im currently looking for the abstract to
“Estrogens in the feedback regulation of gonadotropin secretion in men: effects of administration of estrogen to agonadal subjects and the anitestrogen tamoxifen and the aromatase inhibitor delta`-testolactone to eugonadal subjects.” Andrologia 1984 Nov-Dec;16(6):568-77 by Gooren LJ, et al.
in the your doctor your dealer article by Cy wilson. i scoured the net looking for it but came up empty handed. would anyone happen to have a link to the abstract?
thanks for your help
where u been “scourin”
first result when googled:
what for anyway?
haha damn it. its the first link at my aprt computer too. i was useing the computer at my parents house before and it has a porn blocker bc of my little brother and it blocks random shit some times. like that abstract.
but anyway to answer your question
im looking into other methods of helping my father elevate his testosterone. he got tested and is on the very bottom end of normal. he has every symptom of low testosterone there is but he still cant get t replacemnt. so im doing research into if maybe takeing clomid or nolvadex would help him. i didnt want to just ask and get flamed for not researching it fully…so im doing my research and reading different abstracts related to it.
i appresiate the help.
Aren’t there doctors out there who will help out your dad? You might have to talk to 3 or 4 different ones to get one that will write a rx. I’d search the forums to see how to find one in your area. Otherwise, it sounds like you know enough to have a good conversation with a doc and explain why you think your dad is a good candidate for T. I’ve found that most docs assume you are stupid until you start breaking out medical terminology.
[quote]HoratioSandoval wrote:
Aren’t there doctors out there who will help out your dad? You might have to talk to 3 or 4 different ones to get one that will write a rx. I’d search the forums to see how to find one in your area. Otherwise, it sounds like you know enough to have a good conversation with a doc and explain why you think your dad is a good candidate for T. I’ve found that most docs assume you are stupid until you start breaking out medical terminology.[/quote]
If you’re on the low end but aren’t technically under the cutoff, you might want to check out Cy’s article, “Your Doctor, Your Dealer.” I tested a couple times at the very low end, something like 280-320 ng/dl (reference: 262-900)at 20 years of age, but my insurance wouldn’t pay for it unless I had some tests under the limit.
I followed the advice in the article and would up with two tests at something like 68 and 125.
Not sure if you’re interested in natural means, or pharmacological, but here’s the gist of it (my version): For two days before the test eat as little as possible (zero protein or fat, only carbs), constantly have booze in your system (unless you have to work, but having the test Monday morning would be best), sleep only a couple hours two nights before, but don’t sleep at all the night before the test, and load up on caffeine.
Pretty much starvation, booze, insomnia, and caffeine–everything you normally wouldn’t do to support high testosterone levels. You’ll feel like a walking zombie, but it works if you’re looking for a prescription. Becuase all the doc sees is the test results, and to them the tests don’t lie.
that isnt an option becasue my dad is diabetic
[quote]Italianadonis18 wrote:
so im doing research into if maybe takeing clomid or nolvadex would help him. [/quote]
Clomid or Nolva alone with nothing paired?
I’m interested in learning what you found on that. My thread on a more-or-less similar question went no where:
Stand Alone Use of A-dex/Letro
Nolva is stated to raise T levels 150%. since im looking to get my father back to normal and not into a higher state the idea seams to be plausable. im currently reaserching long term nolva or clomid use for this. still got a lot of work to do.
but hey this whole thing has taught me i really enjoy reading abstracts and reaserch on the subject.
nolva? 150% spike in test? let me see the abstract. will ya?
Anthony Roberts says it in his book. anabolic steroids ultimate research guide. vol. 1.
states his reference as:
Fertil Steril. 1978 Mar;23(3):320-7.
[quote]boroughbred wrote:
nolva? 150% spike in test? let me see the abstract. will ya? [/quote]
I’ve seen numerous studies about this. Some say 100%, others say 200%. I guess it would depend, but it does happen. Long-term use I have no idea if it would remain stable. Instead of raising his testosterone you could find something to free up what he has.
Not sure if you’re looking for AAS, but proviron is not very liver toxic at all, and a low dose could bind with a decent amount of SHBG to bring his free test up, essentially having the same effect as raising total T.