HCG for Fat Loss

Just wondering if anyone heard of the big craze…injectiing HCG from weight loss…that dope Kevin Trudeau wrote…I found some message boards…people are nuts with that stuff…his book is claming 10 lbs a week per fat loss injecting this…the claim is…HCG tricks the body into thinking its pregant…and releases energy from fat stores to feed the baby (thats not there)…

HCG may have effects similar to what has been proposed, but the reasonings given (from what you’ve said) are complete crap. I’ve never used HCG so I can’t comment on the efficacy for fat loss, but I do know that it doesn’t work as stated.

Ive personally never used HCG as well, however of all the people I do know that have used it not a single one has mentioned anything about any significant fat loss.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I have used it. I did not notice any appreciable fat loss.

However I did develop a craving for blueberry and sardine paninis with yoghurt!


Yuck, lol!

I have used 250 i.u. sub q in the stomach eod for a month and never experienced overall body comp change, weight loss, spot injected weight loss or anything else. The only thing that happened is my balls got really big, and I am assuming aided in my pct when I got off cycle. What type of dosages and protocols does he refer to?

he tells people to eat 500 calories a day…do colonics…fasting…no sugar…no this…no that…no shampoo,no deoderant…no lipstick…hes a wack job and was arrested again…lol and being sued for his #1 seller

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I have used it. I did not notice any appreciable fat loss.

However I did develop a craving for blueberry and sardine paninis with yoghurt!


Lol, at first I read this and thought, ‘blueberry and sardine penis? WTF?’


Hi all
I have just completed the above mentioned protocol. 30 lbs 21 days…My body comp changed drastically face , waist and ass. Was 220 now 190. Did I work out? Frankly no. Could I have ? Sure my energy level was quiet high.
I personally think it had far more to do with the 500cal/day diet than anything else lol.

As to my weight I’m quiet sure that much is H20.

The protocol diet was
100 grams organic chicken 2 times a day
1 handful organic greens 2 times a day
a couple of organic apples
lots H20 or green tea
periodically substutute meat for chicken
200 IU HCG once a day for 21 days
No contact with any absorbable oils

I’m not promoting this I’m just stating my facts


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hCG will increase T and E, thus leading to HPTA shutdown.

Research published in 2005 established that 250iu SC EOD restored intratesticular testosterone [ITT] levels to baseline in young normal men who had HPTA from 200mg test ester per week.

What does that mean? For younger normal guys, taking 250iu EOD will simply just lead to HPTA shutdown and T and E levels might not change much.

For guys with lower T levels from inadequate LH production, 250iu EDO would increase T&E, if the testes are working.

What about larger amounts of hCG? The same research showed that 250iu achieved 93% of ITT baseline and 500iu took ITT to 126%

250iu hCG increased serum T slightly [~8%] and 500iu slightly more again [~16%].

These changes are very minor. Compared to what TRT does for guys who go from below normal to near 1000… not the same game at all. TRT for some will create a fast weight loss, but that can get stuck on belly fat. TRT leads to elevated E2 levels, then some fat can remain stubborn and fat deposit patterns can remain adverse. Lowering E2 to the lower twenties can lead to favourable fat deposit patterns and loss of chest and belly fat. As always, results will vary.

I can see where hCG would help for those with significant fat, resulting in higher T–>E aromatization. In that case, the elevated E would be reducing LH and T levels would be lower. hCG 250iu EOD might then create an increase of T production, raising serum T levels. But the E2 produced in the testes will then also increase. An increase in the T:E ratio may occur, but E levels will not go down and the elevated E is increasing SHBG which is then reducing free T. I think that one could get better results and avoid HPTA shutdown with .5 - 1.0 mg/wk Arimidex/anastrozole aka adex. With adex, E goes down, LH and T increase [not huge] and the lower E leads to less SHBG and that allows for more free T.

Short version: hCG alone is probably not effective in most cases.

As for hCG in preggy moms releasing lipids [triglycerides] from fat tissue. Tell that to moms who put on twenty pounds, not counting the weight of baby.

Note that normal men and non-pregnant women have about the same serum hCG levels.

A lil side note… a pregant mom gives her baby there # of fat cells in her 3rd trimester…so blame mom !!

you realy wanna laugh look at that dopes book…or some of the message boards for people doing ‘the protocal’ they are brain washed wack jobs…they fast…crap there brains out ,eat 500 cals…then claim it was the HCG !!lol

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level 3 Biotest jedi…haha…i love that.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
KSman wrote:
Note that normal men and non-pregnant women have about the same serum hCG levels.

Can we just clarify this please?

Since Human chorionic gonadotrophin is extracted from the urine of pregnant women, it should not actually be present in the serum of healthy males. Or am I missing something?

Were you actually referring to LH and FSH?


I think he meant that it’s present in only extremely SMALL amounts in both healthy men and healthy NON-PREGNANT women. It’s not something that women should have either unless they are pregnant.

[quote]sweatsalot wrote:
Hi all
I have just completed the above mentioned protocol. 30 lbs 21 days…My body comp changed drastically face , waist and ass. Was 220 now 190. Did I work out? Frankly no. Could I have ? Sure my energy level was quiet high.
I personally think it had far more to do with the 500cal/day diet than anything else lol.

As to my weight I’m quiet sure that much is H20.

The protocol diet was
100 grams organic chicken 2 times a day
1 handful organic greens 2 times a day
a couple of organic apples
lots H20 or green tea
periodically substutute meat for chicken
200 IU HCG once a day for 21 days
No contact with any absorbable oils

I’m not promoting this I’m just stating my facts


So…you lost a bunch of fat and probably a lot of muscle and water on a near starvation diet without working out. And you happened to take HCG during this time as well. That about right?

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
KSman wrote:
Note that normal men and non-pregnant women have about the same serum hCG levels.

Can we just clarify this please?

Since Human chorionic gonadotrophin is extracted from the urine of pregnant women, it should not actually be present in the serum of healthy males. Or am I missing something?

Were you actually referring to LH and FSH?


Lab norms for hCG for men and non prego women is listed at <5 by some labs and <10 by others. I don’t recall the units. I was surprised by this as well. The numbers in early pregnacy are a HUGE number… enough to make one puke.

It is the effect of the hCG on the testes that creates the testosterone in male fetuses at around 12 weeks. This is what must drive the early sexual differentiation. So males actually are ‘using’ hCG to make their testes work before they are born. But doctors are afraid to prescribe it.

hCG levels fall off later in pregnacy.


Entirely correct, not alot of muscle loss though. Yes it was the caloric restrictions that did it not a question . However there was no suffering in terms of hunger or need for food. I didn’t feel empty or full, I just missed different tastes. And Bushy I agree if I was sponsering this method I’d post pics, all I’m saying is the weight left and if the injections helped so be it. Olbviously I’m out of my leauge here so I’ll quietly withdraw


[quote]sweatsalot wrote:

Entirely correct, not alot of muscle loss though. Yes it was the caloric restrictions that did it not a question . However there was no suffering in terms of hunger or need for food. I didn’t feel empty or full, I just missed different tastes. And Bushy I agree if I was sponsering this method I’d post pics, all I’m saying is the weight left and if the injections helped so be it. Olbviously I’m out of my leauge here so I’ll quietly withdraw


Hmmm…well, it’s interesting to me that you feel you didn’t lose much muscle with that diet and not working out and that you weren’t hungry. Maybe the HCG DID have something to do with that. Doesn’t make mcuh sense to me though