I dont know your measurements. It all depends on how much you have to lose and where the fat is stored.
mmm i got the “pear shape”, big lovehandles, some on my back, many in my legs, not so much in my arms, i got a 134cm waist!!!
that’s a lot, and i feel really uncomfortable with my self, especially with clothes
You’ll lose a significant amount then. I would really recommend you take HOT-ROX extreme. It would help you a lot!!! Targets the fat around your lower back and waist. But yeah, you should be looking at a loss close to 3 lbs of fat a week. If you stick to the diet, you could potentially lose 10% bf over the 4-6 weeks. But be weary of staying on it longer. You can lose muscle mass. Try to cycle off the diet, wait 2 weeks, and get back on it if you want to get leaner.
jaja, i’ll have to bump this thread, thanks all for the help, so far i lost 10kg, i bet all those were from fat, but i’ve several weeks on the diet, and i think i’m stalling.
i’m actually lifting 4 days a week, boxing 5 days a week, making complexes or conditioning session 2-3 times a week.
my current diet looks like:
meal one: 4 fried eggs, 3 tortillas
mealtwo: Protein shake (it contains like 187 gr of carbs)
meal three: Protein shake (it contains like 187 gr of carbs)
meal four: 130 gr of chicken breast, 1 tortillas
meal fice: Protein shake (it contains like 187 gr of carbs)
meal six: two scrambled eggs.
any thoughts?, as i said i’ve lost 10kg and only 9 cm off my waist.
should i go on? should i stop? last week i only lost 700gr, most of the other weeks i had been loosing like 1-1.5kg.
[quote]tuchavito wrote:
jaja, i’ll have to bump this thread, thanks all for the help, so far i lost 10kg, i bet all those were from fat, but i’ve several weeks on the diet, and i think i’m stalling.[/quote]
10kg is excellent going… that is 22lbs![quote]
i’m actually lifting 4 days a week, boxing 5 days a week, making complexes or conditioning session 2-3 times a week.[/quote]
Good work! Keep it up! Perfect.[quote]
my current diet looks like:
meal one: 4 fried eggs, 3 tortillas[/quote]
Not sure what the advice was above - but i assume this isn’t trying to be the ‘AD’ so i would opt for poached or boiled eggs or dry scrambled.[quote]
mealtwo: Protein shake (it contains like 187 gr of carbs)[/quote]
Reduce the carbs - however you manage to do it, do it. This amount of carbs will DIRECTLY STOP any fat being used as energy, plus they will likely lead to some of the carbs being stored as fat too. Get rid of them - drop them to no more than 50g[quote]
meal three: Protein shake (it contains like 187 gr of carbs)[/quote]
As above.[quote]
meal four: 130 gr of chicken breast, 1 tortillas
meal fice: Protein shake (it contains like 187 gr of carbs)[/quote]
As above.[quote]
meal six: two scrambled eggs.[/quote]
Two? I would use a ratio of Yolks to Albumen of 3:5 rather than the 1:1 you have been. Just to reduce the fat a ittle more as you have a hell of a lot of carbs in your day.[quote]
any thoughts?, as i said i’ve lost 10kg and only 9 cm off my waist.[/quote]
Only? That is really good going. Or do you expect every lb to come from your waist? o you measure your arms, calves, neck, chest, hips too?[quote]
should i go on? should i stop? last week i only lost 700gr, most of the other weeks i had been loosing like 1-1.5kg.[/quote]
Not entirely sure how one can know the extent of weight lost to increments of 100g… but regardless well done. You are doing well, do NOT stop! Why would you?
The same diet will not work forever, so you need to keep changing it as you change. It worked to get you from 120kg to 110kg… now you need to reduce the calories from the correct macros in order to drop a little more, and rinse and repeat.
Try removing around 15% of total calories from those carbs… and repeat until the carbs are significantly lower. then you can look at changing some of those fats to more healthy sources…
Hey brook thanks for stopping by and throwing some advices.
jesus fucking crist, I’m so stupid, I wrote 187gr of carbs per shake when they’re only 18, that’s a huge difference, would you adviceme to cut carbs anyway?
Thanks dude, comments like those are like a reward
[quote] Brook wrote:
any thoughts?, as i said i’ve lost 10kg and only 9 cm off my waist.
