Has anyone seen this movie on healthy food choices? If so, what are your thoughts?
People would much rather swollow an asprin than eat blueberries as an anti-inflammatory.
People trust and believe all the shit they hear on the t.v.
People simply don’t wish to spend the energy to question or research something they gave been told.
Mindless sheep on their way to the slaughter.
[quote]streamline wrote:
People would much rather swollow an asprin than eat blueberries as an anti-inflammatory.
People trust and believe all the shit they hear on the t.v.
People simply don’t wish to spend the energy to question or research something they gave been told.
Mindless sheep on their way to the slaughter.[/quote]
Yeah, right. Like someone would actually pass up on blueberries. They are kind of hard to find though.
[quote]streamline wrote:
People would much rather swollow an asprin than eat blueberries as an anti-inflammatory.
People trust and believe all the shit they hear on the t.v.
People simply don’t wish to spend the energy to question or research something they gave been told.
Mindless sheep on their way to the slaughter.[/quote]
Yes, very sad. I can’t believe it’s become acceptable to take pills (Alli, Plavix, etc.) to mask underlying health problems and consider ones self ‘healthy’ again, without having attacked the root of the problem (diet/inactivity). What really gets me is that many times people use their self-induced medical conditions as an excuse to not exercise, when exercise should be far from contra-indicated and could do nothing but help. :Steps off of soapbox:
300 grams fiber
Sad thing is, i think there are people who would choose prescription over food.
Antibiotics seem to be a huge contributing factor in why some people continually become sick, overuse leads to a weakening of the immune system i’m told.
My cousin who works within the pharmaceutical/medical industry says that there seems to be a pressure placed on a doctors to a degree, that if they can’t “cure” a problem and quickly then patients simply see another doctor, so suggesting those alternative medicines, changes in diets and activity level can be seen as detrimental to their own practice, because it’s implying that the cause is something the patient has done or not done.
May explain the constant prescribing of useless antibiotics to cure something like a sore red throat (which doesn’t)
OP: have you seen the movie?
I would be interested to know who their 'leaders in nutrition and natural healing" are.
Quote; “We believe that with access to solid information people will invariably make better choices for their health and their family’s health.”
this is bullshit, people already have the information available to them, yet they continue to eat shit, i doubt it will change anything.