For those of you that have heard of it, Heat Miser is a combination of three proven fat-burning agents: liothyronine sodium ( T-3 / Cytomel ), clenbuterol, and yohimbine. The exact ratios are as follows: EACH HALF ML ( 0.5ml ) of Heat Miser contains 25mcg T-3 plus 35mcg clenbuterol plus 5.4mg yohimbine ( the same amount in prescription Yocon ). This amount ( 0.5ml ) is considered one dose.

Bill, Brock, or whoever, what would be the best way to incorporate T2 into a cutting phase where HEAT MISER will be taken 3X/day? Should the T2 be taken before, in conjunction with, or after the two-week cycle of HEAT MISER? Or do you have another suggestion altogether? I know Brock is not that high on clen. so I am ready for the harsh critique.

It would be a bad idea to use T-2 with
GAC’s HM product.

Only a person incredibly suicidal would do


Racer…Heat Miser has T3 in it, as you know…why would you add T2?

Brock and JRR: Either I just mistyped or my original message was not translated correctly. My question should be stated as follows: "Should the T2 be taken ,in conjuction with MD6 BEFORE or AFTER a two-week cycle of Heat Miser. If before, how long should one be off T2/MD6 before beginning the 2-week cycle of Heat Miser? If after, how long should one wait (once going off the 2-week cycle of Heat Miser) to begin taking T2/MD6?

My guess is not to take the T2 immediately after, or before the Heat Miser cycle. I would think a two week wait to start up the T2 would be prudent. Same w/ the MD6. Did you get the Heat Miser yet? I am ordering in a week or so and am interested to see if it works as well as MK and GAC are saying it will. If you haven’t tried the GAC Trenbolone from our supplier, and do take steroids, order some. It packs on the strength.

JRR: Thanks for the input regarding the T2/MD6 advice. Heat miser should be here any day now…By the way, a couple of my “associates” got the original batch of GAC Tren. and they gained, on the average 15lbs on a two-week cycle. Not sure about their strength gains, but I know they went up considerably (and these guys have all been training for at least 5 yrs). GAC is now offering legit Parabolan in place of the Tren, and once the Para is gone his trenbolone days are over.

Yeh…I knew he was going to sell Parabolan soon…but not that he was getting out of the Tren business altogether! Not good. I bought a couple of Brocks’ kits to cook my own up…but it won’t be the same quality. Gotta buy more from the man. Anyway…please post your results. I am dying to know if this stuff is that good. Maybe you could give me (us) an “every two day” update. Start your own thread on the subject. Certainly would be more interesting than those “Fat Fast” threads.

JRR: No problem, bro. I already have an “unspoken” agreement with MK to post results on all boards pertaining to the use of his products, and I guess advertising over here wouldn’t hurt. Let me know what kind of stats you want and I will start the thread as soon as the Heat Miser arrives. As for the Parabolan…well, let me know if you are interested in knowing what it can do as it should be here soon as well.

I’m trying to get on MK and GAC’s list, however, they are not taking anymore customers. Anyone know how I can get a price list?

Pretty tough to get in the door bro…Watch the “gades’” threads. He opens up from time to time.

Yep Racer…Would be interesting to see the results you get from the Parabolan, and how it compares to the GAC Tren.

Just a note. Brock has interviewed GAC and it will likely run this Friday. One of the things discussed is Heat Miser.

JRR: Ironically the HM arrived today!!! I will start a new thread tomorrow but I still need to know what sort of info (stats, etc) you would be interested in me posting.

Chris S: is Brock's interview with GAC or MK...they are NOT one and the same!

Racer- We know they’re two different people. The interview is with GAC, the maker, not his dealer.

Racer, did your Parabolan come too??? I’m awaiting a few bottles myself. As a sidenote, I’m starting a 5 week Parabolan/Nandrosol cycle in 10 days, and I’ll start a thread with updates on my results as well along with the details of the cycle and my training/diet.

Hey Racer. Just thought I’d get your attention to the question below.

Ben: Let’s just say that Parabolan is now (as of this past weekend) being shipped by MK and if you have already ordered some from him you should be seeing it any day now. Keep us posted on how your cycle comes out, but remember that the ester that tren. is bonded to in Parabolan has a longer half-life than the acetate version.

Okay, sounds good to me. I saw the update that it was being shipped, but I thought he emailed once he shipped so that you know it’s coming. Did you get an email about HM? This is the first time I’ve ordered through him, and he seems like a great guy by the way.

MK usually emails prior to shipping, but he may have just had an oversight with you. Do not worry, bro. He has been around quite awhile and is one of the most respected individuals “in his field”. He typically ships from the midwest so take this into consideration when guestimating on when your goodies will arrive…and they will, rest assured.

Racer…I am interested in what diet you are using in conjunction w/ HM, what your side effects are, what dosing you are going to start with, etc…Of course, how much fat you estimate to have lost. Don’t need a daily update, just as time goes by. Also am interested in the Parabolan in comparison with Tren? Thanks.