Only? That is really good going. Or do you expect every lb to come from your waist? o you measure your arms, calves, neck, chest, hips too?
yep, i measured and i’ve lost many cm in my hips, chest, legs, and my arms look kinda bigger, i was wearing 40-38 jeans, now i use 38-36.
today i went to my grandma house, it’s been like 2 months since i saw them last time, they all told me that i looked leaner.
anyway, i’m replacing one shake, instead i’ll have some almonds and peanut butter, i’ll cut as many carbs as i can, the carbs in my shakes are from the chocolate powder i add to it, but i don’t think i can cut them, 'cause that protein taste like !#"$ without the chocolate, so i’ll cut tortillas or bread.
another question, what do you guys think about complexes?, are they good for fat loss?, i mean doing 5-8 exercises in a row with light weights, 5-8 reps, 5-6 sets.
It may be of interest to know that i use bulk unflavoured whey which tastes bad - but when bulk unflavoured CEE and HMB and Leucine are added. It makes you want to cut off your head. o or die man!
Actually - due to a comment made on this forum semi-recently, i started buying sachets of sugar free jelly (jello) powder. It is very low cal and low carb yet makes the most disgusting shakes more than palatable. 1/2-1 sachet is ample for any drink IMO.
Your training question: If you are choosing a light weight and doing just 5-8 reps, then no - it isn’t the best you could be doing. You should be testing your body harder than that in order to preserve/build as much muscle as possible.
But other than that, yes ‘complexes’ (assuming you mean Circuits/Giant sets?) are great to train hard, heavy yet keep the metabolism up.
Lastly as for if you should cut your carbs - without adding the totals, i would say this: If you have stopped responding to a diet, then you can opt to reduce calories by 10-15% - which will have to come from an energy source, Fat or CHO - depending on the levels of each.
[quote] Brook wrote:
Lastly as for if you should cut your carbs - without adding the totals, i would say this: If you have stopped responding to a diet, then you can opt to reduce calories by 10-15% - which will have to come from an energy source, Fat or CHO - depending on the levels of each.[/quote]
in deed, though i don’t think i’ve stalled yet, but will keep that in mind.
i’m having almonds and some peanut butter instead of one shake, and having the other two post and pre workout, so i don’t think they do any damage.
hope you stop by my log. thanks for the advice.
Little update:
Starting weight: 120kg
Current weight: 106kg
starting waist line: 135cm
Waist: 120cm
a few questions guys (please answer).
well to make it quick, 1 week ago i weighted 104kg before a boxing match (on saturday) (i didn’t do anything to lose water weight, actually on monday of the same week i was weighting 105.5kg).
the issue it’s that on monday i had a cheat day, on tuesday i weighted my self and i was weighting 106.2kg, that was a 2kg regain, wtf??? waist didn’t go up.
i just freaked out, it could have been some muscle gain, water retention, but 2kg? Should i worry about it?
actually i’m training like 10 times a week, 12+ hours, 4 weight sessions, 4 boxing sessions, 2 complexes sessions.
Do you guys think that i’ll look lean at 90kg, 5’9"??? kinda stupid question, but i really don’t want to go below that mark. i think i’ll be really happy with a 100cm waist or 40inches.
as i’ve lost a significant amount of fat on my waist should it come down faster now?.
[quote]tuchavito wrote:
the issue it’s that on monday i had a cheat day, on tuesday i weighted my self and i was weighting 106.2kg, that was a 2kg regain, wtf??? waist didn’t go up.
i just freaked out, it could have been some muscle gain, water retention, but 2kg? Should i worry about it?
Most, if not all of that was just water weight and muscle and liver glycogen. I wouldn’t be worried.
That’s really hard to say without looking at you and knowing your LBM. The best thing you could do is go get a body composition test so that you’d know exactly where to diet down to and how much fat you have left on your frame.
I don’t know if there’s anything like it around you, but my university offers a full body composition test for $30 for students. Your school might offer something like that as well.
Prolonged fat loss is kind of weird. Since you’re in the habit, it should continue to fall, but you can sometimes hit plateaus, or suddenly lose a lot of weight really fast. Just keep at it, carb load only when you need to, and train hard brother! You’ll be there faster than you’d think!
