday I had 2 peanut butter sandwiches, and a few cheetos. I had two poptarts for an afternoon snack. I had a plate full of spagetti, salad, and two pieces of garlic bread for dinner. I had a slice of cake and a double serving of my protein shake at night. I get 44 g of protein from that.
Today I had four slices of cinnamin toast. For lunch I had two double cheeseburgers from McDonalds, and small fries. For dinner I had an oriental chicken salad from Applebees.
Here’s the general outline of my workout: Mon- back Tue- chest Wed- legs Thurs- shoulders Fri- biceps and triceps.
I’ve been pretty concered lately about the muscle dysmorphia. I’m very self conscious about my body. I pretty much have this mentality that I have to have the body of the guy on the cover of Men’s Health or I wont be good enough.[/quote]
Pop Tarts? Cheetos?
Do you also drink those juice boxes my nieces and nephews drink?
Youre eating the way a typical skinny/fat teenager eats. Why do you expect to look any different than a 15 yr old when youre following the same diet?
There is a glaring problem in your diet and food choices and like someone else said. A protein shake isnt going to reverse the effects of the elementary school diet you follow.
So nix the tater tots and happy meals and start eating like a man. Only then will your body start to resemble one…
Here’s my nutritional information after monitoring what I’ve been eating this past week.
Avg. Cals 2,221
fat 83g
carbs 240g
protein 124g
According to the Massive Eating article I should be taking in about 4,800 cals/day. I was thinking that I should buy a high calorie protein shake because I’m obviously under eating. Getting a lot of cals from a shake would be easier than me trying to eat more food. One of the reasons I don’t eat more is because of my appetite. Buying the shake would also be cheaper than buying more food. Ready for your input.
Here’s a receipe for you thats helping me gain muscle and very little fat.
Ive had 2 of these a day and 4 whole food meals, ive gone from 178lbs to 184lbs in 1 month, with no change in bodyfat. Still at 11%.
2 cups of Full cream Milk
1/2 cup of Skim Milk powder
1 banana
2 eggs, cooked for 1 minute each
60grams of sustagen
2 scoops of ice cream
1 table spoon of flax oil
Tastes like egg nog!
this contains:
48gms of protein
101 carbs
30gms of fat
860 calories
Don’t worry about expensive supplements train hard lift heavy, and save some money.
Well come on guys, you wanted me to post my nutritional info so give me some feedback. I know I need more calories but what about my protein, fat, and carb intake?
Thanks for the tip dwain, but I’m semi-lactose intolerant so I don’t think that would work too well.
In the years I’ve read this board, never once have I physically cringed at the sight of a diet.
Until now. Props for honesty.
I don’t agree with the accuracy of the calorie numbers you’ve given. 5000 Kcals at 170 lbs would turn you into a pile of lard.
Appetite is a problem. Consistency is a bigger problem.
If your life isn’t in order, it’s very hard to put your diet in order. Rise and sleep at the same time every day. Have a small meal every three hours for the entire day. A sandwich, say, with turkey, tuna, or peanut butter, and a glass of lactose-free milk. Don’t deviate from the schedule, even if it means forfeiting the sandwich for an apple and a can of tuna.
Have another glass or two of milk before you turn in for the night. Within a week, you should develop a taste for milk. Or you’ll hate me.
When you’ve done this for a month or two, then we’ll talk about fine-tuning macro ratios.
CoachMike gave you gold. Do his 3-day split.
FrontFaceLock gave you tough love. Take it to heart.
The phrase Rome wasn’t built in a day is probably applicable here.
You’ve given us the macronutrient levels for one week! As was mentioned, consistency is what is needed here. Personally, I believe you are underweighing the protein and overweighing the fat. (Vhcougar, that goes for your diet as well based on your goal of 175.)
Based on your one week experiment your breakdown is:
P: 22%
C: 43%
F: 34%
I would attempt to push your percent of protein to 30-35% mostly at the expense of reduced fat intake. Make sure the fat intake includes Essential Fatty Acids (Omega-3 and -6). Flaxseed oil is a good source for this. Get a good Post Workout drink immediately after your workout. Once you have the macronutrient breakdown correct, you can tune the total number of kcals. I’m guessing that you are going to need more that 2,221 per day to get where you want to go. We can assist you further if you provide everything that you ate, on a day-by-day basis, for your experiment week.
I think you could get better percentages by just upping the protein intake and keeping the fat intake the same. When I was doing the massive eating (6000 kcal!!) I tried to peak my fat at about 20% of my intake, which was still about 100g. As far as your appetite goes - don’t worry, it will get bigger. I was chronically undereating as well - a bit more than you, about 2600 kcal avg, but I was at 200lbs! (Now at 220…) Once you’ve spent weeks stuffing yourself, you’ll find that eating 3000 kcal in a day is easy, if not hard b/c it’s so little! That being said, I found the massive eating guidelines a bit too high, though I was doing 2x day workouts. I’ve kept my Excel spreadsheets from when I first bit the bullet and started eating like a lifter, if you want to check them out just PM me. Go find some (clean!) food you like and get to it! Good luck.
Pal, after reading through this post I know you probably don’t want to hear what I’m about say, but you need to spend some good ol quality time reading the back issues of T-Mag. Only when you understand the concepts behind your goals will you fully achieve them and be able to adapt to any situation
As for the apetite thing… you must train your stomach by eating alot. getting in those 4000 calories a day might be painful at first but in a week or so it will be easy. so fight through the eating while you are full & stuffed to the brim, and you will adapt.
Then when you go back to 2000 calories, your body will go WTF MAN FEED MEEeee…
Anyway, at 170 etc, those calories seem somewhat correct (if you are doing alot of intense exercise) otherwise it would be in the 4300 range or so…
Anyway load up on pasta/etc and eat until you throw up.
A shake might help… but 4oz of wheat pasta is like 90g carbs, 1 can baked beans = 500 calories… its not that hard really.