Something to consider guys. This scares the SHIT out of me, my hand started shaking a little after reading this. Seriously, just wow. I’d really like to talk to someone with some experience in neurology to see whats up with the potential for this kind of thing happening to someone.
[i]Dojosensei - See, this is where FANS get fighters killed. If a fighter taps to a punch, he did it for a reason. Sure there are 'bitches" that tap out to that shit then there are those fighters that know damage is coming and he can’t do anything about it for whatever reason. You can hang in there and end up brain damaged LIKE I DID or you can be smart, know you’re beaten for whatever reason and tap out, fight again 3 months later.
I used to be one of those that I would take all of the punches someone had just to tire them out and then it’s show time folks. Stood toe to toe with a 6’3 275 lbs fighter (yep, 2 weight classes above me) and just let him unload knowing he would tire out. Was doing 1 night tournaments etc… Finally got into a fight and took repeated punches to the back of the head. The first punch that landed was to the back of the head, i don’t remember shit after that. Finally got to see the video a couple of years later to see repeated shots to the back of the skull (gee, I have a brain tumor now at the brainstem with early onset of muscular dystrophy, memory loss, seizures etc…). After it was over with, the referee stood over me giving me the DX suck it chop. Ref was his coach/buddy and had been going around for 2 months prior telling everyone i would get my ass kicked. Guess they made sure of that one. Way to stack the deck though.
Had no equilibrium for about a year then things came back. Started training again and then found out that I could no longer really take a punch. Went ahead and fought anyway and found myself in half guard taking massive amounts of punches. Realized there was nowhere I could go and tapped out. It was about 2 wks later the neurological issues began and went downhill from there. 3 strokes, seizures, brain tumor, muscular dystrophy (hereditary but early onset due to head trauma), memory loss, slurred speech at times etc…
Head Trauma is absolutely nothing to play with. Don’t take anymore punishment than is necessary just to “be a man”.[/i]
Thread from that it’s on: