Help Choosing a Weighted Vest

I’m looking for an adjustable weighted vest. I’ve looked on Amazon but am curious what y’all are using. Ideally it’d go from 20 to 200 pounds. Cost is always a consideration but I’m interested in hearing your suggestions.
Thanks in advance.

What movements are you intending to use it for?

I use an 80lb cap barbell vest for walking. It’s good for that, but I wouldn’t care to use it for more ballistic stuff

I HAVE done burpees with it it worked ok.


I’ve got the 66-lbs version from Ader Fitness. I’ve had it for nearly a year, and I’m very happy with it: its construction is solid.

I mostly use it for simple walks around my neighborhood, but I’ve done sled pushes, Farmer’s walks, KB swings, DB snatches, and a few other moves in it. Haven’t tried burpees, but I imagine it’d look a lot like the one in Pwn’s video because it buckles around the waist similarly, and that leaves some slack up top—not ideal, but workable.


Following - i was interested in something like this as well.

200lbs is a LOT for a vest though, you may need to tone down your expectations on the top end range (based on my 2 mins of half-assed research)


I have a 60lb Mir vest, works well for just about anything since you can tighten it down pretty solidly. I think they make them up to 80 or 90lbs.


Thank you.
I should have said I plan to use it for something along the lines of Wendler’s 2-2-2; so pullups, push-ups, squats and walks. I realize 200# is a lot but I, at least, wanted the capability to expand to that… just in case.

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I’m a “girl” but FWIW - I have a 50ml Mir and second what @mr.v3lv3t says.

On the Mir site, and see “Pro adjustable” for $119. It goes to 140#…seems like a good deal; The others are more expensive and have lesser weight capacity. Now I’m confused—it doesn’t take much. :man_facepalming:t2:

I’m seeing $440 for the 140lb Pro vest when I look it up.

@mr.v3lv3t maybe I’m high


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Haha yeah, it’s the weights that’ll jack the price up on ya.