Had a quick look at your blog. Sounds like you are enjoying the challange keep up the good work!
My initial advice would always be to cut your carbs back a bit and see what happens. However, you have to be careful because you are doing a shit load of conditioning work. In my experience, boxing training is one of the most demanding systems you can take up. An energy deficit will quickly be exposed through drop in performance, fatigue, etc.
On the positive side, if you get the macronutrient balance correct you could actually experience the so-called ‘G-flux’ phenomenon, where your body adapts to the huge energy demands by dropping excess baggage (fat) and develops lean tissue (muscle) to cope with the physical demands more efficently.
Regarding the fat around your waist, this is usually the most stubborn part of the body and will take the longest to remedy. Don’t lose heart, it will happen, give it time.
PS hope you saw Mayweather Jnr in action. That was a boxing masterclass!
[quote]Xab wrote:
tuchavito wrote:
the issue it’s that on monday i had a cheat day, on tuesday i weighted my self and i was weighting 106.2kg, that was a 2kg regain, wtf??? waist didn’t go up.
i just freaked out, it could have been some muscle gain, water retention, but 2kg? Should i worry about it?
Most, if not all of that was just water weight and muscle and liver glycogen. I wouldn’t be worried.
Do you guys think that i’ll look lean at 90kg, 5’9"??? kinda stupid question, but i really don’t want to go below that mark. i think i’ll be really happy with a 100cm waist or 40inches.
That’s really hard to say without looking at you and knowing your LBM. The best thing you could do is go get a body composition test so that you’d know exactly where to diet down to and how much fat you have left on your frame.
I don’t know if there’s anything like it around you, but my university offers a full body composition test for $30 for students. Your school might offer something like that as well.
as i’ve lost a significant amount of fat on my waist should it come down faster now?.
Prolonged fat loss is kind of weird. Since you’re in the habit, it should continue to fall, but you can sometimes hit plateaus, or suddenly lose a lot of weight really fast. Just keep at it, carb load only when you need to, and train hard brother! You’ll be there faster than you’d think![/quote]
Thanks xab, will focus more on measurements rahter than bodyweight.
[quote]JamesBrawn007 wrote:
Had a quick look at your blog. Sounds like you are enjoying the challange keep up the good work!
My initial advice would always be to cut your carbs back a bit and see what happens. However, you have to be careful because you are doing a shit load of conditioning work. In my experience, boxing training is one of the most demanding systems you can take up. An energy deficit will quickly be exposed through drop in performance, fatigue, etc.
On the positive side, if you get the macronutrient balance correct you could actually experience the so-called ‘G-flux’ phenomenon, where your body adapts to the huge energy demands by dropping excess baggage (fat) and develops lean tissue (muscle) to cope with the physical demands more efficently.
Regarding the fat around your waist, this is usually the most stubborn part of the body and will take the longest to remedy. Don’t lose heart, it will happen, give it time.
PS hope you saw Mayweather Jnr in action. That was a boxing masterclass![/quote]
Thanks man, hope my log is fun. And yes boxing training is hard, really hard.
I’ve kinda restarted, so i cleaned up my doet again, i can say that i’m on low carb, i’ve tried to cut them even more, but i really feel shitty, i get tired pretty fast and i have some troubles recovering from workouts.
And yes, what i’m trying to do is basiclly to do as much as i can, while not going on so low caloreis diet, so G-flux phenomenon happens. That’s a concept i just got, so i’ll give it a try, as you could see on my log i’m adding even more complexes sessions, trying to go all out on boxing sessions and do as much volume as possible on weights days (without burning out my self).
I think i haven’t plateaud yet, it’s just that it’s so annoying that fat loss happens so slow, i really don’t care about bodyweight that much, i care about the shape of my torso, that’s why i’m having a hard time right now, Screw lovehandles!!!
haha anyway thanks man, i guess it’s just a matter of time, will update again soon.
Another quick update guys:
Starting weight: 120kg
starting waist line: 134cm
Current weight: 99kg!!! yesss
Current Waist line :116cm
I’m really happy with my progress so far, but i think i really underestimated how fat i was, i really doubt that i’ll be lean at 200lbs or 90kg, anyway the good part is that i’m still progressing.