Health Club Over-billings

The health club industry has to be one of the worst for over charging its customers. I used to work out at Super Fitness in Toronto and my membership expired in June. I had joined a new gym. June’s visa statement came in and everything seemed fine, then I got hit with charges in both July and August (my wife also got charged). I am so freaking pissed off. Now I have to raise some hell until they cancel my membership.
I know some health clubs will automatically re-enroll you if you do not advise them in writing within a certain amount of time that you intend to cancel. Super Fitness staff told me that this was not necessary at their clubs.
The same thing happened to me when I was at Bally’s. I had to threaten to sue them to get them to stop charging me. Bally’s even has websites devoted to their over-billing practices warning customers to not join. I urge all of you to watch these companies carefully and not join one of these two gyms if you are considering it. Anyone else have similar experiences?
Kyle from Toronto

Lesson: Don’t give your credit card number to these “automatic billing” companies. Especially if that credit card draws directly from your checking account. Keep the control in YOUR hands, not theirs.

I had exactly the same problem at Ballys on Bloor St W. But in fairness they did stop the automatic withdraws on VISA immediatley and refunded my money. BTW are you the city politician Kyle Rae?

Kyle from Toronto, How ya doing, eh? When I first joined
Gold’s 4 -1/2 years ago, I had a similar problem. After
paying all the up-front horse shit plus my first 3 months’ dues,
I figured they would leave me alone for a while. Well, I was
WRONG! For no particular reason at all those HOSERS tacked
on an additional 3 months dues to my “Visa Card!” Those
BASTARDS triple billed me! My solution: I closed that account
and opened a different Visa, getting a new number. ( Visa sent a new
card via express mail the very next day.) Now, I always pay by cash
at the first of every month. ::::----::::

The piece of crap Gold’s I cancelled from keeps charging me on my account. They deducted $50 for cancelling, then continue to charge my monthly fee. They are totally inept and a worthless outfit. What can you expect when you have a bunch of wanna be meatheads running the joint.

The Bally’s I had a problem with was also the Bloor location. After threatening to sue, they did stop the charges and refund some of my money. Hope I get the same luck with Super Fitness.
And no I am not Kyle Rae. Last name is Brodie.

Nice to know I’m not alone in dealing with this crap. I called visa yesterday and they said that as far as they are concerned, I must have a contract with them since I am being charged. If I change my visa #, they will move the charges over. They did say however, that I could mail the health club a letter terminating the agreement and after 30 days if the charges do not stop, visa will block them.

I was joking about whether or not you were Kyle Rae; I doubt he’s ever exercised in his life.

i work at a bally’s. Does anyone else work at bally’s out their especially in cali. I am moving their in 6 months.

Read the contract Kyle.

lets see some poor shmuck is trying to pay their bills so they add another payment on your card, they know you are gonna catch it and get your money back but I am sure some do not. are you realy supprised? don’t use credit cards or allow withdrawal from your checking or saveings account. why do you think they love those things? why do you think its cheaper? sure one reason is that they are “sure” that they get the money but even in clubs that let you cancell at any time its usualy cheaper. peace