Hello To All!!!

I’m a newbie to the board, looks like a pretty killer place. Think I’ll hang around awhile if you don’t mind.

[quote]unforgiven2 wrote:
I’m a newbie to the board, looks like a pretty killer place. Think I’ll hang around awhile if you don’t mind.[/quote]

Read the Articles.

Anything by David Tate, Christian Thibaudeau, Dr. John Berardi… etc. You will find out.

And if you’re looking for a laugh… TC.

Also this: http://www.T-Nation.com/readTopic.do?id=582925&pageNo=0

This is Caveman.

This is mostly a place to discuss about Training, Nutrition and sometimes everything else. If you have nothing positive or constructive to add please don’t post.

We already have a handful of trolls posting just pure shit.

Welcome aboard!!

Theres an absolute shit load of good information to be found here. The coaches and contributers and MOST of the members are a most excellent bunch of people.

So are you a beginner or a huge fucker or somewhere in between???

Hello Friend,

Welcome…but listen to Bruce, Trolls are not welcome here.

Otherwise enjoy.

[quote]UtahLama wrote:
Hello Friend,

Welcome…but listen to Bruce, Trolls are not welcome here.

Otherwise enjoy.[/quote]

Unless of course said trolls feel like posting in the “Politics and World Issues” forum, where they are perfectly welcome…

If you feel like Milton Friedmann should be sodomised by neo-con zombies, this is the place for you!

So are you bulking or cutting?

BRUCE and UTAH, I enjoy the fitness talking, I’ll try not to BS too much!!!
ORION, try to stay away from the politics talk even though I do teach history, government. I like to keep my friends, LOL!!!
ANALOGKID, alittle of both right now, I’m just coasting.
COMEDYPEDRO, somewhere inbetween, I guess. My stats are as follows:
5’6" , around 210 lbs.
About 10% bf
ARMS 19.5

Thanx for the welcome people!!!

Oh, and I’m not sure what a Troll is. However, I don’t bash other members if that’s it. I do joke though, but never intend on offending.