Heavy Hip Thrusting

I’ve been lifting heavy for about a year and a half, mainly to build up my glutes and quads. I’ve brought my hip measurement up from 34.5" to 38 3/4" (So close to 39!!) while bringing my waist measurement down from 26" to 24". I’m a bit obsessed with the hourglass figure so.

My main lifts are barbell hip thrusts (the barbell hip thrust is my main glute lift- I’ve been reverse pyramiding sets of 8 from 305 and really burning out with these), modified back extensions (sets of 8 with a 45lb plate in which you don’t over-arch your lumbar [use your glutes and hammies to pick the load up]), kick backs (sets of 8 w/85lbs on the smith machine because I have no reverse hyper), elevated FRONT squats (sets of 8 at 95lbs [my levers SUCK for squatting, I have long ass legs and the shortest torso imaginable]), leg press (sets of 8 at 225), lunges (sets of 16 walking lunges with 35lb dumbbells), and leg extensions (reverse sets starting from a set of 8 at 100lbs).

Some Stats:
Height- 5’4
Weight 127
Waist- 24"
Hip- 38.8
Body Fat- (unsure, I think around 16-17%)

Thanks for checking out my progress! It’s never enough and I swear I’ll never be satisfied. Happy hip thrusting to you all!

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More photos would help us rate you. a lot more photos. please upload lots of photos


hmm elbows too pointy.

I added more pics to my page. Hope they will suffice.

[quote]MissHarber wrote:
I added more pics to my page. Hope they will suffice. [/quote]

Damn right they sufficed. Holy shit.

I gave you a 10. The hallway one was probably my favorite, followed by jeans dilemma and shit, about 8 other ones.

[quote]MissHarber wrote:
I added more pics to my page. Hope they will suffice. [/quote]

Ummm yes your photos definitely sufficed. Your glute development is unbelievable! If you were trying to be less top heavy you definitely achieved it! I’m seriously impressed. Now just a slight critique is you could probably do a little bit more for the abs and i know that the hour glass is to avoid making the waistline bigger but you have such a good natural hour glass that a lil bit of ab and oblique work wouldn’t hurt your figure at all. But thats the only thing i could find even a little bit off with your physique.

Yeah I’ve always been scared that overworking my abs would just add to my waistline. It has happened before and at this point, I just avoid ab work like the plague. I’ve been thinking about just doing a few sets of something. Idk. Something with high reps and no weight. Nothing to substantially build, just to kinda give me some more definition. But if my waist measurement increases, I can’t deny I’d be a little peeped. Lol

[quote]MissHarber wrote:
Yeah I’ve always been scared that overworking my abs would just add to my waistline. It has happened before and at this point, I just avoid ab work like the plague. I’ve been thinking about just doing a few sets of something. Idk. Something with high reps and no weight. Nothing to substantially build, just to kinda give me some more definition. But if my waist measurement increases, I can’t deny I’d be a little peeped. Lol[/quote]
stick with isometric holds like planks to tone without building. Nice look though!

You have the build that is my ideal physique on a woman. Great work!

[quote]MissHarber wrote:
[my levers SUCK for squatting, I have long ass legs and the shortest torso imaginable]

I’ll say. You’re the same height as my wife, but those long legs make you “appear” much taller. Good work on achieving your goals.

You’re like a blonde Jessica Rabbit. Thank you.

Perfect is the word

[quote]MissHarber wrote:
Yeah I’ve always been scared that overworking my abs would just add to my waistline. It has happened before and at this point, I just avoid ab work like the plague. I’ve been thinking about just doing a few sets of something. Idk. Something with high reps and no weight. Nothing to substantially build, just to kinda give me some more definition. But if my waist measurement increases, I can’t deny I’d be a little peeped. Lol[/quote]

this is a legit concern. If your lifting heavy with proper form direct ab work is necessary, EXCEPT for definition. Some isometrics might not be a bad idea but avoid a pump for sure. I’ giving you an 8 your hips are definately wide and your waist is small. you look fantastic(going by your other pics)

Where do you want to go from here? Maybe some more lateral movements, Lateral lunges and squats, work on widening out your caboose a bit.

One of my favorites is walking dumbell lunges, as wide as you can, as far reaching as you can

Happy Lifting

What’s up with the outfit that looks like electrical tape? Are you an electrician?

you’ve done a great job! Your waist is still amazingly small with good glute and “upper body” development. Your “formal physique” photo looks almost unreal. Depending on your goals (competing? looking good at the beach?) you might need to get more definition in your abs, as mentioned above, as well as elsewhere. Keep up the good work!

Haha. I was trying to do something like project black tape. Obviously I failed horribly lol

Out of curiosity what do y’all think my body fat percentage is? How could you figure this out (accurately) ?

[quote]MissHarber wrote:
Haha. I was trying to do something like project black tape. Obviously I failed horribly lol[/quote]

I like your artistic vision, you just need a better photographer. lol

No idea, you’re lean. A skinfold caliper test will work. Some universities will do bodyfat testing for free if you’re in school now.

[quote]MissHarber wrote:
Haha. I was trying to do something like project black tape. Obviously I failed horribly lol[/quote]

Failing horribly would be like the woman I saw a few years ago in Miami whose crotch began to peel away while walking down the street.

Had she attended a Black Tape Project event she would’ve known to use extra adhesive and to move around in short bursts.

No worries about front squat,you squat more then 95% of people at my gym :wink: