I was reading some old threads where some forum members were listing their own recipes that fit into the various eating plans we are on: T-Dawg, Cheaters’ etc. For example, One that I really liked was mixing the chocolate protein, chunky peanut butter and ground flax seeds.
Can some people list some of their other favorite creative concoctions? They can be regular meals or desserts. I am getting real bored with my current food lineup.
4realyo…im glad you liked that recipe i eat those PB bars just about everyday!
here is one that i made up that tastes really good i post this on another thread a few months ago:
Chocolate Pudding Pie
crust( i have give credit to John K. Williams Ph.d for this awesome crust)
1 Cup graham cracker crumbs(break up and put into blender)
1/4 Cup ground flax seeds
1/4 Cup raw oat bran
1 oz. fat free cream cheese
1/3 cup water
1 package chocolate fat free,sugar free pudding
1 1/2 cup cold fat free milk
2-3 scoops van. or chocolate protein powder
2 cups of fat free cottage cheese(smooth out in blender if you dont like white clumps)
after spreading crust in a 8-9" pie pan dump in pudding mixture and freeze. NOTE:after about an hour in the freezer slice the pie up so you dont have to take a hack saw to it later.
this is a great P+C snack,great for post workout after your shake.this pie is put together super quick so there are no excuses not to try it!!
please post some feedback so i know if i should post more of my recipes.
And here is a shake that a freind of mine came up with and i added some finishing touches. P.S. this shake will remind you of Thanksgiving,i use it for a filling P+C breakfast:
Yam or sweet Potato shake:
1- decent sized baked,or microwaved Yam(they are a bit sweeter then sweet potatos)
12 oz. water
1-2 scoops of Vanilla protein powder
1 spoonful of raw oatmeal
1 spoonful of fat free Cool Whip(if you have it around)
A dash on cinnamon
handful of ice…enjoy!
4real…you can run the seeds through a coffee grinder. You can also buy them already ground, in vaccuum-packed bags. I store mine in the refrigerator once their opened, tho.
1 cup grape juice
1 cup skim milk
1 bannana
flavorless fiber supplement
.5 cup ff cc
Xg protein blend (prefer whey/egg white)
5 strawberries
water as needed
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Pour the contents in a non-stick pan sprayed with some Pam. Cover the pan with a large lid. Cook on medium for 5 min unitl it fluffs up. Flip the panckae over to brown the other side and Viola! you’re ready to eat.
Serve it with 10g natural PB spread on top.
Nutrient Breakdown: 190 cals, 25g protein, 7.5 g fat, 4 g cho.
This is based on my body wt but you can double it to match your nutrient requirements.
personaly for a quick tasty P+F i mix chocolate protein powder with a dollop of PB and stir with enough water till it’s gooey then add sugar free jello